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Sometimes our blue planet Earth called the ocean. But this name corresponds more interesting enough Saturn's moon Titan. It was water covering the surface of the boundless ocean. Perhaps it is there now under the orange atmosphere and under thick ice crust, in the depths of the cold waters emerging life?
Titan is the second largest satellite in the Solar system, its diameter is 5152 kilometers. Only Jupiter's moon Ganymede (diameter of 5,268 kilometers) exceeds its size. Titanium is drawn in a slightly elliptical orbit around Saturn and its orbit passes over the famous rings of the planet-giants. Found this interesting Saturn Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens in 1655, and the name Titan" became well known and accepted only from 1847, when he published an article by John Herschel, who suggested this name to the largest moon of Saturn.
Like our moon, Titan demonstrates the phenomenon of synchronous rotation relative to Saturn, that is always turned to one side of the planet. It bypasses the giant 15 days, 22 hours and 41 minutes, making just one revolution around its axis of rotation. This time the balance is due tidal phenomena, occurring on the satellite due to the forces of attraction.
The spacecraft Voyager" for the first time investigated Titanium, saw its dense and opaque atmosphere and accurately measured the diameter. In the end he turned out to be geologically active celestial body is the core of Titanium warms the satellite from the inside and outer layer of ice "bark", located under the 400-kilometer atmosphere cooled down to -180 C°! In the atmosphere the lion's share of nitrogen, oxygen is completely absent, and yet there is impurity of argon and methane.
The mission "Cassini" six-time flew by Titan and detail his investigated from 2006 to 2011. The shape of the surface of the satellite as it passes through the orbit was changed because the orbit is elliptical, in moments of minimal approach to Saturn the Titan became slightly "elongated" due to tidal humps, and the maximum distance is almost spherical. This tidal humps, changing the diameter of the satellite, increased its almost 10 meters! This means that under the solid crust is easily movable layer.
Most likely, this water, and a "Titanic" ocean! It can have a huge depth and expand up to 200 kilometres in depth from "bark" thickness of 50 kilometers. Of volcanism can be sources of methane found in large numbers in the upper atmosphere of the satellite.
This should cause the greenhouse effect and the increase of temperature in the atmosphere of the satellite. But in the lower layers is thick orange fog composed of organic molecules, and it absorbs solar radiation and releases out of infrared radiation from the surface. This "an antigreenhouse" effect cools the surface of Titan by about 10 degrees.
The climate of Titanium - a real puzzle for climate science. What is the role of methane, satellite oil fields on Earth, in the formation "Titanic" weather? Assume that sea from liquefied gas can flutter in his icy "bark"to escape and condense into clouds, away from sources of methane rains on the surface.
However, this cycle of methane in the atmosphere of the satellite must be replenished from deep sources (like the water cycle on Earth). It should be noted that methane is volatile and unstable chemical compound that is why in the atmosphere and have found many ways of organic molecules. The lander "Huygens" has allowed to create the model of circulation of the atmosphere of Titan. However, all the mysteries of the mysterious moon of Saturn solved a lot of them are still waiting for those who will be able to give exhaustive answers.
это не вода, а застывший газ метан...