Viewings: 5883
Tornado formed over the Gulf of Riga in the area of the Cape of Kolka in Latvia on Friday evening, according to the online version of the leading Latvian Smio the words of eyewitnesses, the tornado was observed in the sea at a distance of 5-6 kilometers from the shore and lasted 5-6 minutes. Information about victims and destructions until netsmart are formed in the result of collision of a cold front from the warm air masses prevailing in a particular region.
Viewings: 4375
Winged creatures that transmit people lead from heaven. Mysterious guards, whose purpose is to observe and protect. Mighty warriors who can bring to the Earth the plague or prosperity. Whether angels are a product of human imagination or do they really exist? And if so, where did they come from?
Viewings: 6614
Viewings: 4977
Documentary about global warming, or rather about the myth of global warming
Viewings: 5543
Video from 2010, but for some reason I have never encountered before. Fishermen off the coast of Padang, Indonesia caught strange octopus head looks like a human.In discussions in many forums assume that it is either mutation or unknown species. What became caught octopus unknown.
Viewings: 5779
In this huge world we are one? And the most intelligent? Probably smarter than those who's making us not to worry about global problems! On the Internet, especially in Western countries, has sharply increased interest in the topic of Nibiru, the Anunnaki, space aliens.Many scientists say that another intervention evil alien civilization ahead of us in the near future. But our consciousness skillfully manipulated. Derided any attempt to talk about the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations in the near-earth space. But when you desire to find evidence of their presence is simple!
Viewings: 5496
A growing number of victims of the powerful floods in Japan. Local media reported on 22 dead, seven missing, more than 400 thousand people were ordered to leave their homes. Currently in Kyushu is a large-scale evacuation. Torrential rains in the disaster zone are not terminated, which could threaten the new bed.
Viewings: 4284
Tireless fighters for world domination invent new, more sophisticated Weapons of Mass Destruction, namely climate weapon. It is the time for it to finally understand. And their goal is the destruction of a large number of inhabitants of the earth and enslave the rest of the population.
Viewings: 4173
Pyramid discover new secrets. It turns out that the creators of these amazing structures knew how to use them to create tremendous energy. What has it been used?
Viewings: 4528
Our focus is exclusively on paranormal phenomena: the appearance of UFOs, "crop circles", poltergeist-version and all the latest paranormal news...
Viewings: 5323
Sinister fighter goats for a long time the terror of Puerto Rican Cristiano it go to all sorts of rumors,horror stories,tales and legends. |