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Прием радиосигнала из альтернативной реальностиAlready for a long time science a phenomenon known as the Long Delay Echo - reception of the echo signal with a delay in time. This phenomenon has been reported by many researchers. It consists in the fact that the radio station, passing in the space of a radio signal, took back the echo signal sent. The echo was recorded and third stations that are configured on the same frequency. Signal delay varies in the range from a few seconds to one minute. Radio signal strength is almost not lost, as if someone relays.

The length of the delay has absolutely no influence on the power of the received echo. Scientists noticed that echo clearly manifests itself in the new frequencies, which have not yet had time to learn. Over time and while taking the range of radio stations observed frequency shift, blur waves and compressing the time between pulses received radio signal relatively sent.

The reception of the echo is to this day. Researcher I.N. Grigorov experimentally established that LDE operates in the wavelength range from 13 to 30 meters. Wave of such frequency is able to go beyond the Earth's ionosphere.

In the middle of the XX century was proposed another theory. Sent from the Ground signals are relayed alien probe without losses of capacity. Time delay retransmitted signal of the probe can transmit information about your location. However, this theory falls apart at the seams: are unlikely extraterrestrial civilization would use such a complex and questionable way of communication with the Earth. Yes, and the presence on earth orbit alien probe has not been confirmed experimentally.

There is a formal hypothesis on the reception of the echo signal. According to this hypothesis, the waves in space are reflected from fluktuiruyushchimi plasma formations. However, this assumption has one major drawback is reflected thus the waves will be distorted, which contradicts the experimental results. Moreover, without distortion is the reception of radio signals digital type.

Proceeding from all this, the phenomenon of radioecho today remains a mystery. The existing hypotheses about the reflection and retransmission of radio signals can be neither proved nor disproved by modern science.

1) Hypothesis alternative realities.

There is a very bold and new hypothesis that combines both natural and artificial factors: LDE is sent by radio-twin, located in an alternate reality. The received radio signal in this case, not an echo, because its source is independent transmitter. This is so: after radiation of radio signal transmitter in "our" world, with a short delay the radio signal is received from another world, similar to ours. Likely to fix LDE must be met certain conditions.

A large number of the received radio signal indicates the presence of many alternate realities that have exactly the same alternative radio transmitters. The fact of reception of signals from alternative stations due to resonance in the world air - process with the same frequency of e/m oscillations exist simultaneously in all versions of history. Presumably, to secure the existence of alternative worlds, you can, if you create a resonance simultaneous e/m processes in the air - the global environment.

The current reality for us will be the option that contains a considerable number of witnesses and has a maximum probability of implementation with minimum energy losses.

This hypothesis converges in the works of physics H. Everett "Quantum mechanics on the basis of "relative status".

The phenomenon LDE under the new hypothesis is a particular manifestation of the fundamental principles of nature, which are connected with other phenomena and concepts, and so forth will be affected by many different approaches.

For explanations of the phenomenon of radioecho you can go the following way: imagine that in addition to the four basic measurements (3 spatial, plus time), there is also a fifth, reflecting the development of events. Since all these realities will exist in common to all of the worlds broadcast, between them should be the ability to transfer information. Then you will use a static concept of time when an instantaneous there is past, present, and future.

Similar reality is almost identical to ours, but because of some mismatches during the development of events it will be slightly different. Moreover, an alternate reality have different probabilities of realization of the same events can appear and disappear from the observer in the current reality, merging and uvatlas from it.

Various delays radio reception of alternative realities is due to the different pace of time. The local rate of time reality may depend on its internal energy.

In no event it is impossible to confuse the rate of time with the physical time. Physical flow of time is the same for all the worlds, as it is specified by the properties of our Universe. The rate of time also characterizes the frequency of these events in reality. They may occur more quickly and more often, and can occur more slowly.

Consequently, similar to two realities event from the point of view of the current reality will happen later. If radio reception is from reality slower pace of time, in our reality we will fix LDE. But why there is resonance with reality ahead of our pace of time? Because in the current reality hasn't happened yet the condition of resonance. Otherwise, radioecho could be noted before the transfer. However, there were cases, when there was the result of an event that has not occurred yet in the current reality. This means that you can interact with reality, ahead of ours.

Multiple variants of the future and the past can be represented in the form of a chess Board with the pieces set, where each situation can precede many different sequences of moves.

Russian researcher S. B. the Pereslegin found that the development of world history can be formally described on the basis of the equations of quantum mechanics. This leads to certain conclusions.

According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle you cannot determine the position and momentum of an electron. Perhaps this is because the particle moves right through the endless number of possible trajectories. The principle of fractal similarity enables to apply this approach to the macrocosm. Maybe our Earth moves in space and time for all valid historical trajectories, realizing at the same time each of variants of its existence. After all, if the particles, which are the "bricks" of matter exist in all their variants, why systems that are built on them, not to conform to this principle.

According to the General theory of relativity, space-time is inherent dynamism. So, theoretically, can be illusory Universes, caused by fluctuations of space-time which is not dependent on our geometric and spatial-temporal parameters.

radio reception is from an alternate reality

2) The Theory Of Nikola Tesla.

radio reception is from an alternate reality

The difference of States of the selected system (options reality) at the rate of time is always paired with a difference in the spatial coordinates of these conditions (for example, alternative planets Earth). This difference of coordinates is located on the center of rotation of the Universe - the zero point, and has an indefinite probabilistic in nature. Therefore, alternative reality have a phase shift relative to the current reality, if we take as reference the zero point.

The offset is relative to the zero point leads to the fact that the matter of alternative realities has a different frequency of natural oscillations. That's why we don't see in your world of alternative facilities. Related reality geometrically are close by, but can't affect each other financially, as the moments of the existence of the one reality fall on the moments of nothing else. Only valid information link at occurrence of resonance coherent "mirror" processes twins.

When studying physical interaction realities significant role is played by the concept of the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla. He assumed that our material world is just a hologram of standing waves for the vibrations of the ether on a fixed frequency. Different frequency vibrations of the ether will produce different worlds with different frequency vibration components into them.

Reality, differing frequencies of vibrations of the ether, are separated from each other geometrically. When the vibration amplitude maximum of one world (the world of material), the amplitude of the vibrations of other worlds below mc2. It means that for the current world other worlds will not exist because of differences in the phase.

Tesla believed that reality are located in five-dimensional universe with a phase shift of the law of octaves. The space-time intervals between alternative worlds geometrically joint "Golden section". Sources for this theory was philosophical doctrine of Anaxagoras, Leucippus and Democritus.

The passage of time on Earth, in the views of Nikola Tesla, determined by the phase of rotation of the Earth, the Galaxy and in the whole Universe. Reality is created relative to the zero point. Thus, the universe looks like a spinning top with a zero point, which plays the role of the hole. Vibrationsproject for a world ether are a vortex character. The outer surface of the torus is expanding, as evidenced by the recession of galaxies. Angular speed of rotation relative to the zero point, that is the time speed equal to the speed of light in vacuum, so the distribution of any vibration rotary component does not exceed the speed of light. In addition, the global circulation does not exclude the direction of rotation (course of time). Obviously, when you change the direction of rotation of the outer surface of the Torah world will constantly decrease.

Representation of the time, according to the theories of Nikola Tesla.

Historical time is determined by the movement of the planet relative to the zero point, i.e. the phase relative to the beginning of rotation (transition of world Torah from expansion to contraction). As these cycles there are infinite, the universe could not have a beginning or an end, and the universe will last forever.

Options for the future just ahead of our reality in the rotation relative to the zero point, the choices of the past on the contrary - are lagging behind. In different realities gravitational indicators of Land are virtually identical, so their time is similar processes will be coherently.

The phase change of rotation of the Universe can afford to implement versions of history. This means that the diverse reality have the opportunity to get close and withdraw.

Different variations of history can coincide in one reality, because of what alternative worlds disappear. Managing the creation and liquidation of alternative worlds, from the point of view of the observer current reality is connected with change of the probability of certain events, determining the future course of history.

Under some assumptions, Tesla was endowed with the gift to penetrate into other realities and to communicate with their representatives. During his studies he was able to gather a machine that can enter the brain in resonance with different phase from our worlds. There are even documented evidence that Tesla was often used by this high-frequency device in the laboratory in Wardenclyffe.

3) As radioecho distributed in physical space.

Based on the theories of Tesla, will try to explain how radioecho the spread on the Ground. Imagine that in time local time t radio transmitter starts sending into space signal 1. This assumes that somewhere in an alternate reality there is exactly the same transmitter that is sending the same signal at the same frequency at the time of your local time t. Geometric phase shift chosen so that alternative Land is located near ours, and it is lagging behind the pace of time.

As a result of coherent electromagnetic oscillation process in the air is resonance, resulting after a small delay in our reality will receive a radio signal transmitted alternative transmitter. The delay comes from the difference in the rate of time and the time taken to cover the radio signal in the vicinity of the Earth.

After a while the transmitter is in our reality transmits a radio signal 2. However, during this period of time transformed the likelihood of world events, and there is another alternate reality to another phase shift. In this alternate reality, there is also a radio transmitter, opustevshiy radio 2. In the current reality again there is a radio reception, but with a different delay time.

In cases where there are several similar alternative realities, radioecho can repeat several times.

4) Where during the development of radio frequencies disappear the echo?

According to the hypothesis, loss echo in connection with the holding of new radio frequency means a transformation of probabilities. With an increased likelihood of an event (for example, transfer of radio signal at a certain frequency), fewer alternatives reality regarding this event. It turns out that the development of a new range of frequencies increases the probability of radio transmissions in this band, and as a result - to decrease the number of alternate realities where this broadcast happened. Indeed, the more developed the range, the higher is the chance that it will be the broadcast.

5) a Possible consequence of the hypothesis - chronocardiology.

Theoretically valid instrumental (technical) examination of alternative worlds, and therefore artificial change of probability of their realization.

The phenomenon LDE can be used for radio reception doubles transmitters and use them to compute the approximation similar variations of the story.

You can also assume that to travel among alternative realities can not just radio, but also a witness (people).

Imagine that there is a version of history that is similar to our very small differences. This means that these two realities are very slight differences in rotational frequency and phase shifts. Geometrically they are very close to each other. The process of technical examination of alternative world might look something like this:

1. Radio reception from an alternate reality secures the availability of alternative Land;
2. Around the person witness creates a strong vortex electromagnetic field modulation of e/m the structure of the witness;
3. Own frequency of fluctuations of a person is modified with respect to the zero point, so that he begins to oscillate at a frequency of the selected alternative Land;
4. In the modulation of own frequency of vibration and small geometric displacement man begins to be present in the space of an alternative world and to see an alternate reality.

During the transition process should be as careful as having started the supervision of an alternate reality, but still being in the current, one can literally "go through the wall", if the aforesaid no walls in an alternate reality. Physically it will look like this: people visually dissolved, geometrically moving on the path of maximum probability, but the surrounding environment saves all of electromagnetic interaction with him and gradually weakened as young people move to another reality on the branches option. Moreover, if the movement of a person by branches variant is the most likely, this process will go without energy, or even with its selection - people can disappear from the current reality forever. The movement in a less likely option requires energy - man will push back.

From the point of view of the witness, he will be in the version of the future or the past. If, in the course of its movement in the alternative, this option is merged with the current reality, the person gets into the current reality with the imprint of time shifting, as his pace in the otherworld was somewhat different. As a witness may know something that did not take place in the current reality, or something that had not yet done.

I must say that during the examination of other reality remains a causal relationship. It is the basis for artificial transformation of the probability of realization of any alternative history. Changing anything in the variant of the future, even just watching for a person increases the chance of realization of a variant of the past, where this effect is compensated. So, coming back, the subject will not in the past. It means doing something in the future, the subject will transform probabilistic tunnel in the past.

Suppose the subject And did something in the future and transformed probabilistic tunnel in the past, but at high costs of energy was artificially returned to his native reality. For other entities, In, G, consisting in information communication, it will cause a compensatory change in tunnels in the future and the past, i.e. will increase the chance of implementation of a certain variant of the future that may be discovered during the passage of bifurcation points. Accordingly, in the past will be marked prints of this process. While moving subjects, In, G, a new tunnel will be involved more and more of actors interacting with them - in accordance with the law of conservation of information.

The change of movement of the constituent entities of the options of history can be implemented and on a larger scale, using the property of reducing the variety of options. This can be achieved by using electromagnetic field created with correlators. Their purpose is to implement some information process with a wide variety of variations of events. By the law of conservation of information, this will cause the reduction of diversity in the field correlator, reducing the chances of the implementation of alternatives. As a universal correlator you can use the generator of chaos that implements the autocorrelation function. Situated on large area, the system of correlators may contain information diversity on a large scale, making it possible to only one specific scenario. The same result can be achieved Obruchev large area of electromagnetic waves "white noise" even small capacity.

The mathematical theory of the described processes are in the separate works of the famous mathematician and philosopher John von Neumann, as well as Cybernetics and biologist U. R. Ashby.

The Idea N. Tesla gives fantastic potential for holographic medicine. Indeed, if a person has had a serious disease of an organ but has the ether matrix, which stores all variations of a person with a healthy body, local manipulation of frequency of vibration of the patient, it is possible to achieve the full recovery of the affected organ, until its reconstruction after the amputation. This indirectly confirms the Tesla experiments on visualization of wave matrix of living creatures inisolateto field now known as Kirlian effect. It turned out that even after the amputation of body parts, left their electromagnetic phantoms, because of which people sometimes feel removed the bodies. In addition, in the high-frequency field, you can see alternative phantom or non-living things.

Read on for some technical achievements, connected with change of a history and hit in the other realities.

6) Tower of Nikola Tesla in Wardenclyffe.

Undoubtedly, practical proof of the theory of Tesla is its broadcasting tower in Wardenclyffe is an integral part of the so-called "the World system". General public Tesla said that this tower is necessary for radiocommunications, and their "World system" he was regarded as a huge radio network with a rather extensive complex of service functions (Fax, radio magazines, music archives, etc.).

But with time it becomes clear that the real purpose of the tower lies in something else. Perhaps she was one of transmitters that Tesla wanted to install all over the world. The device tower (called Tesla "reinforcing the transmitter") is such that it allows the oscillator to resonate with both the ionosphere and the inner areas of our planet. The network of translators (myself "World system"), are placed in certain areas of the planet, had the opportunity to enter into resonance with the entire Earth.

The composition of the management centre of each node "World system"presumably included inventions such as magneto electric motor to create longitudinal-transversal e/m fluctuations, heavy-duty transformer that generates shock radinie waves and generating net voltage without current toroidal oscillator with ultraviolet lamps, special vacuum devices, were the prototypes of radio tubes, underground hydraulic pumps, designed for excitation of liquid and solid areas of the planet, and various other devices. Apparently, Tesla wanted to achieve resonance "World system" and all spheres of the Earth with a rotating electromagnetic field, jeopardizing purpose, frequency and phase modulation oscillations of the whole planet, including its inhabitants. Getting in sync with the transmitters "World system" and regulating the natural frequency of vibration, the Earth would move in the alternative world which is its future, and accelerate their evolution. This assumption is expressed Professor Century Abramovich from Belgrade University.

But the idea of the scientist is not destined to become a life that has not prevented the use of his theories in later experiments similar researchers. At night July 15, 1903 Tesla using radio tower caused the Northern lights, not only over new York, but over the Atlantic ocean, and two years later he left his laboratory in Wardenclyffe no apparent reason, abandoning all their equipment untouched. As mysteriously disappearing Tesla in 1943.

7) Philadelphia experiment.

In 40-ies N. Tesla together with A. Einstein and by R. Oppenheimer was engaged in secret project, whose goal was to create invisible ships for the naval forces of the USA. Participation of John von Neumann. Work was conducted on the generation of magnetic fields ultra-high intensity on the basis of vortex generators, Tesla. The fruits of the work done on a specially converted destroyer Eldridge were immediately classified.

It may be that the true purpose was not to create an invisible ship, and the study of the diversity of the world, and possibly even the opening of the tunnel in the future based on chronocardiology. Also remains a mysterious connection between the loss of Tesla and the beginning of the Philadelphia experiment.

Destroyer DE-173 "Eldridge".

The change of frequency of vibration of the ship has been achieved using resonant generators, Tesla, formed vortex field modified ether ("cloud of time"). As a result of beatings ester formed elastic green matter. The ship began to disappear from sight experimenters, moving into other ways of the world. In the process of moving the metal of the case, the most probable position came together for some time with the current world, because of what "Eldridge" for a few moments appeared on the place of your future stand in Norfolk.

A somewhat different situation happened with the crew of the ship, which had for him dire consequences. Due to the choices of the each member of the crew, their paths in space options left. Such a case was foreseen Tesla himself, but somehow it fears no one would take seriously. Due to the fact that the crew members were not able simultaneously to return to the same point of space at the end of the process, some of them were literally fused into the ship, others simply disappeared.

Those for whom other variants of history was more likely, concerning our reality, disappeared from it, going in the other worlds. For individuals our reality nevertheless have a higher likelihood that they could come back, but any modified chances of transition among the options, either with an extraordinary freedom to modify the probabilities of transition. All this had consequences in the future life of the participants.

People for whom this reality over time he parted from the possibility of its realization started " # revision". Physically they were present in this version, but their minds had gone under other options, it was harder and harder to remember the current reality. In this case happened outflow of energy from the subject. To stabilize the probability, it was necessary to touch the man. For some time it was returned it back.

Those for whom the probability of our reality began to decline with great acceleration, generally disappeared from sight, "passing through the wall". In fact, they moved into a more prospective branches of events that did not exclude the possibility of the emergence of the disappeared person in the future (when the descent of parallel worlds in one).

The other crew members increase the likelihood of reality was such that finding it gave rise to allocate a large amount of energy. Body temperature such people rose up, and sometimes there were "burning ice", which was impossible to extinguish. The poor man was burned to the ground, but the world around him did not respond to fire.

In the future, scientists have found that for ordinary people travel in parallel worlds, without mental injury, amnesia and violations of probabilistic parameters, you have to prevent them bind to this version of reality. To do this, save the electromagnetic background starting reality generators of a rotating magnetic field. The difference between the periods was calculated on the computer. A huge contribution to the solution of this issue was made by John von Neumann.

8) Montekki experiment.

In 50-ies of the Philadelphia experiment was continued. Top of those studies was the experience in Montauk point held until 1983. The experiment allegedly pursued the goal of establishing a mechanism for the management of the human mind. However, analysis of the obtained results of the experiment data indicates that scientists were able to go through the reality. Conclusions to some extent reminiscent of science fiction.

Engineer P. Nichols worked out great American radio companies, engaged in classified military orders. He decided to follow the footsteps Montarsolo experiment, and led him to this some observations.

For a start, in 1974 Nichols took the unusual radio signals emitted by the radar Montecchi the U.S. air force base in the range 410-420 MHz. These waves oppressed brain activity in people in the area covered by the radar.

Then Nichols met several unknown to him people recognize it suddenly his boss, whom they once participated in Monoxcomp experiment.

In addition, in the area of Montauk he accumulated a lot of evidence about the unusual behavior of weather (abnormal occurrence of hurricanes, storms, etc.), and anomalies. Probably it was the result of large generators of chaotic oscillations, constrained derivatives of higher orders at the expense of autocorrelation (the result of autocorrelation environmental fluctuations "white noise" is the reduction of informational diversity in the environment, increasing the information entropy, care of the highest derivatives fluctuations, growth of chaos and decline of order). This caused the decrease of the choices, the simplification of activity think of people and soaring aggression animals.

But the most striking thing that Nichols said traces its alternative life as if he worked on the project, which recently was not even suspected. Nichols began to pay attention to the presence of several parallel worlds - the sudden appearance of the wounds in the skin; not typical of his official position mail; contemplation of scenes from the future, and much more.

As a result, Nichols found out the following. A group of scientists under the direction of John von Neumann acquired radar, as a recent anti-aircraft defense. First, researchers have influenced experimental narrowly focused beam radar. Making adjustments in the device locator, experimenters were irradiated people longitudinal negrusa component of the electromagnetic field. Here are the words Nichols:

"...In a special shielded laboratory has put a special chair, which was seated the examinee (sensitiv D. Cameron). Further revealed and stopped the door, in relation with the level of microwaves. Experiments conducted with the impulses of various duration, frequency and wave radiation. Empirically have been tried everything that occurred to the scientists. Even wanted to see what will happen with the test subjected to pulsed or wave x-ray radiation. It turned out that some waves begin to change the mood of a person to control his emotions. It was possible to killXia tears, laughter, sadness, and other things. When you activate the "wise radar" staff entire database fell under its electromagnetic influence. The phenomenon is extremely intrigued leaders of the experiment. They tried to regulate the fluctuations of the brain. It was obtained by changing the length and breadth of the waves, to simulate biological functions of man. At the site in 425-450 MHz they just opened the window in the mind of man. It was further necessary to understand, that hides the mind within yourself".

It soon became clear that selecting the right sequence of dramatic changes in the frequency, impact on the psyche will be much higher. Scientists have even been able to collect a special unit for programming of certain frequencies with different modulation parameters. Some combination of these options could push a person to a certain thoughts and decisions.

Antenna system "wise" radar-based air force in Montauk.

At the next stage of the research unit was slightly modernized. Scientists appeared device, allowing to translate thoughts of a person into a sequence of electric pulses. Nichols argues that this technology scientists gave the representatives of the star system of Sirius in the framework of the project "the all-Seeing eye".

"...three groups coils were installed around the chair so that each group established one of three mutually perpendicular parts of the electromagnetic field. The subject was standing in a field generated by these coils. The terminals of the coil were connected to the receivers, detectors which have accurate adjustment to the installed oscillator frequency. But what frequency was used in those experiments, alas, is unknown.
Detector gave the opportunity to allocate broadcasting signal Guinea, changing field coils, creating variations on the background of frequency. Now you can explore the similarities of certain mental images certain signals from the described system. That is, it actually can read the aura, the word used by psychics and metaphysics called personal electromagnetic field of a person. It in turn is influenced by the thoughts of man.
Next, analog-to-digital Converter encodes the signal and looked him in the mainframe Cray-1, destroyable received data. It took a lot of time was spent huge amount of effort before the computer was able to deduce the true thoughts of the person. Further development of technology has allowed to create three-dimensional image of the picture and send it to the printer."

The next idea of the researchers was the unification of the two systems. Computer Cray-1, machining accept thoughts, combined with the IBM-360, which is ruled by the radar. Now it was possible to transmit the thoughts from one person sitting in a chair "all-seeing eye, the other sitting under electromagnetic radiation "smart" radar. To the chair of the first Respondent was not affected locator, it has screened a special Tesla coils.

Soon the scientists were able to conduct an unusual experience - the materialization of matter from the air field exposure latitude. This powerful radiation from the transmitter was modelirovanie thoughts of a man who imagined a given subject. The installation became a spatial-temporal modulator ether. P. Nichols writes:

"...In his imagination he was planning a solid object, located on the territory of our base, and the device is formed from the ether matrix of the object. Energy was enough represented in the imagination of the subject appeared in the given point of space. Actually invented the way of materialization of the bodies of the thoughts of man.
All that Duncan imagined that actually occurred in reality. Most often, the subject could be seen, but it was fleeting, like a phantom. In other cases it can be touched, but the subject was only during work locator. But sometimes objects materialsanalysis and remained in reality forever. Implementation of a thought-form was usually conducted in the area Montecchi air force base. Although there have been experiments in the other cities.
Duncan could represent a real home, this house like magic would be based. Installation worked with fairly high accuracy. I wanted to harness the full potential of this fantastic device. The first experience was named "all-Seeing eye". Take it in hand any object belonging to a specific person, and focusing our attention on it, Duncan saw, heard and felt that they had heard and seen chosen people. He was thereby able to move into any inhabitant of the planet. It is terrible to imagine, what could be the end of such research.
Needless to say that such actions are unacceptable, so the program looked somewhat sinister. The researchers wanted to understand the workings of the human mind. They tried to find out whether the person to inspire predetermined thought. Duncan organized a date with someone. Further, without the knowledge of this man, Duncan focused on it. In 95% of cases the behavior of the test match the suggestions Duncan. Introducing your thoughts in the minds of the people, he could force them to do anything. In the described case the impact occurred at a deeper level than ordinary hypnosis.
This line of research lasted until 1979, and contained a lot of experiments, of which some were very exciting, and other had disastrous consequences. The experiments were carried out not only on individual personalities, but on groups of people and whole communities and animals. Scientists have been able to exercise any influence. For example, on the home screen of the TV you could slow down the picture, to interfere or even turn it off. Using telekinesis things were moving by themselves, arranging in buildings a real mess. When Duncan for a moment presented in the imagination, smashing the window, under the action locator broke the window in a small house located near Motoki of the city. Also in the course of the experiment turned out to frighten animals from the mountain Montauk in the city, and raise a wave of crimes among the inhabitants".

Next, the installation was even modified to manage over time in the range of latitude. I had to plug in a kind of device - flexional antenna Delta Time possessing an octagonal form. Apparently, in Montauk was recreated improved antenna installation Nikola Tesla, applied them in the tower in Wardenclyffe. Modulation linear and vortex radiation components of this antenna allows you to adjust the phase time relatively zero point. The design was added elektrokineticheskoi generator zero standard time, which allowed to install oscillations with distinction relatively zero point, that is, the rotation centre of the Universe.
Moreover, for time management by forming an interference field locator, all emitters must pass coherent waves. Coherence was achieved modulation all oscillation circuits "white noise"selling of the autocorrelation function.

After all the upgrades of the person in the chair and silently altering modulation oscillations of the transmitter, was able to adjust the phase of oscillations ether relatively zero point, i.e. control over local time.

In the winter of 1981 was launched another series of experiments, during which opened wormholes in the alternate worlds.

"The team went to investigate the future and the past. Using the tunnel, it was possible to do an analysis of air, land and others, without passing through the exit.
Those who traveled on a spiral, spoke about the strange bright spiral tunnel leading down. Entering it, people rapidly overcame all the way. It was throwing in the opposite end, as a rule according to where oriented transmitter. You could be anywhere in the Universe.
Tunnel inside was like a spiral with a radiant cross rings and was not smooth, but with hollows. As the movement he constantly twisting and turning. There you someone met or was doing something. Having completed their mission, you went back into the tunnel and stood there, whence came out. If the experiment was a failure of power supply, the traveler forever remained inside the tunnel or lost in time. Also in the disappearance of a traveler been to blame for failures in hyperspace. And although he lost a lot of people, scientists cannot be accused of negligence.
In addition, the time tunnel was another feature. After about 2/3 of the way through it, the body as if it was losing energy.
The man had a powerful shock, followed by a vision of the wide steps. He felt mental ascent, flow of a certain spiritual knowledge that interpret the state of perfect nothingness, manifestations of which the scientists wanted to find near Duncan. This could be useful for other experiments in the project "the all-Seeing eye" or in other aspects. Now to catch a man on the street and get him into the tunnel was an ordinary thing. Usually the experiments were performed at the homeless and alcoholics, whose disappearance will not cause a scandal. Those who came back, fully reported about what they saw. It is unknown how many people then had disappeared in the labyrinth of time. Over time, Guinea began to be equipped by equipment to transmit information "live". The tunnel they were sent sometimes violently. TV and radio signals were received from the passage. While this relationship was maintained, the scientists saw that saw the traveler".

The researchers even tried to get to Mars, inside the Martian pyramids. C. Duncan Cameron confirmed that traveled through time in 1943, in the space in the underground structure of the Martian pyramids. There was found a functioning equipment unfamiliar Martian civilization, named "protectionth Solar system"they turned off. It is believed that after 1943 began regular visits to Earth UFO.

August 12, 1983 transmitter in was deliberately synchronized with the transmitter on "Eldridge"included in 1943. This has formed a stable version history 1943-1983 years. Using the stable version of history, scientists have been able to create other alternative branches of history, based on the branches 1943-1983. Moving between alternatives history and turning them into current reality, manipulators had the opportunity to have fixed the original reality, stable energy tunnel 1943-1983. Nichols mentions that these two points in time synchronized two radio transmitters:

"... there were three "witness the impact". They can be grouped as "witness the impact" three levels.

The first consists of people aboard the destroyer "Eldridge". Individual members of the crew were transferred to Montauk in 1983. Besides, there are those who regard reincarnated since then, the Philadelphia experiment.

The second level was the technology. The same generator zero standard time (the principle of action of which we compared the work of the spinning top) was used as in Montauk and onboard "Eldridge". When in 1946 "Eldridge" finally were taken from the Navy, generator came to the warehouse. Later it was transported in Montauk and is built into the system.

Besides him there were two more unusual radio transmitter (FRR-24, one that used in Montauk; the other in Philadelphia). They gave the opportunity to take time, and it was used for joint projects.

Witness the third level was biorhythm of the Earth. The term "biorhythm" refers to the esoteric and the sources of higher organizations that govern the existence of each organism. Biorhythms are the fruit of the natural resonance of the surrounding world and contribute to the processes of life of people. Of course, there are many more subtle manifestations that still need to learn. If you disassemble the Earth as a single organism, it also exposed to the effects of jet lag, due to the daily and annual spins. Researchers at Montauk have carefully studied the biological rhythms of the Earth and their interaction with the Universe as a whole. They identified key planetary biorhythm, reaching its peak times in twenty years".

Soon after the creation of stable tunnel 1943-1983 base was closed, the staff of the disbanded. Apparently, the aim was the creation of the stable version of history. However Nichols mentions that they failed to create a stable version history beyond 2012. As a consequence of some factors on the way scientists in 2012 is "insurmountable obstacle".

In materials Nichols has a curious assumption that John von Neumann died in 1957 and continued to exist under a different name. Is evident that John von Neumann gave Nichols specialized transmitter FRR-24 production RCA, entering into resonance with the exact same transmitters, which presumably could be in other (alternative) worlds.
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