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The large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the most grandiose, the most perfect and the most high-tech scientific tool for today. But this does not mean that the equipment TANK always work as expected. And it's strange to hear from modern physicists, not medieval alchemists and shamans, deviations in work of the equipment of the Collider related to the phase of the moon. Scientists explain this fact influence the lunar gravity to work chuvstvitelnaja and precise scientific equipment.
Pauline Gagnon (Pauline Gagnon, a scientist from the command TANK, wrote in a blog Quantum Diaries that the influence of the gravitational field of the moon causes tiny shifts provisions of the equipment of Collider. But since the size of the accelerator are quite large, as is known, its diameter is 27 kilometres, the impact of tiny offsets increases repeatedly, and as a result lose the settings and calibration of measurement equipment, and beams of protons moving at nearly the speed of light, no longer interfere with each other.
As a result, scientists from time to time need to adjust their work and to reconfigure the equipment Collider with the phase and the position of the moon, that would be made to compensate the influence of distortion. And, it should be noted that the Moon is not the only factor, and engaged in the operation of the equipment of the Collider. On the work of equipment affected even level in the nearby lake Geneva and the intensity of train traffic on the French high-speed rail line.