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Как определить свое предназначение в жизни?Usually, every person is born in those conditions that should ensure its awakening and growth of consciousness, and thus the manifestation of himself in this particular lesson. But the darkness had corrupted all of these conditions and thereby deliberately evaded the law of Karma. She found many ways to not match the experience accumulated in the former life need to be punished, and to pass it on to other innocent people. System peculiarities of darkness are that people in it specially disoriented not only knowledge of their facilities, but about his sacred humanity.

Hidden and perverted intimate knowledge about man made people helpless toys in the hands of their abusive puppeteers. Man devoid of knowledge about yourself or disoriented incorrect settings from the system of darkness, unable truly to choose the path of life, therefore, is certainly in one way or another trap.

For example, the most recent postulates that define the meaning of life system of darkness is that the meaning and purpose of human life consists in the accumulation of material wealth. Financial and material situation of the person causes now his social status and respect in the society, so many young people no longer seek to develop their spiritual component, accumulating wealth INCORRUPTIBLE, and on the contrary, seek to live one day and type of material goods as much as possible, to succeed here and now. Meanwhile, it is the very trap for the human soul, which makes a person disoriented, but then he never in his life today may not be what he destined from birth.

The rich man realizes his money as a huge energy potential, to escape from his Karma. They are like a fire out of a jet plane are rich man from place to place in order Karma could not catch up. Sometimes this race lasts for years, and is rich in finds no place anywhere on Earth. And finally, there comes a moment when his Karma catches up at the turn of the transition of his Soul from the physical plane of existence in the subtle worlds. It is here that are being implemented all missed the effects of Karma, which is collected every one of grains and finally result in the Soul, unable to resist the great Laws of Life. That is why Christ said that the rich will not enter Paradise as camel's rope cannot enter the eye of a needle...

To realize oneself is fully meet the purpose of the growth of your soul. At each stage of life must fit into the schedule of growth of the consciousness and, if possible, to prevent black failures in their matrix of the next seven years. If such failures remains a lot, human consciousness ceases to grow and begin to walk in a circle. Many people are well aware of this state of walking in a circle, like the horse runs at the circus, and the beach Drover - the fate of all drives and drives it on this circle.

To go with this circle there is a need to think about my life and understand what exactly is your fault, what you need to learn how and where to make an effort.
This rethinking is called REPENTANCE. It allows you to do more right steps and not to err again on already acquired skills and knowledge. To find yourself, you can always precisely in the fact that you like. And people have to choose exactly like it, and not to pull or for another benefit. The soul of the person always KNOWS just what she needed at this stage of its formation, and let solutions person someone can seem strange, but it should not betray himself and his Supreme sacred nature and should only go up in the ascending line of his life, so that at each stage of its development, to purchase and new conditions of life, and a new environment and new Hobbies.

Many professions - many skills, a great spiritual and creative experience such a person will always produce fruit that will be needed by society, which means that he will always be able to get their daily bread. Moreover, such a person becomes a guide for many others walking around the eternal circle. His example is a guiding star, and therefore, it performs one of the Highest Law of Life Is the Law of Sacrifice. Amass wealth INCORRUPTIBLE and then life will get all you need.

How to become master of their own destiny and not to fall into the trap of darkness?

Trap of darkness are at all stages of the evolution of earthlings due to the fact that the Earth is undergoing its most deep dive into the world of coarse material, and therefore, it is necessary to pass all the tests and get them clean and understanding that man is born for the enlightenment of his spirit and save his Conscience. Trap of darkness can only be effective against the people of the weak, weak-willed, not with security forces in the form of a high commitment to the Forces of Light throughout the hierarchy, accessible understand person at every stage of its formation. So, if for a child Supreme hierarchs of Light can be his own parents and relatives of its Kind, an adult Hierarch of Light can be his teacher in school or teacher in the Institute.

The hierarchy of Light begins on Earth and extends beyond the physical world. However, as antidiarrhea of darkness. She also has several levels and, having begun, for example, in the person of demonic Explorer, a "friend" of the pouring the first drink or kalybayeva first injection of the drug, or friend who pens in his bed, or offering sex for money, maybe, in the end, the end for a man first community of antidiarrhea darkness in prison, and then in the lower worlds of hell, where detached from the evolution of the soul of man reaches immediately after death. Premature death takes in the lower worlds filled with antimalaria human soul and she was immersed in such a gloomy darkness and destruction that you can no longer see her Light, and hence further evolution.

And isn't this the definition of their own destiny? Man makes his choice between Light and darkness each lived consciously day in his life. The slightest relief in detail, and now on the path of his fall. No pain momentary experiences, everyday troubles cannot and should not cost a huge loss of his own immortal Soul. Therefore, it is better to endure hardships in this demonic and little enlightened world, than to go down to the bottom of involution.

A real master of his fate will make the right conclusions from the read books and will not sell your Immortal soul for a momentary pleasure, which will then reflected on his life a bitter tears. A real master of his Fate chooses once and for all your way to the Light and no longer pushed on the ground, filled with people living your life without a purpose and not understand why they were born here. A real master of his fate gets in may the Light and is growing every day, getting all new and new qualities of the perfect Personality, knowing that her way into the Infinity has just begun, and it is just at the foot of the gorgeous mountains, which must be subdued to see from the top of the huge expanse of the opportunities that come to the true master of his fate.

And a slave to his fate, meanwhile, will look for the causes of our failures and weaknesses. He will be guilty ALL who are not received him something that he considered himself entitled to demand from others. Resentment, moral turpitude, laziness, fear, and not of the organization, will make such a person first "homeless" bodily and spiritual, and then send it to the bottom of the Universe for processing in mineral Kingdom.

High Light universe is waiting for true warriors and masters of their own destiny and everyone should know that the great victory is victory over oneself. The one who has managed to overcome their weaknesses and vices, that is the real master of his fate. After all, if the habit produces character, and character produces fate, so in order to change their life for the better, it is necessary to start with the most harmful of their habit.

Thus, overcoming his vices, man begins to move to the heights of perfection and begins to open its profound potential of the spirit, living in Centuries and millennia, with many eternal savings.
The shadow of the Vice covers in it the size of Soul and spirit, but it is necessary to get rid of it, how come all the necessary conditions for growth and advancement in the evolutionary ladder of Light.
Thus welcomes the universe his Warriors of Light, so she detaches them from dirty and amorphous mass of life of inhabitants.
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