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Gods and Mythological creatures with almost without limit possibilities, esoteric often compares mythological gods with egregors, the monotheistic religions insist that God is one, what is God from the point of view of mythology?
For "gods” has often been quite explainable phenomenon of esotericism find an explanation in the "egregor”, some scientists better substantiated claim that often UFOs were taken for gods.
Who are the gods?
First of all, clarify, here are the gods of mythology, "the Supreme mind” or "God” has no relation.
The word of God and the angel that is written here with a small letter because those words, in this case refers to the mythological gods and angels, or UFO, not related "Higher mind” or true "to God, no one wants to offend the feelings of believers, there are only visible moments when UFOs could be mistaken for God, such occasion shall not constitute a lie or the truth of any religion.
Biblical gods
The book "Exodus”: Gudava 13 "and the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.”
The book of the prophet Iesaceja: "And I saw, and behold, a stormy wind came out of the North, a great cloud and the fire spray, and a brightness was about it, 5 and from the midst of it as if the light of a flame from the midst of the fire; and from the midst of it was visible likeness of four living creatures, and that was kind of them: their appearance was like a man”.
What was it, doesn't this remind you that the landing of a spaceship?
Could be God which Moses and Ezekiel UFO?
In theory, more possible, for example if a close look at the Bible, the behavior and the description of God there is not the same, sometimes God help Israel, sometimes ordered to surrender, the appearance of God is nowhere described, and still, angels and chariots of God, sometimes described in enough detail.
Chariots of the gods
Why would God chariot?
According to any religion, God is incorporeal being, spirit, or energy, capable of including and move anywhere without whose whatever everything else aid, the question arises, why would God vehicle?
It is sometimes argued that the vehicle you only need to translate somewhere his chosen, however, the chariots of the gods, often appears in the Bible as a means of transportation angels, according to the approval of any religion angels is incorporeal beings, and does not need any transportation to move. Can all the same, "chariots of the gods” was carrying not gods.
Josef von Blumrich, head of one of the departments at NASA ,worked on the designs of spacecraft, co-author of the project "Saturn 5" and the recipient of numerous patents involved in the design and testing of wheel mechanism,so carefully described by Ezekiel.
Blumrich says , "biblical texts can be read as a description of technical devices, not disembodied visions”.
Further research led him to the conclusion that Ezekiel differed amazing powers of observation and almost photographic memory."This allowed us not only to develop a simple sketch,but also to Express the dimensions, weight and other characteristics numerically".
The four living creatures ,described by Ezekiel, said Blumrich , were not alive. These are the four pillars of the huge ship, each with a wheel that can move forward, backward and sideways. This wheel to do now technically possible, and it is patented. Wings wheels were the rotor blades. Rotating, they seemed to be in contact with each other. Main engine rocket device, fuel was in a huge volkobrun case. The blade was used only during maneuvers on landing.
Blumrich believes that the spacecraft Ezekiel not only technically possible, but is also perfectly designed for its goals. "This technology does not fantastic, to be in the aisles of our current opportunities.”
In addition, the study confirms that it is ship, launched from the Orbiter uterus, revolving around the earth. ”Fantastic” remains only that such ship was palpable reality over 2500 years ago.
NASA scientist recalls that then the prophet says, as if it was lifted and carried away in the spirit. This is proof that the ship endured Ezekiel in different places.
However, even if the mysterious biblical texts served as a basis for designing spacecraft, technically ahead of our current projects , the arguments of Blumrich are not conclusive evidence that space aliens came in contact with humanity at different moments of its history. However, looking back a few thousand years ago in the past ,we will clearly see that UFO - whatever they were - it is not an attribute only of the twentieth century.
Mythological gods
Sumerian mythology, detailing gods says that "the gods have come C another planet' in "the Myth of creation States that Marduk was a stranger from another planetary system.
All these data show that often UFOs and aliens were taken for gods, what's more modern studies say that "the natives" often took modern people for gods or demons.