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Few people know that the Nazca lines is not the only complex with a huge images on it. Just 30 km North from the town of Nazca is a small town Palpa, in the vicinity of which the plateau Pampa-Palpa is a huge number practically unexplored geoglyphs. The local population they were known but the interest of scientists attracted to them only in the early 1990's researcher of the mysteries of the past Erich von d?niken. As in Nazca plateau of Palpa the main part of the image is the stripes and lines, but there are figures. However, the complex Palps differs significantly from neskantaga.
First of all evident unusual relief plateau Pampa - many low hills with highly rugged slopes long tongues are issued to the plain, and on their flat tops are wide man-made stripes and lines. Creates even the impression that the top of these hills artificially cut specially before drawing pictures. In Palpa there strip whose width up to several hundred meters. As in Nazca, here stripes and lines cross each other and are superimposed over one another, which clearly shows several different temporal periods of the printing.
Unlike the Nazca lines, where there is only one image of the human being, the so-called astronaut, Palpa about ten anthropomorphic geoglyphs made with varying degrees of skill and of different sizes. There are also images of animals and birds, but they are few. What distinguishes the complex Palps from Nazca? The presence of several geometric images, which is amazing in its complexity and mathematical accuracy of proportions. First of all, this figure, known locally as "the star", although most of the image looks like a mandala. It is a three rounds: two small and one large one in the centre, connected to each other lines in a single composition, total amount of which reaches kilometers. The center of the composition depicts the right of a six-pointed star, composed of two triangles which contain a double circle. In the center of the inner circle are two intersecting rectangle which contain even one square and inside it WIA star. On the whole composition, obeying some logic, are located around the pit. And the small circle of the rings is made not in line, and chains such as circular pits. In the centres of these small rings eight-pointed star are depicted.
There is no doubt that this figure is one of the key to the whole complex Palpa, but its meaning remains hidden from us. And the only analogy is the image that comes to mind is well known, but just as mysterious crop circles, as well mathematically rigorous and bearing the mysterious information.
Nazca Palps
Another no less mysterious Nazca is just a kilometre from the "stars". Local guides have called it "the sundial", believing that the picture was used for observations of the Sun. The center of the composition presents the double helix or labyrinth from which the two sides goes straight zigzag of the six "wave" of lines. Next to "clock" is the whole complex of bands and lines that seeming confusion crossed each other. But this is not the most surprising. At one end of geoglyph there is a tiny picture of a human head with two high "horns", and below it, wriggling snake! Pictures of snake unknown elsewhere in Palpa and Nazca, but such images are typical in Cusco - the former capital of the Inca. Here such winding wavy snake often found on the stones of a laying of city buildings.
Another mysterious Nazca - rectangular table, located on top of a small mountain. It consists of overlapping, as on a chess Board, lines: 36 cross and 15 longitudinal. All lines are not continuous, they come dotted line, thus forming a table of many crosses. Surprisingly, from the air, this figure is well visible, as the entire table is shining, as if made from shale rock. Next to her is a "bunch" of fine lines that overlap the image of man. And over the lines bearing the image of a circle, surrounded by eight small squares. That is, the Nazca were made by unknown masters in at least three reception.
It seems that the complex Palpa, as well as Nazca, was used by the unknown people as a tool, was used repeatedly and for its creators did not exist special problems when applying kilometers bands and lines on the rugged mountainous terrain. After all lines stretch for kilometers, almost without straying from the straight line. In Nazca it was estimated that the error is not more than five meters for lines that have a length of more than five miles! And circles, spirals, squares have perfect geometric form. The surface of the plateau Palpa and Nazca is that the car, once passing through them leaves a distinct mark. And many of the drawings are surrounded by the wheel tracks made until the mid-1970s, when the Nazca lines has been declared an archaeological reserve and is closed to land visits. If, as suggested by modern scientists, figures and lines was carried out by the Indians simply by digging the soil, after such large-scale excavation must have remained a lot of trails stretching from the edge of the plateau to the images. But these roads do not have. Well, the Indians came to the place of work on the air, so as not to leave marks inadvertently? Answer questions, make a mysterious images of Nazca and Palps, still there. Although there are dozens of hypotheses, trying somehow to explain who and what created these geoglyphs. Unlike the Nazca lines, the study of which has been conducted since 1946, Palpa practically does not attract the attention of researchers. Although complex images in Palpa much more diverse, and geometric compositions like "star" or "sundial", in Nazca simply missing. Perhaps the creators of the complex Nazca has lost some knowledge of their predecessors, though kept covering technology giant ground-based images.
Today plateau Palpa visited by tourists is much less common than Nazca, and flights over Palpay done much less. But the pilots tourist planes every year opens in Palpa new image. While some residents of the area say that further East in the mountains, there are several plateaus to the Nasca, which researchers while simply do not know.