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It was down in Memphis, one of the largest cities of the Country of pharaohs, at the time when the rules of its king Amenemhat. On the penultimate day of the fourth month of the first season, in the hour of dawn the sun, Takamine, the wife of a prominent official Sebastea, gave birth to a daughter. Great was the joy of their relatives, who saw that the girl was healthy. Two and a half years ago in the family Subestate first-born son, but after a few months of death had took him. A few weeks the mother mourned the baby, who was later buried on the West Bank of the Nile, putting a face to the ground. Guilt acted smart Takamine. That she might be the cause misfortune? Shortly before the birth of her son she stretched out on a bed with her husband, it was one of those "unfortunate" days in which the stars don't allow spouses to get close... But time heals all wounds" - this wisdom was known to the Egyptians. Cries stopped, stopped crying - Takamine again waited for the child.
After the birth of her daughter Sebaste, as required by law, went to the "house of life", to make mention of the child in a stored record and learn from priests, what fate awaits his first daughter. "House of life" were situated near the temple. Here gathered scientists and priests. They studied astronomy and policies have kept the tradition of the faith, learned about new innovations and discoveries, letopisei acts of the pharaohs and events in the temple. Here was the center of magic and medicine, astrology and astronomy; it was invented cryptography as much knowledge is kept secret. Priests were divided strict hierarchy. Someone was available some texts, some the other, and only the high priest, all the mysteries of the world can access any stored here records. In one of the premises of the "house of life" was engaged in vain worldly Affairs: collected information about crops and livestock, celebrated the birth and death.
Astronomical ceiling of the temple complex of Dendera in Ancient Egypt with the image of gods and signs of the Zodiac
On the way to the "house of life" Sabaste distinctly remembered the sad events that happened two and a half years ago. The firstborn was born in the last month of the "Shema" - the hottest time of year, time of drought and harvest. The baby's face was as red as the face of God Seth - God of the desert and foreign countries, murderers of Osiris. And he was born just in the day of the birth of God. What a miserable day! It is afraid of Pharaoh, not starting until they, in any Affairs. Parents prayed and offered sacrifices, called the doctor, but it was all in vain. The severity of destiny foretold disaster. To get rid of the verdict brought by the stars, it is impossible, as it is impossible to wash off the mark unhappy day!
...Sabaste decisively repel black thoughts. He looks at the sitting near the scribe, and calls day and hour, when my daughter was born. Excitement and fear devour him. That he would know? What's the verdict of fate? What network pitched the day star, catching in her fate daughter?
And these are the words spoken! The tears stood in the eyes bewildered father, tears of joy. The girl was born under a lucky star. The penultimate day of acheta" - the first season, time of the floods was considered blessed day. The hour of birth is also prophesied good. In this "shining hour", the hours of sunrise, when the sky appears a "father of the gods" of RA, the great joy granted to the souls of people. And one more sign: the decade of the month, when a girl is governed by "green" UTO - blessed be the goddess of fertility. Having heard all that the father returned home.
Sabaste and Takamine were very happy. Brought it from beginning to end, as it was found written in the Scripture scribe, skillful fingers, may he be alive, safe and sound! If anyone will dispute the truth of this, that God may be That an enemy to him.
The gods are born in the days of the "Shema"
Describes the events could have played in the family of a prominent Egyptian official four thousand years ago. In the Middle Kingdom (approx. 2050-1650 BC) the culture of Egypt has prospered. Was no exception and "the science of the stars." The word "science" in this case filled with a different meaning than today. The Egyptian priests equally carefully stored observations accumulated by their ancestors, and mystical representations of celestial events. They were interested in the stars and the movement of the planets, moon phase and annual path of the Sun. Their knowledge of the priests used in theology and medicine. Knowledge, known to them, were extensive.
Greek scientists, who had been in Egypt since the middle of I Millennium BC, he was surprised by the information accumulated by residents of the Country of the pyramids. "They are very well-versed in dealing with the heavenly phenomena," wrote the geographer Strabo (63 BC - 28). Historian Diodorus Sicilian recorded in the first century BC: "From time immemorial they do a book about the movement of the stars... and on the influence of planets on the quaking of the earth, hunger among the people, and of pestilence among animals. They predict the future and rarely wrong".
Archaeologists often find evidence of Egyptian beliefs. In many temples discovered inscriptions, which marked the position of the stars in the sky. The ceiling of the tomb of Senenmut, the favorite of Queen Hatshepsut, decorated with a very detailed map of the sky. Cover many sarcophagi painted inside a constellation images - there is indicated the name and there are also prayers to the gods, who ruled running these bodies.
In our days the tourists are particularly attracted to the temple of Hathor at Dendera. It was founded in the period of the Middle Kingdom and completed until the arrival of the Romans. Its decoration is the zodiac circle, inscribed in the body of the goddess Nut - the goddess of heaven, "the Great Mother of the Stars".
Observations of the Sun, Moon and stars helped the Egyptians to create a calendar, even multiple calendars! Accepted we numbered years is also based on the experience gained in Egypt. The inhabitants of the Nile valley, adjusting to spill the great river, has divided the year into three seasons: "akhet, peret", "our". A spill, the appearance of the land, drought. All seasons were equal; each had four months, each for 30 days. Long months had no names and only numbered: the first month of "promptly", the second month "Shem"... For the last month "shemu added five days, and then the total number of days in the year was 365. These days was considered the birthdays of gods Osiris, Horus and Seth, ISIS and Navitity. In one of them and was born firstborn Subestate and Takamine.
This calendar was called schematic. It was widely used by the rulers and officials. Other calendars consisted of 12 months, which lasted for 29 or 30 days, from new moon to new moon. However, such systems account time were uncomfortable, because once in two-three years had to add a short 13th month. To define its terms could only priests, resorting to incomprehensible for other calculations.
Month Egyptians divided into a kind of week, only lasted for they are not seven, and ten days. The first day of the decade was considered probably the weekends. Anyway, on one of the steles erected by Ramses II, found the inscription: "I filled for you pantries pies, meat, biscuits, sandals, clothes and perfumes oils, that you might anoint your head every ten days." "It is difficult to assume, - writes the French historian P. Monte - that those who have made such a careful toilet, will be accepted after this work."
To prevent the error, calculating days, in many temples to watch the time assigned to the special priests. They measured it with water and sunshine hours, and marked the beginning and the end times of the year and followed the order of the day.
Their water clock (hourglass) was a stone vessel. Water slowly filled his or stained through the hole at the bottom. In the first case, the "level" of time indicated measurement - rod inserted into the float. The water came, stem rose higher and higher, moving along caused by a number of scales. Gradually the time overfilled the Cup, as sometimes overwhelm our senses of the soul. In the second case, the time irretrievably lost, emerging from the vessel, like water running through his fingers. Gradually revealed labels put on the wall of the vessel, specifying how much time has elapsed.
"Ascendant" celestial science
What prompted the ancient Egyptians so carefully study the sky? Why they came to the thought: "as above, so below"? Why, in their opinion, the course of the heavenly bodies was determined the fate of people?
To answer this question, fast forward another few thousand years into the depths of history. Eight-nine thousand years ago people began to domesticate the young of wild sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, donkeys. The first herd. For them it was necessary to look - feed them. In hot countries, wandering with herds, shepherds spent the night under the open sky. Falling asleep, they looked at the stars, which has spread its network across the sky, or watched the hassle of changing moon.
That we live in, looking down at his feet or not sticking the nose of the car and apartments. We have lost all touch with heaven. In ancient times, his picture was familiar to people as good as you - the corner of the room where you live. Retentive look noticed any change in the sky. Heaven was a mirror that people were padelis in him and saw the reflection of their own fate, and on the other side of heaven mirrors froze the congregation. Even today the natives of Africa, staying closer to the faith of the ancestors, of which we, Europeans, saying, "Where the sky is, there is God."
So, in those remote times, when Sugar was blossoming, and the stone age, people noticed that the sky travel not only the moon and the Sun. The constellations are also changing. In the East the sky new group of stars. This phenomenon is still plays a crucial role in astrology. It is believed that "ascendant" - constellation rising in the East at the moment of birth of a person is largely determines its fate.
In IV-III millennia BC, after the long war, the king of Upper Egypt, the country of peasants, conquered the Bottom Egypt - the Nile Delta, inhabited by nomadic pastoralists. King-winner Narmer declared himself the "Lord of the two lands" and built in the North of Egypt of the new capital - Men-Nero, or Memphis.
Priests living in temples, gathered knowledge about stars, accumulated in the South and the North of the country shepherds and farmers. Knowledge of seasonal climate changes, timing of flooding of the Nile and searing winds blowing from the Sahara, was vital for the peasants. Give these terms could only stars. The priests, who possessed the art of writing, and be able to interpret the language of the stars, kept his secrets, and even made a calendar, forever captured the elusive string of days.
At the same time the Egyptians made the most important for themselves astronomical discovery: they drew attention to the star Sirius - the brightest star in the sky. Almost three months before the flooding of the Nile she disappears from the firmament and 70 days appears again. Under its Shine, and the star appeared only for a moment, just before the sunrise - in the Nile began to rise water, flooding the fields and valleys. The Egyptians called Sirius the name of the goddess Sopdet (the Greeks pronounced her name as Sothis).
Three thousand years the Egyptians worshipped the star Sopdet. It occupied the Central place in their cosmology. The day of her return - on 23 July was the first day of the New year. This holiday is celebrated all over the country. Egyptians exchanged gifts and wished each other luck.
Historians argue that the Egyptians began to count the time from one return Sopdet to the other. Some believe that the first time it happened in 4236 BC Firmly can say only one thing: the oldest known Egyptian calendar associated with a position on the sky, Sirius, dated 2278 BC
The Egyptians liked star, Polevskoy water of the Nile and promising harvest. Name Sopdet affectionately called favorite women. The most important decisions pharaohs took, finding out what the position was occupied by Sirius. After all, the star, the ruling'neil, presides over the destinies of people. The relationship between the flood and the appearance of Sirius, undoubtedly gave the Egyptians on the idea that in their life and tides luck are associated with the heavenly rotation. "As above, so below", - commanded the wise God is One. In the secret books of Thoth - later they were called "hermetic writings were gathered all the knowledge accumulated about the sky by the Egyptian priests, astrologers and astronomers. Like fragments of a broken mirror, heaven is reflected in every human life.
In addition to the brilliant Sopdet, Egyptians already in the III Millennium BC knew five planets of the Solar system: Venus, Mars, mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Their knowledge played an important role in the origin of astrology, because the planet is eternal wanderer, constantly changing his position in heaven. In the temples of carefully watched the movement of the planets and studying their impact on human events.
The sun, Moon, planets and constellations were considered manifestations of the deities. Some planets, such as Venus, embodying the goddess ISIS was considered good; others Mars, the planet of evil Set was known as evil. These sentences survived dozens of centuries, and until now the astrologers, the interpretation of the influence of the planets, refer to them. Probably, in the opinion of the priests was influenced by certain reasons. Let's try to understand them.
In the evenings Venus easily seen on the horizon: it sparkles dazzling white point. Only the Sun and the Moon brighter. This is understandable, because it is illuminated by the Sun twice brighter than the Earth. Besides it is always enveloped in a blanket of clouds, well reflecting the sunlight. Shining Venus filled the soul of the priests joy. They called her a good planet.
The surface of Mars painted in red-brown and yellowish tone. Planet seems bloody, as the hand of Set, obuhivska themselves with the blood of Osiris.
Saturn moves slowest known to the Egyptians planets. Its orbital period around the Sun lasts for almost 30 years. Probably because of the slow planet Egyptian priests called "guardian of time." For them it symbolized eternity.
So from actual observation of a starry sky were born, legends and myths. Learning to present the past act of the heavenly powers, could be computed and the future, to predict it. Understanding the sense of the star sky, the priests were discovered his magic. Why it was necessary?
Traveling by time
Ancient astrologers not like lovers horoscopes our days. They noticed a scattering of planets (by the way, how similar balls planets, raskatyvaete across the sky, on a scattering thrown on the table dice!) not to interpret the nature of this or that person and to promise Calf friendship with the Twins. They were rather interested in the fate of the nation, country, or at least its ruler in one or another hour, day, month, year. Astrology was a high art, and not applied aid in everyday life. Her feet measured not by the characters of scribes and jars, and the coming time.
Traveling in a foreign country, we do not know what lies ahead: a blooming garden or forest, infested by robbers, shady oasis marsh or swamp. Travelling in time, we also do not know what to expect from him "astrological chart"happiness or misfortune. There are good days and bad: some bring good luck, others are upset all the plans. On a bad day she can't swim, boat, to go on the road. A child born in a day Set", doomed to unhappiness; a child born on the penultimate day of acheta", caressed by the gods. Like the builders who are laying the road terrain, the Egyptian priests led the way into the future, carefully guarded the cliffs and ruts - these "failures in time", which is so easy to sink with all your Affairs and undertakings.
Fast forward several sheets of the calendar, which lived in Thebes and Memphis. In his ancient records sometimes rooted in our tradition. So, on December 25, when in the whole Europe celebrate Christmas, in the Country of pyramids, too, holiday reigned. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, this day has risen Osiris. Everything that happened on December 25, was greatly affected the destiny of man.
You can call other happy days: the first day of the second month of the season "beret"when the RA their mighty raised the firmament; 12th day of the third month of the season, when He came into possession of the temple "Lake of the two truths"... in Order not to get lost in the whirlwind of hazardous and good days, the Egyptians used the calendar, where it was noted that the future they are prepared.
Gradually formed extensive regulations prescribing how to behave in Church on certain days, communicating with the gods, and how to stay with their vicars on earth - pharaohs. While people did prescribed for them, everything was going as usual order, and there was trouble in the country. If the divine is the turn Affairs had been violated, began unhappiness.
Priests, who knew the law given by the gods, was often called "the guardians of the great mystery". There were many of them. Everyone kept their "piece of the mystery", but his occupation certainly put on glorious formula - for example, "guard the secrets of the king's wardrobe." Man, Reverend this title, was not just a servant, willing to get to Pharaoh sandals from a nearby Cabinet. No, he was in the same interpreter of signs and secret meanings, like other priests. He knew what time is improper to wear a dress of a particular color, what clothes to better choose in which order it should be dressed.
Periodic table of good and evil
The temples of Ancient Egypt can be called "corporate campuses". The scientists of that time were also priests, priests, in turn, - scientists. Science is closely intertwined with religion and astrology.
Take for example the medicine. Many diseases have been associated with certain days of the year or season. Creams and potions different acted at different times of day: some helped at sunrise, the other - in the season of "beret"when Neil returned to their shores.
In everyday life also doing a lot of different regulations. Behave followed, in keeping with the position of the moon and the constellations of the zodiac in the skies, and remembering what the divine rules of the current decade. The combination of these conditions and uttering property day, indicated whether he is happy, unhappy, or dangerous. On some days the Egyptians tried not to leave the house, especially at sunset and at night.
As you can see, even within one day of its properties could change. Do any of them, as any person could be very complex. It was necessary to know the habits of time, and there invaluable brought in the priests. Only they, constantly living in the temple or the "house of life", comprehended the properties of the coming time as we comprehend "the historical pattern of the past". Who, except the priest was ready to write the formula of the day, to make "periodic table of the elements of time"? Cost, for example, the priest is to know that the child was born on the fourth day of the month "pofi"as he spoke: "the Evil, the good, good." This meant that day started badly, but continued well: two-thirds were beneficial to humans. It remained only to brush away the foam of the day and see in which part of the river of time was born child, as if Hellenic Aphrodite - from the waters of the sea.
What painted map days in black and white squares? "Evil, good, evil, good,"... For mere mortals, this science was dark, but the conclusions it seemed indisputable. We also do not know what is the basis for all of these recommendations. Sometimes different priests they contradicted each other. So, scheming Seth was resented wherever worshipped killed them Osiris. But in Upper Egypt, where the revered Set, the same atrocities were considered exploits and related dates, of course, was considered to be the happy days. In the river of time everywhere and its pitfalls, and only an experienced pilot was able to help the person to pass them. Such a pilot to any Egyptian found in the "house of life". So, Sebaste, not knowing the meaning of the day when his daughter was born, looked about him right there, the priest.
If man did not like the ban or severe sentence, imposed on him, he could bypass fate. With astrology as philosophy: always find two different schools that give praise unto opposites. If in one temple was banned, another permitted. "If the Egyptian desperately needed to get out of the house, to go on the road or enjoy a matter of urgency in adverse day, " wrote the historian P. Monte - he could always consult a fortune-teller, who believed that day happy."
In an extreme case of trouble you can take with special rituals, for example to say the right spell to touch your amulet, but it is better to go to the temple and leave gods something, however small gift.
The catcher in the starry sky
Three thousand years the political map of the Ancient world, if permissible this neologism, was decorated with the "jewel of the Nile" is a country of Egypt. Three thousand years on the map of the Road, almost without modifying either the device of power nor its shape, maintain power, which arose immediately after the Greco-Trojan war! Unthinkable? However, Egypt has stood all this time, as the rock stand the shock waves. Sometimes the country was in decline, and on the throne sat a stranger, Egypt still has experienced all the troubles and the interregnum, while his rivals - Hittite power of Mitanni, Assyria have collapsed, eroded by time in the Bud.
However, the age of great victories was left behind. The authorities in Egypt capture the Libyan mercenaries, jackpot kings, the Persians. Finally, in 332 B.C. in Egypt joined the army of Alexander the great. The capital moved to Alexandria - settlement established in the Nile Delta. Now the ancient time was abolished... Old stars went out over Egypt. But science has left its indelible mark on the culture - first already Hellenistic, then the Roman, and later the new European culture.
According to Clement of Alexandria, secret knowledge of the Egyptians was recorded in 34 thousand volumes. Other ancient writers called 4000 volumes, and then and only 42. Their content has also changed over time. Communication with the Chaldeans, Babylonian and Greek astronomer has left its imprint on the doctrine of the Egyptians. In this melting pot of ideas was born a new astrology.
Now the main occupation of the astrologers were the interpretation of horoscopes and not search heavenly signs. 12 signs of the Zodiac were a new alphabet star science. Ancient Egyptians zodiac long time did not play a special role, and he wrote 11 of the constellations. Only under the influence of the Greeks appeared 12th sign of the Zodiac - Libra. Scorpions were "cut off" claws - they turned into the Scales.
Was another, even more important change: the secret science was a public teaching. The priests decided to "publish" esoteric laws, bringing them to the gates of the temples. Everything is mixed in the Country of pharaohs, and she found a new species. People ceased to be with old traditions. Now even mere mortals, if it were to their funds could bequeath to their body embalmed after the death and buried according to the rites available before only the strong of this world.
In heaven as on earth, traditions scattered. People began to read in "star book of heaven" is not what is seen their ancestors. In the II century BC there are the first detailed horoscopes made for individuals. From homogeneous crowd now distinguished individuals. Dawning of a new age.
Changes and still science. Throughout the Hellenistic world, people begin to doubt in astrology. So, two prominent Babylonian astrologers, Aburano and Kidanu, even renounced his art. Some astrologers - and they're astronomers are interested in the trajectories of the planets, the device of heaven, shape and position of the Earth. They develop observational science and evidence-based build theory. Others, like the players, who had thrown a bone, are looked at as cloths of heaven fell to the constellations of the Zodiac, and remember what is said about this or that their position. Some open a new, others repeat old. The science of astronomy is moving forward with time learning the laws of planetary motion, describing the structure of stars and proroka fate of the Universe. Teaching astrologers ever stands still. Misty sayings uttered once in Babylon and Egypt, are still "laws of human nature".
Between astrology and astronomy not on days, and on the centuries began to grow enormous abyss. In the literal sense of the word! Because our Earth reminds slightly tilted whirligig. Its axis of rotation writes circles, their period - 26 000 years. Due to this peculiarity of rotation of the Earth, that is, because of the precession of the earth axis, the vernal equinox point moves slowly among the stars. About three thousand years ago it was in the constellation Aries. In the II century BC moved into the constellation of Pisces, now appeared in the constellation of Aquarius. However, in calculations astrologers - here it is, the gap in the night sky! - zodiac circle still starts with Aries. Astrology blind to the results of observations, and therefore to the obvious facts.
Fans astrology, carefully omitting facts or, perhaps, unaware of them, live for long staying hours. Their time is up, as a jet of water from the clepsydra, thrown somewhere in the temple of Amun in the hour of glorious deeds of Ramses. Astrology is long dead. This is a dried branch on the tree of science. It's time has passed, even though the arrows frozen hours twice a day even show you the exact time, amazing accuracy of predictions. However, random is available only blind faith - science deals with natural.