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1. Sugar stop hiccups. Hiccups are annoying, but you can stop it for one minute, eating a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Experts believe that the sudden irritation of receptors language that is responsible for the feeling of sweet, overloads pulses nerves mouth and stop hiccups.
2. "Listerine" cure nail fungus
Immersion foot in a container with mouthrinse "Listerine" twice a day cure most cases of nail fungus. "Listerine" contains antiseptics and disinfectants. He has already found many applications - from treatment of gonorrhea to wash floors.
"Listerine" as well blisters (apply to blister 2-3 times a day) and with dandruff.
3. Yogurt eliminates bad breath
Research has shown that bacteria living in the diet yoghurt, reduce the number of bacteria that cause bad breath. The demise of the latter makes breathing more fresh.
4. Olive oil helps eczema
Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and moistens the skin. Apply fresh, unrefined olive oil on the still wet skin immediately after a shower. Olive oil helps retain moisture and eases pain symptoms in the acute exacerbation of eczema.
5. Chewing gum with peppermint or cinnamon soothes stress
Studies have shown that chewing peppermint or cinnamon gum increases the concentration and reduces the fatigue of not less than 20 percent. The subjects reported dvadtsatipyatiletnih reducing fatigue and increasing attention by 30 percent. Also, the drive seemed chewed such cud 30 percent shorter time than those who did without chewing gum.
6. Scotch cures warts
Many people go through lengthy procedures, getting rid of warts. Treatment usually involves painful procedure like the treatment of cold, acid therapy and laser cauterization. However, even cold treatment (treatment of warts with liquid nitrogen) gives results only in 60 percent of cases. For comparison, painless use small pieces of adhesive tape now about 85 percent of cases.
Just stick a small piece of Scotch tape on the wart and leave for a week. Then, rinse and clean pumice skin area with a wart. Then, tile adhesive tape for another week. Repeat until the wart disappears.
7. Pencils headaches
Pressure headache often comes from the unconscious compression jaws. Gently holding in his mouth a pencil, you will contribute to the relaxation of masticatory muscles and relieving headaches.
8. Vodka eliminates unpleasant smell feet
Wipe the feet with a cloth soaked in vodka. Contained in vodka alcohol antiseptic, besides it dries the skin. Alcohol destroys fungi and bacteria that cause bad breath, and eliminate dampness, promote their reproduction.
9. Olives and lemons are struggling with sea sickness
Excess salivation from "illusions" provokes nausea. Eating olives or passivnye slices of lemon at the first signs of seasickness will ease nausea due to the tannins found in these results.
10. Tomatoes treat acne
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins C and A, antioxidants, and acids, they can be used for the treatment of minor skin disorders. The most effective treatment in case of high oily skin (the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands; approx.). Make tomato puree, resulting mass apply on face and leave for an hour. After a rinse with cold water and gently dry the face. To repeat every day during the week.