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ВангаNow many people know about Vanga Bulgarian clairvoyant. Already in its very name we put what we have is not surprising: on the Greek Vangelia is a bearer of the good news. Yes, Wang indeed, as the newspaper wrote "mayfantasize reality and nizagara true". Her talent clairvoyance and prophetic power of many plunged into shock. The ability of this woman is unique: it has foresight, clairvoyance, she can talk to plants, to visit different places of the globe. She sees a lot, even though she is blind, and her face radiating light.

Was born and lived Wang in Bulgaria, in the village of Petrich. As a child she was an ordinary girl and did not know about their abilities. Life Vanga reminds the lives of the saints, for it is hard to imagine that death may make the trials that befell poor Bulgarian clairvoyant. In the first world war his father was mobilized in the Bulgarian army, and his mother died when a girl not yet reached the age of reason. The girl grew up a long time in the care of neighbors.

Wang was slender, blue-eyed, brown-headed and smart girl. From childhood she liked it that every item has its place. Its ability lurked somewhere deep in her. She was invented fun, loved playing "treatment" - prescribed friends of different herbs. In 11 years, Wang invented strange game, which caused the father uncomfortable feeling - sometimes, Wang put on the street or in the home of any subject, and then firmly closing her eyes, like a blind, begins to look for him. And despite the prohibitions of the father, continued to play in the blind.

Widowed father, finally, got married, took home a good hostess and caring mother for my daughter. Father cared for the cattle, and the duty Vanga was brought out of the cars wineskins with milk. And that's one terrible storm arose. The sky darkened, very strong wind, pulled out by the roots of trees. The clods of earth, leaves, branches wrapped in the funnel. Vortex vangu lifted and carried it in the field. Found it after long and persistent search. She was very frightened, and her eyes filled with sand and dust, open, she could not, they ached. No treatment was ineffective. Money for the operation was not, and vision every day felt worse. Wang wept, prayed to God for a miracle. She doesn't yet know what the miracle is.

In 1925 vangu defined in the House of the blind, where she stayed for three years. After the death of her stepmother, she had to return home to help look after younger brothers and sisters. And the houses are all the same poverty. Day - work, and at night - tears. Supernatural abilities Vanga was opened gradually, no one has fixed the date of their birth, but many then he remembered how she helped her father to find another sheep stolen from the flock that he was herding. She accurately described the yard, where they hid the sheep. All very surprised, and Wang said that he saw it in a dream. She already noticed that she began to dream the dreams that talked about unpleasant events which later came true. But her talent in the power turned in the war. Desperate, distraught with grief people who were not to go. So they went to the woman that could placate, or at least say where laid his head close people.

Her older brother Vasil went to the guerrilla group. Wang cried, begged him not to leave, saying that he would be killed in 23 years. But Vasil did not believe the prediction. He resigned in June, and in October he surrendered to the Germans. His brutally tortured before being shot. How tragic a lot to see, to know a lot, a lot to understand and to see the inevitability of the coming event.

His unusual ability itself Wang explained by presence around her special transparent beings, the origin of which is to explain couldn't. They allegedly sent her information about people that she could not convey the suffering, the distance and time did not play any importance. The life of any person standing in front of a prophetess, ran in front of her consciousness as a film from birth to death. But to prevent what is written "kin"Wang was not able to.

In addition clairvoyance and pronitsatelnomu Wang realized that can cure diseases. But not with drugs, and using herbs. When treating them she advised pour decoctions, because they are better exposed through the skin. Wang has never denied official medicine, however, believed that excessive use of drugs is harmful, because they "close the door through which the use of herbs is part of nature, in order to redress the balance".

Herbs and flowers - her love. It is in medicine Wang pays them a huge place. But he says that everyone should be treated only herbs of the country in which he lives. Many people helped her recipes. So why herbs and their impact it has not cured her husband. Because it was his way of life, a change which she could not, had no right.

Twenty years they lived a strong family, but recent years Mitko drank a lot and became an alcoholic. Wang saw everything, understood everything, but change his fate, to interfere in it could not. When her husband died, Wang knelt by his bed, from its blind eye constantly tears flowed. And when his last breath came off, she stopped crying and fell asleep. Lay it to the funeral, then woken up, said, "I accompanied him to the place which was to befall him".

The death of Wang was not afraid. She said she does not. She has a peculiar conception of death, that remains from a person after death. Here is an excerpt from a conversation Vanga with one artist: "I already told you that after death the body decomposes, like all living things, but part of the body or the soul, don't even know what to call it, does not decompose. Here you are talking about the second birth. What it is, I don't know. But what remains of the human soul, does not decompose, and continues to develop, to reach a higher level. This is the immortality of the soul".

Many witnesses remembered about contacts Vanga with dead people. On the question of the interlocutor, why she talks about his late mother, Wang said, "don't you brought her. They come themselves, because I am the gate in the world... When a man comes to me, his dead relatives gather around him, ask me questions and we are responsible, and I only report alive, what I have heard of".

Once to Vanga came a young man. Evil people robbed and killed his brother. They have three children-orphans and sick wife. Suddenly Wang went to the door and called him by name, and then said: "I know why you came. Do you want. so I said who killed your brother. Maybe after some time I will say, but you have to promise that you will not take revenge, because you don't need to do that. You will witness their end". Wang never allowed to retaliate. She believes that man is born to do good works. Every bad deed ever goes unpunished. It is punishable by a cruel way, and if the punishment will not come upon one who would do evil, then go to his descendants.

And here's another case. One farmer came to complain that he had no children live, what they all die very soon. Their was eleven, but none survived. Wang recalled the farmer, the young men that he was badly hurt his mother, who was pregnant at that age. The son was shy about it. Child and mother died, and the young man soon forgot about it. And now for t, that he insulted the Holy life, nature is so cruel to him. "You should know that the cause of your troubles is not his wife. We should always be kind, not to suffer whole life".

Wang spoke about infants and unborn children. A mysterious way she had seen and talked with people dying, 100, 200 years and more ago. As they note, is the most mysterious manifestation of clairvoyant Vanga.

Said Wang and about the future, though do not loved. According to her, in 200 years people will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. She even noticed that aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth... Where they priletajut? From the planet, which in the language of its inhabitants called Vamfim. This planet is the third from the earth.

Of course, unusual ability Baba Vanga constantly questioned, debunked and ridiculed. The writer Leonid Leonov once rebuked her: "why don't you predicted the death of my wife?" The prophetess surprised said, "As predicted? I sent you a souvenir coffee Cup. One". On the death of Wang always tried to communicate in the language of Aesop.

One of the most ardent of allegiance - Yuri Mountain, a famous Russian illusionist and a psychologist. He is sure that Wang is a "normal soldiers of the Bulgarian secret service". What information it collected housekeepers in hotels and the local taxi drivers, helped ideologists and security officers Bulgaria. Baba Vanga, believes Mountain, perfectly able to put their case at the state level. "The country was prestigious to have a prophetess, to which attracts crowds of tourists and celebrities from around the world. Including policies".

For "processing" chosen people: writers L. Leonov and S. Mikhalkov, the film actor Century Tikhonova, academician N. Bekhterev, the presidents of Todor Zhivkov, and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. All of them, as a rule, were amazed at the insight of Vanga.

As for predictions - remember all those that have come true. But even no longer fulfilled. For example, Alexander Bovina, at that time, political correspondent, in the distant 1973 she assured that the Soviet Union during the month will introduce troops to Chilland, Apparently, there Bulgarian secret services in their international forecasts had done wrong...

So what really Baba Vanga - protege of the secret police? But not fit. After all his prophecies and healing recipes she began to issue long before know about it outside of Petrich. So, "the initial capital" Vanga did not secret services.

Of course, popular rumor is a great force, but the Bulgarian intelligentsia for a long time belonged to Vanga very skeptical. There is no prophet in his own country! Especially laughed at her method to read information from a piece of sugar, which every visitor has been to her to come. And before that, sugar, all night lay beneath his pillow.

There are many examples when Wang reported its guests such things that no security officers were unaware. Why, for example, the Bulgarian secret services information that Sergei Mikhalkov was a sister who died at the age of five? Mikhalkov himself about it managed to forget, and Wang recalled. Because, according to her explanation, it is the dead who told her all the information. "They come because I am the gate in the world... When a man comes to me, his dead relatives are going to ask me the questions and answers, and I only report alive, what I have heard of". Voices from outland heard and visitors. And then talked about a mysterious whisper, thin-thin... Or deaf, as in the phone.

Actress Alla Demidova, while very fond of esoteric knowledge, surprised arranged her walk in the realm of the dead. "Wang took my sugar and asked if I had a father. I didn't answer, and she kept saying, "He died, here he's standing here. Father has a brother Ivan? And he died, and there he stands". All this was not exactly what I expected... suddenly Asked, why she sees me in uniform, and described the suit Angelika from the movie "the Shield and sword". I said that this is one of my roles. "Ah, so you're an actress?" And Wang immediately reported the star of the Russian stage that acting is not her profession, she's better to engage in scientific research. Since then Demidov repeats in every interview that deals not their business. Finally, "...she hugged me, said some seemingly meaningless things, put a hand on his back and told him not to walk in heels". In Moscow Alla Sergeevna returned completely different: "I have not been learned. Two years I was completely healthy. Physically and internally. I had no issue father Sergius: there below? And the answer was hamlet: Yes, there is!"

Many predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant officially recorded. Its capacity was often used in a purely national interests. Especially widely replicated political forecasts. The interesting fact about the war: to Vanga came and Hitler, and the Bulgarian Tsar Boris. Both left dissatisfied. What upset Hitler - is unknown, but Boris III Wang accurately predicted the date of his death. Consulted with Vanga and Todor Zhivkov. She predicted the death of his daughter in a car accident. And, alas, was not mistaken.

Many of the powerful visited Baba Vanga incognito. At a meeting with some it was transported to the capital. It is in Sofia Wang for 7 months before the elections prophesied of Indira Gandhi that it will again be the Prime Minister. But the tragic forecasts Wang issued later. They came in and kill the glorious daughters of India, and the death of her son in a plane crash. Stores the Protocol, as Wang long before the elections in the United States predicted that j. Carter will be President, but only one term.

Wang is the first seer, which supported the government. And the government has supported it. In Bulgaria was established the Institute of suggestology and parapsychology with 30 employees. They have confirmed its ability to predictions. Especially those concerning the search for missing relatives, is fulfilled by 80%.

In the Petrich was built a special hotel for those who come to Vanga. In the 70's she took about 100 thousand people per year. It is estimated that over 55 years of its activity the famous Bulgarian girls visited more than a million walkers. And not for drinking nice conversation they went. Vanga lived in a wild strain, passing through other people's misfortunes and diseases. Trail in the Petrich was international and had not grown up to the last year of life.

But Wang was "travel abroad". The Bulgarian authorities have not released "national treasure" neither in Paris, where she wanted to visit Notre Dame Cathedral, or even in Moscow. Wang dreamed of being on the red square, the Kremlin and talk to Gorbachev, whose rise to power has predicted six years.

Turn to it was painted a year in advance (although, of course, there were "backdoor" to "the right people"). The Bulgarian authorities was put on stream its sessions, nearly "coupons at the reception" was released. Visit to the prophetess for Bulgarians and citizens of the socialist countries was worth one hundred levs, for foreigners - $ 50. (One hundred leva - that's about two dollars, and monthly salary of the Bulgarians - $ 60.)

Itself Wang also not refused the money. But it could be a sack of potatoes, and a small coin, which he immediately fell into a cherished Fund - "the Church". Very often she refused from any "compensation". But you could bring a gift. From Vanga had accumulated a collection of stuffed animals. She loved to stroke, to touch them, remembering the man who gave the toy. Talked with them. However, as with flowers, cats, dogs... And with the spirits.

Twenty years before the death "Kursk", in 1980, the prophetess Vanga predicted: "At the end of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will mourn". In early 1999, we DH was handed on forecasts of Bulgarian jasnowidz. Announced it was this prophecy. As ridiculous. The Kursk also took this message with humor: as can be under water the forest-steppe of the city, from which year ride, and a large water will not reach. Who knew that the world will cry in the sea "namesake" of the Kursk? And the water around it is so much that the entire Russian fleet not to disentangle...

Prophecy Vanga... a lot of Them. For the most part bleak: nothing good to humanity does not Shine. Before the Apocalypse we and our descendants, we'll suffer from diseases worse AIDS, hunger and thirst. The flood will not be, but the minor disasters and catastrophes will happen a lot. For example, "the face of the earth will disappear one of the Arab States". However, "it will happen soon".

Other predictions have already come true, others seem to be very likely. "The pills will do seaweed, and they will be sold around the world" - broadcasting it in the 60-Kh. Splat appeared in our 90-H. And doctors say that algae is Pharmacopoeia of the future. "The day will come, " said Wang, " when the face of the earth will disappear different plants, vegetables, animals... First of all, onion, garlic and pepper. Then will come the turn of bees".

In Canada beekeepers may not receive buckwheat honey. Because of genetics brought buckwheat with which the bee nothing to take. Beekeeping kills genetic engineering. The list of melliferous all shorter. They will not, and we will remain without honey. And without bees - these amazing insect, which appeared on the planet much earlier person.

Wang loved to speculate about the Russian Orthodox Church, the proximity of Russia to the cosmic energy. Especially warm feeling to Boris Yeltsin. And really wanted to get his watch, not once asked a visiting Russian politicians to bring her watch Yeltsin. Why do they need her, never said, but something was bothering her in the fate of the first Russian President. About the next President of Russia said: "It will be quite unexpected figure. Not exactly Zyuganov and not Lebed".

The last prophecy Vanga in Russia: outlined hands in a large circle. And said, "Russia will become a great Empire, first of all, the Empire of the spirit". She predicted the future greatness of Russia. Even claimed that in the future Bulgaria will become part of a renewed Union. And the most famous forecast recorded Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov in 1979: "Everything will melt like ice, only one will remain intact -- the fame of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too many sacrificed. No one will be able to stop Russia. All will kick it out of the way and not only continue, but will become ruler of the world".

The fame of Vladimir, glory to Russia... what Vladimir speech? About Prince, Baptizer of Rus? But there were other... was, for example, Vladimir Ilyich. And now Mr Putin. And yet he Vanga is such obscure prediction (it dates back to 1988): "will Come Eighth and sign the final peace..." May, 2008-th year? Or the last member of the "nothing" turned now "eight". That is, once again, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Or still have to wait in the Eighth, who and the world final will sign, and Russia will in the sovereigns of the world?

Sociologist Velichko of Dobrinov, who investigated the phenomenon of Vanga, says that of the 99 analyzed messages to them clairvoyant 43 were adequate, 43 alternative (ambiguous) and 12 inadequate. This means that the percentage of telepathic "hit" Baba Vanga equal 68,3. Of course, the result of this high and does not fit into the framework of the theory of probability.

In respect of past and present is tempting to explain the ability of Vanga skill "talk" client, deftly pulling all the details, and then stun man of the data it from him and learned. However, Dobrinov recognizes that "Wang could carry out a telepathic communication and without leading questions that the right messages are not just the result of a combination of issues".

Even more difficult is the case with the prediction of the future, for here Wang actuallysory works hat". And the percentage of guessing, though less than in talking about this, but still high enough to chance alone. According to Professor Georgi Lozanov in a way was true about 70 percent of the prophecies of Vanga.

"In my session was the case,says Dobrinov, zapisyvali dialogues Vanga on the recorder.- After we went out from Vanga, stunned by experienced test woman in amazement said, "How can she immediately asked me why I am a widow?" I have used the occasion to reproach her for what she herself was issued at the first question Vanga, but to convince, I had to re-enable a tape recording. The sessions are many cases when Wang asking for things that are already explained in the previous conversation. It is natural to ask at least two questions: what is the role and importance of this method of divination, first, to the agent telepathy and, secondly, for most of Vanga. Thousands of people who come to her, don't carry recording devices, in order then to be able to analyze the conversation. In conditions of high mental stress is quite understandable that people may not pay attention to what he said in the beginning of the conversation, and after that he will be surprised Vaginam "open".

For the coming period of time, the one in which we live, forecast Baba Vanga very disappointing. In her statement, "cities and villages will be destroyed by earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, poor people will prevail, and thieves, informers and harlots will not count. I must say that as earthquakes and floods were, they are and will be. Mikhail Chulaki said on this occasion: “I Note, by the way, if to believe in prophecies on purely domestic level, not thinking about the problem of freedom of will, we have to admit that all popular seers, such as the famous Wang and homebrew its imitators, the name of which Legion - being extremely evil. Because, demonstrating impressionable viewers small miracles, nor Wang, nor an astrologer, nor one fool in Christ not warned of the victims of future earthquakes, impending catastrophes, of which so much is happening in our time. The future is always unexpected accident - a sudden. Otherwise also cannot be. Fulfilled prophecy would create the same paradox as a time machine: if you could go back in time and something to fix, it would change and then present from which we left; if you could foresee the danger and avoids it, it would change the predicted future - and parted with the prediction. So Wang is not a villain, but a sweet old lady who knows about the future, not more of us.”

Close to the prophetess people claim that Baba Vanga still is to them in dreams. Because preparing for the rebirth. Before death she said that all his gift conveys a ten-year girl from France. After receiving it, she also going blind. And when the time comes, will find "another vision". In order to lead us, the foolish, in the way of God and to teach them to understand and appreciate the Fate assigned to Them.
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