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The Nat Geo WILD channel watch online in HD (Russia)Attention! If the channel does not work, please indicate this in the comments. Thank you. The channels are not stable and can cause signal loss, because the channels in HD, recommended speed Internet from mit. National Geographic channel which broadcasts of popular scientific programs and films about the culture, history, science and nature. The most popular programs are: Prohibitions, the Troubles abroad, Particularly strict regime, Investigation of air crashes, From the point of view of science, the Most dangerous animals, Seconds before the crash, Superdorogoy, the Toughest in the world repairs, Miracles engineering and many others. Here you can watch National Geographic online for free. Currently airing channel about nature NatGeo WILD. ![]() When you install must stand the boxes for "Mozilla plugin" and "ActiveX plugin". If the channel does not show or gives an error message about IP address then reload the page ![]()
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