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РАК,СПИД…Что делать...Note: the corridors clinics as Wallpaper hung posters about AIDS. AIDS each day gives us Hello from TV screens on all channels. In all cities are the shares of Anti-AIDS. AIDS arranges for us concerts and marathons, charity events and exhibitions. Governments provide billions of dollars to fight this disease. In schools under the guise of AIDS prevention is carried out propaganda in favour of the so-called "safe sex".

In 1986, the who called AIDS "the plague of the XX century" and promised that by 2000, AIDS will kill more than half the world's population... 2000 passed long ago, the planet still has sex, the population continues to grow, and sensible people gradually realized that AIDS is not a "Plague"and "Show the XX century". And you will easily join them , if just for a second turn away from the TV and see not virtual, but in the real world and will ask : "Where are these AIDS patients? Where?" And and and... Unbelievable, but neither of You can name a single person among their relatives, friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, colleagues or business partners, which would be sick with AIDS or has died from this disease... No one...

A similar situation takes place with "swine flu". The who declared this terrible disease "pandemic that threatens all humanity". The Internet is full chronicle of the victorious procession of "swine flu" on the planet! This disease closes airports and borders, the fight against it are occupied by the best minds in Japan, China, USA, Russia! Who plans to involve dozens of countries and hundreds of pharmaceutical enterprises in the release of hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine against this terrible disease." While on its development and production will be spent billions of dollars, and the vaccination will try to make compulsory for all citizens of the world without exception. However, any sensible person, for which the TV set standing on the coffee table is not the source of truth in the last instance, need to ask yourself a fair question: "where, in fact, this disease?" Look out on the street, call all the relatives and friends, find signs of "swine flu" somewhere else besides this box with the remote control! You will not find him anywhere. Because it is not.

But there's something else...

The cancer. This word we hear in recent times more and more often. But it sounds not in campaign commercials, pouring down on us from the television screens, not in the programs promoting the rejection of something to prevent Cancer. This word we hear in conversations on the street, at work and in the yard of our house in a whisper grandmothers, mourners eyes receding funeral procession, and always repeating, like a mantra "And after all, was so young, so young...".

And if you get over in the memory of many people you know, Recalling the reasons for which they have left this world, you will be astonished how often the word CANCER will pop up in your memory. This disease is already included in each entrance of every house, in every city, in every country on the planet. Cancer kills people around you one by one. And you know it. So why it's not spoken about? And why in the fight against it is not billions of dollars being spent? Maybe this is at odds with the goals of the world Health Organization?

Some statistics.

The proportion of cancer as a cause of death in working age is in Ukraine, 14% of men and 29% women. Over the past 15 years, the incidence has increased from 305,7 to 348,0 people per 100.000 population. That is over 75 years of life malignant neoplasms strike in Ukraine every 3-4-man and 5-6 woman. And no one says about it!

The highest rates of growth characteristic of cancer of the prostate, rectal, uterine body. The increase was observed for cancer of mucous membrane of the mouth, colon, throat, skin, breast, cervical, ovarian, bladder, thyroid gland, lymph and blood-forming tissue. Along with this growing mortality from cancer of the rectum, breast, uterus, prostate gland, lymph and blood-forming tissue.

The main causes of death in men are lung cancer, stomach, rectum, prostate, colon - 56,0% of all cases. Among women is breast cancer, stomach, colon, rectum, ovary, cervix and 57.6%.

According to specified data of the National registry, in 2005 it was registered 163.912 new cases of cancer (348,0 per 100 thousand people), the number of deaths was 88.974 (188,9 on 100 thousand population).

It should be noted that one of the most pressing problems of cancer care-related fatality outcome of oncological diseases, is the late detection of the disease. The proportion of patients with advanced stages in Ukraine varies from 1.2% for skin cancer to 70.0% - by lung cancer! Integral indicators of the quality of cancer care are first-year mortality and five-year survival of patients. In Ukraine more than 36% of cancer patients die during the year from the time of diagnosis - from 3.2% for skin cancer to 65,0% for lung cancer.

The second most important cause of high mortality from cancer in Ukraine is the lack of necessary resources for the required medical attention. The total number of beds for the treatment of cancer patients in the institutions of the health Ministry of Ukraine in 2005 totaled 11.917, that is, the provision amounted to 2.500 per 10,000 population, or to 75.7 per 1000 patients. On the basis of standard provision of hospital beds cancer patients (123,3 per 1000 cases), lack of beds varies in different areas from 20 to 68%. This leads to the fact that more than 40% of cancer patients treated at the General medical services, where there are no conditions for the integrated treatment of Cancer.

This catastrophic situation with the treatment of cancer is simply amazing on the background of millions of dollars spent by the government and different international organizations on the treatment and prevention of AIDS.

Around the world die every day from Cancer of 160,000 people. 2008 Cancer in the world fell ill almost 100.000.000 people. In Ukraine from cancer every day dies 250 people.

Here's the math...

Student Igor: "Cancer is the word now is heard everywhere. I have a neighbor in the stairwell died of cancer, each Institute has died from cancer, he was only 22 years old, at a friend's mother died of cancer, my teacher on chemistry died of cancer. This word around her. Don't know who will be next and when your time has come. This can happen at any time and most frighteningly, it is absolutely unpredictable lottery. No matter how you live, where you live, you can hear this diagnosis at any time. Cancer kills everyone including old people and young people and those who lead a healthy lifestyle and those who smoke and drink. Oh, also one case, in our yard died guy who don't smoke or drink - I know this exactly. And yet, he died from cancer. And he is not poor parents! I am sure that his treatment has spent tens of thousands! He had chemotherapy, it was illuminated, operated, again irradiated, he lived in torment the last months of his life, lost weight, grew bald and died anyway... So I don't see any reason to dwell on it. Cancer still will not be saved and to be protected from it can not... you just Have to live and hope that you will not touch it..."

Statement eloquent, but not quite correct. However, it demonstrates how shameless kept silence about the true cause of cancer in the media. Cancer is 100% guaranteed result of Your lifestyle.

The nature of cancer:

The essence of a phenomenon called "Cancer" is the following: every cell of our body is not only the biological unit, but the information media. In each cell there is a DNA molecule, with millions a combination of 4 nucleic acids. Each combination is code that part of the program, describe and regulatory principles and objectives of the functioning of the cells within the body. If we consider human as a biological computer to the living organic element base, then the DNA molecule is one of the hundreds of thousands of files of the global programme serving the functioning of this complex device.

Each file in our computers, such as text, music, composition or film in a compressed form - in the end it's just a sequence of ones and zeroes (binary 1 or 0), the recorded file. The file is converted processor and corresponding to the type of the file, the reading program in text, sound or image on the monitor.

Each cell is the same file or if you want a CD with information - billion combinations recorded in 4 hex code: adenine (a) and guanine (G), cytosine (C) + thymine (T). Endless repeating in a different order combinations of the two pairs allows DNA to store information.

Every day in our body die hundreds of thousands of obsolete cells, and instead of them born new. Creating a new cells are not only smelting new drive, is also a copy of his information from old already served disk. Computer CD-R or DVD-R is of no value without the information. So, first of all, creation of new cells are copying of information about its future destiny, its structure andNipah of its functioning with the parent cell. Does this copy RNA molecule.

CANCER is a kind of a failure during the copying of information, which forms a cell with damaged DNA. It is irregular in structure. It is the wrong size. It malfunctions, she shares not normalized, not organized, not where it should be, not with the speed and frequency with which it should be. It violates the structure of the authority. It forms the wrong type of tissue, which is operating properly. It absorbs and affects neighboring cells, overwriting their internal information, like a biological virus. It causes mutations in the neighboring cells, leading to the uncontrolled growth of the affected tissue and, in the end, it kills the whole body.

According to some scientists death from Cancer in itself is a biological protection from the spread of the organism, which can not control their own intracellular mutations.

Therefore, you must clearly understand that cervical cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, blood cancer or any other cancer is NOT DIFFERENT DISEASES CAUSED by VARIOUS FACTORS are ONE AND the SAME DISEASE THAT HAS the SAME CAUSE, BUT AFFECTS DIFFERENT ORGANS.

The causes of cancer :

Most likely silence cancer is explained by the fact that in the coming decades, it will be one of those factors, which will provide the globalists reduction of the excess population of the planet. While no one will see no connection between mass mortality and globalization, because people will die without any visible patterns and from completely different things - cervical cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer... And the reason for it will be called different factors - Smoking, bad ecology, anything.

Against this background, the media will continue to mumble about not existing flu, and no one will tell you the truth about what the true causes of cancer and mass mortality of this disease. No one will tell You what the laws of harmonious existence of small biological systems (person) in the framework of the global biological systems (the nature of the planet Earth). No one recognized the violation of any laws of harmonious existence of the two systems (man and nature) leads to diseases of the small system Cancer.

But you must understand:

Life is infinite harmonious existence and functioning of small biological systems in global biological system.

Death is the suppression of functioning of small biological systems in the framework of the global biological systems in connection with the violation of the harmony of their interaction and to ensure the security of the global biological systems.

Cancer is a result of violation of natural laws, and by his own murder of his body, carried out in ignorance.

The causes of cancer :
systematic poisoning of the body of heavy metals that enter the body through the air and water (mercury, lead, aluminum)
effects on the body radiation
systematic poisoning of the body of poisons that enter to food additives (codes Ahhh) and above all, monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, paraffin, acrylamide.
accumulation in ergotizma carcinogens that cause intracellular mutations and failures while reading, transfer, copying, reproduction of DNA sequences
regular consumption of meat (animal proteins bad or no broken down in our alkaline gastric environment and cause rotting inside the intestines, which leads to the absorption through the thin walls of the intestine corpse of poison and other products of decay, causing at the surface level rotting teeth and stink breath and on the intracellular level acceleration catabolism)
the weakening of the immune system constant stress, inoculations or bad ecology (the immune system monitors the formation of cells with damaged DNA code and provides termination of their activity in the organism)

Impotence medicine:

Cancer is largely mysterious and difficult to treat disease. Cancer is very difficult recognized in the early asymptomatic stages, when cure, and when it is expressed in the symptoms, for almost and is not treated. Over the past decades, the incidence of different forms of cancer is steadily growing, medical same success is not impressive. To treat cancer of the official standard methods when he is in full swing, it's like digging a well, when you're dying of thirst. Today it is the rule, not the exception: because patients usually blindly trust their oncologists, and they sometimes believe themselves, but more often only pretend to believe in the effectiveness of the official methods of treatment (knife, poison and scalding the beam). When in the standard aggressive treatment quickly runs out of immune and regenerative capacity of the patient (exhausted the limit of stem cells of bone marrow and other organs) and provoked treatment, including operations that are resistant to poison and ray metastases finally hit all the vital organs, then the official medicine States that its possibilities are exhausted.

Many patients even before the final diagnosis, they suggest to sign a consent to chemotherapy, and in case of refusal of it just does not offer any other treatment. This approach demonstrates the absolute irresponsibility of medicine, experimenting with the life of the patient, or rather, repeating his money again the same experiment that has already proved its inefficiency.

While the government DENIES to treat cancer all other people, except for workers in the formal health system. This fact indicates rather than on the care of the unfortunate patients, and by the fear of the health system that comparative characteristics of the homeopathic or national cancer treatment and traditional cancer treatment will undermine the reputation and credibility of official medicine, demonstrating its failure.

However, not recognized by the state statistics already established that all nature-therapeutic methods of prophylaxis and treatment of malignant tumors are more effective than "traditional". They stimulate the natural mechanisms that hundreds of millions of years of evolution have developed specially for self-protection from cancer of a multicellular organism.

Thanks to the restoration of violated defense mechanism of the body the cancer cell can return to normal state (through conversion to the original non-cancer cell) or fall into a continuous rest (darmanto stage). Often the cancer cells die, murdered by immune cells (T-lymphocytes) or die in necrosis (massive inflammatory destruction of the tumor tissue) as a result of thrombosis feeding the tumor vessels, or apoptosis (neat and painless splitting of cancer cells into harmless molecular components - nutrients absorbed then the adjacent healthy cells).

Nature-therapeutic treatment methods include global lifestyle changes the patient: the change in his mental state, way of thinking, attitude to life, power systems, routines, etc. On this background, the official medicine reduces the treatment of cancer to chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, again chemotherapy again exposure, anaesthesia last months of life and funeral...

Chemotherapy is saved from death by killing method:

The idea of chemotherapy is that it kills the weaker cells in all types of fabrics of all vital systems and all human organs, causing total damage to the body. In this case it is reasonably expected that the impact kills all the organs of the weaker cells, then preventive therapy starts in the whole organism regeneration processes and the remaining live tissue repair damaged areas of new strong cells. Thus, the body needs to recover gradually from inflicted terrible damage. At the same time during chemotherapy die and so-called metastasis of cancer tissue. Metastasis is the cancer cells, internationally unrecognized breakaway from developed cancer and freely wandering through the maze of the circulatory system. They affect more and more authorities and do all sorts of meaningless surgery. It is believed that these cells destroyed by chemotherapy in the first place, but unlike the cells of other tissues perish forever, because they are disconnected from the cancer tissue, which could restore them, so as to recover the lost cells in other organs. When chemotherapy, the cancer is significantly reduced in size, losing millions of cancer cells. From the point of view of official medicine, after this procedure surgery can be successful and the patient to get rid of the cancer.

Theoretically, it seems logical and convincing, but this is not true. Because this method of treatment is comparable to puttying greenery of injury on the head of a human, which continues to beat her head on the ground. If a man beats his head against the asphalt, " he inevitably will smash his head, how much green stuff you to him it is not poured.

The cancer is only the visible and the fatal consequence of the fact that people over the years has poisoned your body with small doses of poison ingested and discouraging emotional state, which together provided depression of the immune system and the emergence of unmanaged intracellular mutations that in a healthy body either does not occur at all or are blocked by the immune system.

Any cancer is a result of poor lifestyle choices. Any treatment of a cancer without lifestyle changes, orderdka day, kind of activity, mental health, nutrition, accommodation and so on - it's a waste of money for the enrichment of medicine.

Chemotherapy is one of the most expensive, senseless and cynical methods of treatment, which makes the death of his patient guaranteed final, but allows you to disembowel himself and all his relatives all the money to the last penny.

CANCER is a result of a poisoning of the body and the immune system depression.

Chemotherapy is a saturation of the body with poison that intoxicates him more, and creates for the immune system such loading, with which she can't cope in principle.

As a result, we have the following focus: chemotherapy kills all cells indiscriminately, including cancer. The surgeon cuts the rest of the tumor. A blood test indicates that blood no longer metastasis. The x-ray shows no cancer tissue at the site of the tumor. Medicine celebrates the triumph and produces patient in the light of God with a diagnosis HEALTHY. There is a better way: "SAVED." And is well known to all cancer patients before his death, the period of "REMISSION", when the disease is allegedly retreats. But really this is just a small break before the final of this tragic drama. Because the cause of Cancer - poisoning of the body - will not leave. And the immune system, weakness which has allowed the emergence of cancer after chemotherapy, from which the hair falls out, is in even more weakened state. And, as a result, after a few months of remission of the cancer appears again. But now he is much stronger and has no enemy in the form of fighting immune system. Doctors already killed her completely. And the CANCER is celebrating his victory, easily killing of a person for a few months.

Treatment aimed at salvation:

Why in Europe against cancer save in 4-5 times more often, than at us? Because in Europe works better preventive medicine and diagnostics. In Europe every person consciously inspected every six months, and occupational medicine with high-quality equipment highlights the "pre-cancerous" condition on the initial stage. While the patient is not poisoning with poison, and start strenuously to strengthen his body a change of routine, healthy food, fresh air, rest, sleep, vitamins, positive emotions. Against this background, it is removed while still benign tumor and he just does not reach the last stage at which the cancer has already covered metastases whole body and to treat already essentially nothing. In our country a person goes to the doctor only when his legs gave way from ailments and ignore the cries of the body for help becomes simply impossible. At this stage diagnosed becomes a death sentence.

What you need to do to not get cancer:

1. Do not buy food in supermarkets. No products at all. Milk that is sold in supermarket - it is NOT the MILK. That is why it is stored for 2 weeks. Potatoes, which is sold in supermarkets is NOT POTATOES. That is why it is so clean, smooth and ETERNAL. Nectarine, which is sold in supermarkets is GMO product. That is why the diameter of each nectarine matches the diameter of the tray for him. All the apples sold in supermarkets, covered with paraffin. That is why they Shine for years and do not deteriorate. All the vegetables and fruits that are purchased in supermarkets is GMO products, or products grown in greenhouses with the use of nitrates and growth stimulants. All canned foods and spices contain glutamate E621 as a flavor enhancer - it causes cancer. All sausages and any fish contain sodium benzoate or sodium nitrate, as a stabilizer and preservative - it causes cancer. And cheap sausage contain and GMO soy that lead to infertility. Any chips and crackers contain akrilamid that causes cancer. Take a supermarket, such as supermarket chronic diseases, on every shelf is a special promotional offer - CANCER.

2. Do not eat meat. No at all. There are people for whom vegetarianism is unconscious fanatical adherence to the requirements of religion, or national culture. There are people for whom vegetarianism is just an exaggerated love of animals. And there are people for whom vegetarianism is a deep understanding of the principles of the structure and functioning of DNA, as well as human digestive system. Remember: bloody raw meat never causes of human appetite because it is recognized by the brain as a poison and calls protective emetic response warning: this product is not intended for our food, we are not going. And only the meat on the fire with the addition of salt and spices changes its appearance, smell and taste, and allows us to deceive the protective reaction of the brain. But the meat structure is not changed and it is not digested in the body, because in our digestive system is not enough acid. And that burden, we feel, after a hearty dinner or lunch meat is not a feeling of satiety is the sense of fatigue from excessive load on the stomach. And going to the toilet, which stretches for 30 minutes - this is not the norm of your life - you just forgot how it should be, actually. Meat is not digested in the human body that you not tell brainwashed official educational system nutritionists. Meat fester and rot in the human body. That is why man is the only creature on the planet that needs to dentists and toothpaste in the morning. And don't make that buying meat you eat like primitive man, like a warrior and a hunter. Leaving the supermarket with a bundle Okorokov, you are not a hunter - you trooped. And, as intended by nature, You have to eat vegetables and fruit.

3. Don't be a slave of money, do not put all their lives on the altar of their accumulation and income and avoid permanent stay in a stressful situation that Deplete the body's immunity. Remember: happy love could run out during the wedding of fun in one shirt to run on frost the nearest shop, buy a bottle of champagne, and not get sick. At the same time immersed in deep depression person, not rejoicing in life, not seeing anything in her beautiful, can occur even while sitting in a fur coat in front of the battery. Remember, your body protects the immune system, Your brain controls the immune system, your mind controls your brain. If your mind does not want to live and takes no pleasure in life, similar to your life are your immune system - it doesn't take care of it in your body. Live your life and enjoy every day.

4. Never make any vaccinations. Believe nothing that You can hear about viruses, diseases, epidemics, and success of vaccination from doctors. Doctors are students of medical Universities, progulyatsya 2 pairs of three, and the last pair read three lines in the tutorial, each word of which they trust irrevocably and unconditionally, because before their 10 years taught at school - unquestioningly believe and obey the authorities. Remember: the human body lives close to all existing viruses hundreds of thousands of years. And throughout it all, the way he did without medicine. The human body has all the necessary safeguards against any virus. People are sore and can't hurt at all, in principle, as long as all systems in the body work properly and in accordance with the laws of nature. Any illness is the result of a breach of harmonious existence with nature. Vaccinations may not prevent infection and disease disease through regular deliberately infect the same disease. This crazy idea could fit in your head only through education that 10 years have taught you to sit and dutifully write a rule, learn it by heart and literally repeat the Board. In fact, vaccinations create for your immune system a constant load, leading to its destruction.

5. Liberator from drugs that destroy your brain and the immune system. If You do not have enough moral strength -- ask for help from family, friends, parents, relatives. Feel free to ask for help - it is about life and death. Don't live in a world of illusions - living in a world of illusions short and miserable. Expensive cognac and wine is not an indication of good taste! Glass of vodka is not the sign of a true man. A cigar is not a sign of wealth! Beer is not a required attribute meeting with friends! Both are not a sign of maturity and steepness. Nicotine does not help you relax after examination and relieve anxiety before exams! Beer does not require you to sleep, and to cheer up at the party. It does not happen! Cannot the same tool to assist you in opposite situations! Cannot the same pill simultaneously to cause constipation and diarrhea! This is an illusion. Your brain is affected drug dependence, cheating on you by editing your reality. You do not have any habits you have a drug addiction caused by subtle but constant narcotic fragile. When you middle of the night, get up, get dressed, and go into a shop for a bottle of beer is not thirst is narcotic withdrawal. When you run out of cigarettes and looking in the ashtray longest cigarette is not nerves is narcotic withdrawal. You are drug addicts, and you used drugs are introduced and institutionalized mechanism of destruction of consciousness and the human body.

6. Observe biological rhythms that control hormonal processes in the body and processes in the brain. Wake up with the Sun, go to the Sun, live under the sun. Breathe air, not tobacco smoke, look at the sky, not on the wall of the office, swim in the river, and not in the bathroom, drink juices, not beer, climb mountains, but do not sit in the chair, live for yourself, not watch life pon the TV. Remember why you came into this world. Remember that this gift is given on time. Spend that time wisely.
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