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 О чем рассказали глиняные таблички Six thousand years ago on the coast of the Persian Gulf there was a civilization of Sumer, which left many clay tablets covered with cuneiform. These tablets have reached us myths, historical chronicle, codes of law, economic documents, personal letters. Entire libraries clay tables were found by archaeologists in the ruins of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and in another large ancient city of Mesopotamia - the Nippur. But, despite this seemingly huge amount of information, in the history of the Sumerian civilization remains a lot of mysteries. And one of them is connected with the texts of clay tablets...

Judging by the transcribed texts, ancient Sumerians had detailed information about the Universe, the stars and planets, possessed extensive knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy and agriculture. Six thousand years ago, they knew that the Earth goes around the Sun. It Sumerian astronomers divided the sky in twelve signs of the Zodiac. They were known to all the planets of the Solar system and the history of their origin. But, for example, Uranium was "officially" opened in 1781, and Pluto - only in 1930!

As they say clay tablets, 4 billion years ago in our Solar system was invaded by aliens from deep space - Nibiru, wandering celestial body about the size of Earth. As calculated NASA according to clay tablets, celestial body moved with a speed of approximately 65 thousand kilometers per hour. At that time around the Sun (APSU) applied for mercury (Mumma), Venus (Lahamu), Mars (Lhmu), the planet Tiamat with his companion Moon, Jupiter (Cesar), Saturn (Ansar), Uranium (Anu), Neptune (EA) and Pluto (Gaga). They all moved by the solar orbits counterclockwise. When a mysterious Nibiru entered the Solar system, he got in a gravitational field of the Sun and captured them, went on an unstable orbit rotates clockwise and exposed to the gravitational fields of other planets. In turn, under the action of the gravitational field of Nibiru in the nearest planets of the Solar system began to happen disasters. Suffered most of all Tiamat. It began powerful tectonic processes that result tore the planet into two parts. One of them, along with a companion Tiamat - Moon, was thrown to another orbit and continued his life under the name of Earth. Another part of lost planet had collapsed and formed the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

And Nibiru? Under the forces caused by the disaster with Tiamat, he also moved into a new orbit, on the periphery, and became the tenth, the most distant planet in the Solar system. Scientific and science fiction literature it is common to call Transplutonium.

Maybe this story is just another beautiful legend? But in 1766 German astronomer, physicist and mathematician Johann Titus formulated, and the other German astronomer Johann Bode, explained the so-called "rule of Titius-Bode". This rule defines a pattern: at what distance from the Sun should be a planet of the Solar system. Now, this pattern provides for existence between Mars and Jupiter "planet № 5", which is actually not!

That rule "Titius-Bode" true proved subsequent discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Indeed, in 1772, when Bode released the results of its calculations, these planets have not yet been known to astronomers. And here in 1781 open Uranium - rule "works"! When it was first raised the question of "planet № 5"...

The first extensive discussion took place on the Astronomical Congress in 1796. "Planet № 5" were hard to find, and in the first new year's night of the XIX century Italian astronomer by gioseppe Piazzi discovered it.

But it was not a planet in a "normal" sense, a celestial body is extremely small size. Tiny planet called Ceres. In 1802, was opened by her sister - Pallada, after two years, Juno, in three years - Vesta... gradually it became clear that between Mars and Jupiter, where all calculations must be "planet № 5", circling around the Sun many tiny planetar - asteroids. And immediately the question arose, how did this "swarm"?

This question was already asked the German astronomer Heinrich Olbers, opened the Pallas and West. He first suggested that the "planet № 5" exploded, creating clouds of asteroids and space dust.

On clay tablets of ancient Sumerians, narrating about the disaster that happened to the planet Tiamat, did not know. But in Europe was well known to the ancient Greek myth of Phaeton, the son of the Sun. Once Phaeton without permission brought the Golden chariot of the father, drawn by a pair of fiery horses, and raced across the sky, but failed to cope with frenzied horses, failed to guide the chariot on a fatherly way, burned all life on Earth and died, incinerated by lightning. This event caused catastrophe on the Earth...

In the early 1970s was calculated the estimated mass of the planet № 5" and the time of its destruction - 16 million years ago. And that's what caused the destruction? There still many uncertainties.

The hypothetical "planet № 5" since Alberca called Chaise. But, it appears that ancient Sumerians knew an alternative title - Tiamat. And the Sumerians knew that in the crash, which happened with Chaise-Tiamat, the fault is not Golden chariot, and another heavenly body - Nibiru, it is likely Transpluto. So far all attempts to detect it came to nothing, although the presence in the Solar system some outside gravitational fields not related to the known planets, says long. In the 1980s that the American spacecraft "pioneer" and "Voyager" as it approaches the edge of the Solar system began more and more to deviate from the estimates of the trajectories. The calculations showed that the deviation caused by the presence of the gravitational field of an unknown planet's mass, which should be beyond the orbit of Pluto at a distance of about 50 astronomical units. In 1997, the American astronomers announced that they had found a small planet in the periphery of the Solar system. Does not yet named the cosmic body, perhaps, and should be considered Sumerian Nibiru, the tenth planet of the Solar system.

The newly discovered astrophysicists from Cambridge planet with the number TL massive enough and spans 490 kilometers. It revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, coming closer to him on the minimum distance of 35 and leaving at a maximum distance of 130 astronomical units (one astronomical unit is the distance of the Earth from the Sun, which is 150 million kilometers). This significantly further than the orbit of Pluto and Neptune. Already found several such bodies in the area called "belt Cooper", which is far from the so-called Oort cloud, where "born" of a comet. The opening of a small planet at the edge of the Solar system, possibly, promises many new surprises...
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