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The discovery of new satellites orbiting Uranus, forced scientists to return to the study of old problems. They try to understand whether the system of this gas giant stable - and how likely collision with each other. What can happen as a result of such a cosmic accident? There are a number of alternative versions.
Fertility Uranium entered in the ancient legends, his offspring, it is difficult to list - storocia hecatoncheir, titans and even God Helios is the grandson of Uranium! And this is only a small part of his offspring! But in astronomy Uranium wonderful huge number of its various satellites, is completely not similar to each other.
Recall that Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781, and two of its largest satellite, Oberon and Titania, he discovered in 1787. Since then, the number of satellites of Uranus exceeded twenty, they were spotted flying Voyager", as well as from the vicinity of the Earth - sharp telescope Hubble. There Uranium and rings, not so spectacular, however, as Saturn, but significantly present. It is interesting that, according to the tradition, all the satellites of this planet are named after the heroes of the works of Shakespeare.
Inner satellites "Father of the titans" Packed very tightly - much closer than the rest of the planets! Their orbits are in the range of 10 thousand kilometers, where rotate as much as 13 heavenly phone When were produced promising calculations of their movement, it turned out that some are doomed to an inevitable collision. And the first candidates to certain death and the transformation of the steel frivolous Cupid and not less frivolous Belinda.
The clash is not the slightest doubt - the only question is exactly defined temporary criteria of this cataclysm. The consequences will be very dramatic for all satellite systems Uranium, and lift their results are very approximate.
In late 1990-ies was a hypothesis of a catastrophic "traffic accidents" on the orbits of satellites of Uranus. Since then the number of possible "victim" increased to 21. Among them, three are the findings "Voyager-2" and those detected in the picture of the Hubble telescope: small satellites Perdita, Cupid and MAB.
Therefore, experts from the SETI Institute (USA) Robert French and Mark Showalter had to go back to the idea of modeling the motion of satellites of Uranus to check and identify the future of this very rich satellite system. The decision, however, this calculation problems is a lot of uncertainty: satellites are very small, the telescope is hardly distinguishable, so it is often difficult to judge their size and relative location. Their weight and influence each other as yet uncertain. So the modeling is carried out with a significant degree of uncertainty, which is unusual for astronomical tasks for the movement. But now, alas, to solve it more accurately very difficult.
However, it was discovered one intriguing fact - mass companions almost irrelevant, because the orbit of one or other of the pair of these objects overlap in a very narrow time gap! So, for example, that Cupid and Belinda must face in a thousand, or ten million years (depending on what is selected initial conditions). The clash will have implications, which can be quite different depending on the composition of the satellites. Because he regiment is unknown, it is possible to predict all the options - from scattering solid rocks when confronted before sticking together and further transformation into the new one body.
The next "doomed" pair flying on a dramatic meeting is Cressida and Desdemona (temporary evaluation - from 100 thousand to million years). Then, according to scientists, transformed "Cruzdemon" crash into Juliet, and "Kuppel" - Perdita (mean here also the formation of new satellite phone when disasters). And after that will come the quiet interval treatment satellites of Uranus, when the unlikely event of an accident.
It should be noted that the above was stated only one scenario. All can be differently - for example, if Cupid and Belinda not form a whole, and fine cloud stretched along the orbit, will ring, which can be formed after the new moon. It is well known that the set of rings and satellites of Uranus has additional small ring in an unusual place - inside the orbit of Cupid.
The Cupid, according to simulation results, has a very low life expectancy. The researchers expressed surprise that Cupid is still there! It's a ring - a sign of his impending doom? Indeed, in the F ring of Saturn is a similar phenomenon, and these anomalies due to "traffic" collisions satellites.
However, Hal Levinson from the Southwest research Institute (USA), co-author of the model of the Solar system "nice" offers alternative solutions. In his calculations postulated the emergence of the planets unstable orbits, with subsequent impacts and seeking "peaceful" orbits, which terminated the cataclysms and the system becomes established and durable as the current Solar system.
Previously assumed about the same chaos, which in the system of satellites of Uranus is postulated by the authors of the theory of catastrophes, but in the future wins harmony and consistency of treatment. Is it possible to consider the satellite system of Uranium quite harmonious? Is it possible or not clash and transformation in the future?
Without a doubt, any nontrivial solution of this task will be tested by time, and the remoteness of Uranium and its satellite systems from observers on the Ground will allow to observe the proceedings at a safe distance. And, most importantly, to analyse the implications of possible variations in the movement of satellites most unusually inclined to the Ecliptic plane of the planet of the Solar system...