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The ancient temple of God-the monkey is hidden under the ground near the Siberian village Okunevo - considered famous in India prophet SAI Baba.
Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena also sure that there are "sacred place" - secret gate to parallel worlds. However, scientists from the official science, in response to such allegations ironically shrug. Who of them is right?
Those who come here with a desire to see a miracle, often disappointed. Okunevo the kind of ordinary village. Is, the truth, it is in a picturesque place - on the steep Bank of a small river Tara. From the neighbouring villages, it is distinguished by the fact that many years of Omsk archaeologists are here excavations reveal ancient burial grounds, finding all sorts of things ancient epochs.
Okunevy long see here an unusual phenomenon. This mysterious glow, colored rays passing in the night sky, and frequent flights UFOs, and the mysterious origin of the pit-mines near the village of Porechye, which is believed researchers anomalii, put his hand on the aliens.
I spoke with those whom I know dozens of years. For example, with Lyudmila Pastushenko we lived next door, went together to school, but to reveal the secret of his vision she decided only last summer. Here is her story:
- I played with her younger sister Nina outside the village. I was eight, and sister four years. Suddenly I see: on the Bank of the Tara appeared from nowhere khorovod of girls in bright summer dresses. I looked at Nina:
"You see? " She said "Yes". We do not have time to recover, as over the dance began to appear three huge translucent figures of women in mournful POS. And while all this was happening during the day, I was scared, and I all haste rushed home. But my mother came with us to the shore, saw nothing, though the dance multimeter and three figures remained at the same place.
Similar visions in different years was observed, and other okunevska children. For example, one boy saw in the air the living rider. Absolutely real, dressed as a Commissioner of the civil war. At the end of November and ninety-four I arrived in Okunevo once again.
By this time on the high left Bank of Containers in two kilometers to the West of the village was built a chapel, and Bishop Theodosius of Omsk diocese of the ordered set beside her six-foot cross. My companion Z. Vlasenko approached the cross and stopped in front. I, using the fact that the setting sun was between the cross and
Zoya Ivanovna, captured that moment on film. And when a few months later brought from Moscow prepared photos, I have heard from Vlasenko such a story.
At a time when she stood before the cross, in the hospital died of her granddaughter. And still young grandmother decided to turn to God with a prayer for help. The miracle happened! Granddaughter suddenly doctors quickly went to the amendment.
Naturally, the question arises: how to explain it? I have almost no doubt that near Okuneva (two hundred fifty kilometers to the North of Omsk)is a powerful energy center (EC). In Russia I know of only two such energy center. One I have already mentioned, the second - in Arkaim in the South Urals. EC found in other countries. One of them is in the USA, in the state of Arizona - between the city of Phoenix and a huge crack of the Grand Canyon. Indians of a tribe of the hopi ago consider this place, lost among the deserted red rocks, point magical powers. In our time there was built a thriving town of Sedona in which they live adherents of the religious-mystical movement New age".
Local residents believe that right above Sedonas in fine (astral) world is the invisible city of spirits, which radiates to the ground of their energy. They live in expectation of significant and irreversible changes. These changes, as stated by the natives, will be catastrophic: the earthquake and tsunami waves will destroy the whole regions and countries California, a large part of England, all the Netherlands, Japan and almost all Hawaiian Islands. And only inhabitants "sacred places"leading a righteous life, will receive their salvation...
We want to mention one detail: in Arizona is a giant crater formed millions of years ago from falling to the Ground colossal dimensions of the meteorite. Still, as near Okuneva. What is it? Another horror story about the end of the world? Or it should be taken seriously? In other words, to assume the probability of disaster. Let us leave the question of the end of the world open, it has happened so many times predicted that and will not consider it. But what is really interesting: famous in the West, American prophet Edgar Cayce pointed natural disasters are the least affected Russia and even less Western Siberia! He further said that the revival of civilization begins with our country.
Let's try to understand how possible things that can happen? Today is clearly alarming is that earthquakes, floods and hurricanes strike on us more often and with increasing destructive power. Why is this so? There is an opinion that the root cause of this are we the people. Our aggressive actions and the main thing - in thoughts "annoying" Land. And when somewhere thoroughly shakes or flush is its response to irritation. Now scientists admit that our planet is a living conscious entity. I say "and the scientists"since thousands of years ago this was told to the world of the occult and mysticism. How about the fact that our thoughts are material, all bronikowscy that there is enormous power to create, and destroy. Unfortunately, we were more successful in the past.
So, can, indeed, we cannot but thank God that there is on earth such a salvific spiritual Islands, as Arkaim, Sedona, Okunevo - energy centers, which, according to the esoteric doctrine, not that other, as the gateway to other worlds, both the highest and the lowest.
In the area Okuneva is, apparently, zone out positive energy, different ways beneficial effects on people. Interestingly, the name of the Tara river, on the Bank of which is Okunev area, has only the translation from Sanskrit -"the Saviour"! And this is another clear indication that the 6,000 years ago, there could be a temple of the great Indian healer Hanuman. However, Tara was as deep as the sacred Ganges Ancient... the river has been preserved, here referred to as the ridges.
May, indeed, the time will come when the village Okunevo will turn into the ark of salvation?