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This man lived in America 9300 years ago. Now for the right to own it remains argue archaeologists and American Indians. The most surprising, that, judging by the structure of the skull, ancient aboriginal was not an Indian. Who is he?
"Leather Stocking" deprive us citizenship
For lack of title and the name of his name "Kenwick man." His remains were found less than ten years ago, not far from Kennewick, in muddy sediments on the banks of the Columbia river, flowing through the us state of Washington. They are so well preserved that their first researcher, anthropologist James Chatters, decided that it was the skeleton of some Leather Stockings", who died a couple of centuries ago.
Reconstruction of the shape of kendrickova man
The local Indians was their opinion. They considered these bones are the remains of one of their ancestors, and the dust of ancestors sinful alarming. And so, while the scientists have investigated the new skeleton, Indians demanded immediately bury it in compliance with all rituals. So, on American soil science suddenly clashed with the pagan superstition, when the scientific facts intertwined with ancient legends. With newspaper pages disputes brought in the courtrooms. But whether because of what debate?
James Chatters without hesitation has determined the type of the skull as "kavkazcity". In other words, the owner found the skull in life can not be attributed to the Mongoloids or Negroid. Among its features included narrow Malar bone, characteristic nose and slightly protruding upper jaw. That is, anything Indian in the face of this man was not? Hence, found the remains of the immigrant from Europe or Asia? But it also noted scientists?
"Cannicci man" lived a hard life and died in forty years. He lived with punched once the skull; several times broke his ribs; long-lasting damage to the elbow couldn't hold his left hand. In his right hip wore a bullet or the bullet. What surprise of the scientist, when tomographic analysis of this "bullet" was... leaf-shaped stone-tipped spears. Such American Indians fought at the latest five thousand years ago. And then the weapon changed, and these tips were forgotten.
But who slew trapper Museum spear? However, here the deceased was denied the title of North American colonist. Radiocarbon analysis showed that "Cannicci man" died 9300 years ago.
Immediately showered questions. They have led scientists literally a dead end. Whence arrived in the New world "kavkazcity" man? Why he is one of the oldest inhabitants of America? What the peoples of the Old world closest in anthropological features of human remains from Cennika? Is America was originally inhabited by different races? And in General - whether Indians were the first inhabitants of the Americas? Perhaps laboratory research of the remains will shed light on their origin.
Finding buried
But here foray into the ownership of anthropologists did the Indians. Five local tribes demanded that he return them the remains of the "ancestor" for immediate disposal at a secret cemetery. Scientists "dishonor our ancestor", said the leaders of the modern Redskins. One of them, Armand Minthorn, expressed categorical: "We are living here since time began. We are not moved out of nowhere, no continent, no matter what people say scientists". According to Minthorn, legends, retells the Indians from generation to generation, saved all that has happened to them over the last ten thousand years.
Minthorn, the leader of the tribe Umatilla, it seems, does not even know that his native tribe moved to the North-West of America, on the territory of the state of Washington, just two thousand years ago. He does not know about the other conclusion anthropologists: facts, transmitted orally from generation to generation, over time, distorted or lost. Over 450 generations, the tradition is lost. So a hundred centuries of history tribe Umatilla cannot be preserved in oral tradition.
However, on the side of the Indians instead of the truth of the fact is the power of the letters. In 1990 a law was passed on the preservation of the heritage of American Indians. Under this law, whenever it is discovered an ancient burial should check found here remains Indian. If the answer is affirmative, we have to immediately transfer them to the Indians. In practice this means that any human remains by the age of five hundred years, i.e. related to the pre-Columbian era, force, in court declared Indian remains - even if they look like "Cannicci man."
You can imagine that the local government of Tanzania in due time ordered Louis Leakey immediately to bury the bones of all the Australopithecus or Homo habilis, found at Olduvai gorge? But he insulted all whose ancestors have lived here since the beginning of time".
Minthorn and his supporters did not confused by the strange appearance of the aborigine of Cennika, recreated in the laboratory anthropologists: "Our ancestors have told us that once we looked different than now." The American authorities, bluda the principle of political correctness, unequivocally sided with the Indians. The subtleties of ancient history are not worried about them compared to modern problems. Allowing the latter, they are willing to sacrifice so little, as unique historical discovery.
Eight eminent anthropologists working in different universities of the USA, has addressed with the complaint, explaining the value of mystery remains. It remains to be seen what the outcome of the struggle scientists with lawyers. If the victory of the latter, then science will lose new "cornerstone", which could form the basis of the theory of colonization of America.
When people settled in America?
It is believed that the first people came to America 11-12 thousand years ago from continental Asia. They went from Asia in America through the Bering bridge - land isthmus connecting then two parts of the world. Perhaps it was the Siberian hunters chasing the mammoth and bison. Came to America, they were settled in the Eastern and southern directions. Bones and spearheads the oldest American residents found in the town Clovis, on the territory of new Mexico. However, if they supported the final version? Some archaeologists continued to question the generally accepted, but not proven hypotheses.
Fast forward to southern Chile, in the marsh, forest town of Monte Verde. Even in the seventies of the last century, American anthropologist Tom Dillehay along with several Chilean students found here mastodon bone, one of the relatives of the elephant, already extinct in the post-glacial era. These bones and he said traces of cuts, probably man-made. In subsequent years, Dillehay found stone tools, traces of fires, wooden items handled by human hands, as well as the remains of the body of mastodon and basketry. He cleansed the Foundation of the long house, which can accommodate up to fifty people. In some distance from it, the scientist discovered semicircular the Foundation of gravel and sand - like he has never seen.
Most of all struck by Dillehay Dating found monuments: 12 500-12 800 years. Where does human society in this period to be in southern Chile? Such date denied the usual scheme of settlement of America. Maybe the usual pattern : "promotion of East Asians from North to South, down to Tierra del Fuego" is incorrect? And the first settlers came to America not only from Chukotka, but also, for example, from South Asia? Perhaps they appeared in this part of the world much earlier than we think. Because large areas of the Americas South of the equator so far been poorly studied by archaeologists. Do not expect us an amazing new discovery?
In 1999, however, the history of the discovery cleared up. Tom Dillehay admitted that falsified his falsified findings. So, the "barrier Clovis" unshaken?
Meanwhile unusual earliest traces of human habitation have been found and in Venezuela, and Brazil - arrowheads and rock carvings, the age of about 13 thousand years. One of the French archaeologists have estimated the age of the stone tools found in the Brazilian town of Pedra Furada, no less than 48 thousand years. However, most people avoid to go after him in such a long time. They believe that French scientists discovered "rough stone tools" - ordinary stones, polished by the wind and water.
However, these controversial findings led archaeologists to search as ancient monuments and North America. They could not be, if the flows of migrants moved from North to South. Finally, in the town Meadowcroft (Pennsylvania), excavating layer of Clovis, archaeologists discovered underneath unfamiliar traces of human habitation: a tiny wicker basket and stone blades, resembling rather guns from Siberia or China than from Clovis. Three different laboratories dated fifty-two objects found in Meadowcroft. The result allowed the scientists caution to declare: "the age of the oldest evidence here of a person may be even nineteen thousand years!"
Salute you, strangers from the cliff overlooking!
In the US, for example, in the town Cactus hill, was made and other interesting discoveries. There were found fragments of a skull bones of a man who is not very reminded Indian, and age were such ancient as "Cannicci man." These "minor" findings tried to ignore. They did not fit into the academic theory of colonization of America. However, after the discovery of "KenwickOh man" to ignore inconvenient facts was not too much of a convincing looked like the remains of Caucasoid" with the coast of Colombia. Around them had to build new theories. We will name some of them.
"Theory coast". On the waves of the Pacific ocean - in those happy weeks and months, when he really was quiet, - was racing boats, on which sat the Asians. That drove them through the sea of the desert? Finally boat landed on the shore in a strange country; it was decided to settle. Gradually displaced persons spread along the Pacific coast of America from North to South.
"Polynesian theory". Boats with Polynesians sailed for the South Pacific ocean, until he reached the coast of South America. From there people moved North overland roads.
"The European theory". Spearheads found in Clovis, processed from both sides. This technique would seem to be unique, if earlier, 16 500-22 000 years ago, the same tips not made people of culture cliff overlooking, and then they inhabited parts of France, Spain and Portugal.
Did the people of Western Europe long before Columbus crossed the Atlantic ocean and discovered America? What do the facts tell us?
They, perhaps, would be "a stubborn things" because so many speculations around the discovery of America, but the facts of interest to scientists involved in this subject, something very rare. The more important and more amazing remains of the "Kendrickova man", one of a kind. Careful analysis showed that their owner was neither Indian nor European. It is similar, rather, to the Polynesian, but especially on Aina - the indigenous people of Japan. The Ainu were excellent sailors and so, apparently, is correct "theory coast". Ancient inhabitants of the Islands lying off the coast of Asia, could boats to get to America, then to follow along the sea, to settle on the new earth. It should be emphasized that linguists have long noted some similarities Ainu language from the native languages of North America.
Obviously, there were several waves of immigration in America. Who was on foot, who sailed by boats who bridge, who is in the water - so they come to America, confusing card anthropologists. It is possible that every few centuries the mankind "swarm". Obeying the unknown call, many people rush into the distance, settling apart thousands of kilometers from the former habitat. The Mongols, Huns, the Scythians and the Arabs and many others ran from one end of the world. What drove them? What made "to overturn the logic of history"? And what drove people puckovskij 10-12 thousand years ago in unknown distance until the end of the world, they could not find new land for settlement?
Thus, the ancestors of the Indians of North America were just one of those who settled unknown land? And, may be, they opened them?
Fear of Americans before the invasion of the Ainu
History Kendrickova man", obviously, will get its continuation. In ancient times, the few who voluntarily has embarked on the journey alone. Perhaps, in the coming decades will be followed by new findings "Kavkasioni" skulls of the stone age on the territory of America. And this is a daunting prospect of indigenous people in the US.
"Fear is what makes Indian tribes to oppose further research "Kendrickova person," says James Chatters. - The fear that someone might already be here before their ancestors; fear that they will lose their status of aboriginal people". However, Chatters seem too fond of controversy. A prominent anthropologist David Hurst Thomas, the former head of the American Museum of natural history, said of his words: "No Treaty with the Indians, does not contain the terms on which this document will be cancelled, if it is found that the ancestors of the Indians were the first inhabitants of this country. After all, when here came the European colonists, the true masters of the country were only Indians. Point".
And still find "Kendrickova man" questioned the right of Indians to be called the only indigenous people of Ancient America. The judges of this historic dispute will become anthropologists - people that the Indians have not trust. For decades anthropologists engaged in systematic looting of Indian burial grounds and the dismemberment of the dead; the remains of the Indians in violation of all ethical norms they were taken to the natural history museums as examples of skeletons "wild man". Most of these exhibits, however, have found refuge somewhere in the Museum basement. The premises of the Smithsonian Institute houses the remains of nearly 20 thousand Indians. After 1990, entered into force the above mentioned law, many Indian tribes began to demand to return to them the bones of the ancestors, and very often their demands have been satisfied. Anthropologists complain that lawyers are deprived of their valuable research material, a material, paluchilos decades in museums and even not documented properly.
The dispute about the "Kenwick man" continues - dispute on advantage not scientific, and legal. The verdict of the court, appeal, new sentence, the appeal. Who controls the American history? Who does it belong to? Is it possible to investigate past? Or it intact? Questions, questions, questions... So suddenly academic science was at the forefront of political struggle, and the secrets of the past declared priorities of lawyers.