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The spectacle of the starry night sky filled with stars, mesmerize any man whose soul is not lazy and not dry completely. The mysterious depths of Eternity opens in front of the startled human eye, causing thinking about the original, where it all started...
If curious, we will take up the directory or some popular science textbook, you will certainly come across them on one of the versions of the theory of the origin of the Universe - the so-called theory of the "big Bang". In short, this theory can be summarized as follows: initially, all matter was compressed into a single "point", which had an unusually high temperature, and then this "point" exploded with great force. The explosion of gradually expanding in all directions of supergarage clouds of subatomic particles gradually formed atoms, matter, planets, stars, galaxies, and finally life. Thus the expansion of the Universe continues, and it is unknown how long it will take: maybe someday it will reach its borders.
There is another theory of the origin of the Universe. According to it, the origin of the Universe, the entire universe, life and man have a reasonable creative act of God, Creator and sustainer, the nature of which is incomprehensible to the human mind. "Convinced" materialists usually tend to ridicule this theory, but as it in one form or another, believe half of humanity, we have no right to work around it by in silence.
Explaining the origin of the Universe and man with mechanistic point of view, treating the Universe as a product of matter, whose development is subordinate to the objective laws of nature, supporters of rationalism, as a rule, denying non-physical factors, especially when it comes to the existence of some universal or Cosmic mind, as it is "unscientific". Research should consider what can be described using mathematical formulas.
One of the biggest problems faced by advocates of the theory of the big Bang, as time is that none of the proposed scenarios of the Universe cannot be described mathematically and physically. According to the basic theories of the big Bang, the initial state of the Universe was infinitely small point sizes with infinite density and infinite temperature. However, this condition is outside of mathematical logic and does not give a formal description. So in effect on the initial state of the Universe is nothing particular to say, and calculations here you down. Therefore, this condition did the scientists called the "phenomenon".
Because this barrier is still not resolved, then in scientific and popular publications for the General public subject "phenomenon" is usually omitted in General, and in specialized scientific publications and publications the authors of which try to cope with this mathematical problem about the "phenomenon" spoken of as things unacceptable from a scientific point of view. Steven Hawking, Professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, and J.. FR Ellis, Professor of mathematics, University of Cape town, in his book "Long scale structure of space-time" point: "the Achieved results confirm the concept that the universe started a finite number of years ago. However, the starting point of the theory of the Universe - the so-called "phenomenon" - is beyond the known laws of physics". Then we have to admit that in the name of the justification of the "phenomenon", this cornerstone of the theory of the "big Bang", you must allow for the possibility of the use of research methods is beyond the scope of modern physics.
"Phenomenon"as any other starting point "of the early Universe", which includes something that is impossible to describe scientific categories, remains an open question. However, the question arises: where did the "phenomenon", how is it formed? Because the problem of the "phenomenon" is only part of a much larger problem, the problem of the source of the initial state of the Universe. In other words, if initially the universe was compressed to the point, what brought her into it? And even if we give up on the caller theoretical difficulties "phenomenon", still remains the question: how did the universe?
In attempts to circumvent this difficulty, some scientists propose the so-called theory of "pulsating Universe." In their opinion. The universe is infinite, time after time, it shrinks to a point, then expanded to some bounds. This universe has no beginning and no end, there is only the expansion cycle and the cycle of compression. The authors of the hypothesis claim that the universe has always existed, thereby seemingly completely removing the question of the "beginning of the world."
But the thing is that no one so far has not provided a satisfactory explanation of the mechanism of pulsation. Why is the pulsation of the Universe? What reasons caused it? Physicist Steven Weinberg, in his book the First three minutes" indicates that at each regular pulsations in the Universe must necessarily increase the value of the ratio of the number of photons to the number of nucleons, leading to the extinction of new pulsations. Weinberg concludes that therefore the number of cycles of pulsation of the Universe, of course, so, at some point they should cease. Consequently, the "pulsating universe has an end, and therefore has a beginning...
And again, we run into the problem started...
Additional hassle creates the General theory of relativity. The main problem with this theory is that it does not consider time as we know it. In the Einstein theory of time and space are combined in four-dimensional space-time continuum. It is impossible to describe the subject, as occupying a certain place at a certain time. Relativistic description of the object determines its spatial and temporal situation as a whole, stretching out from the beginning to the end of the existence of the subject. For example, the person would be depicted as a whole on all way of its development from embryo to the corpse. Such structures are called "space-time worm".
But if we "space-time worm executes, it means we are only mediocre form of matter. That man is a rational creature, is not taken into account. Defining a person as a "worm", theory of relativity does not take into account our personal perception of the past, present and future, and is considering a number of individual cases, combined spatial-temporal existence. In fact, we know that we exist only in the present day, while the past exists only in our memory and the future is in our imagination. This means that all the concept of "early Universe", built on the theory of relativity, does not take into account the perception of time the human consciousness. However, time itself is still poorly studied.
Analyzing alternative, non-mechanical concept of the Universe, John Gribbin in the book "White gods" stresses that in recent years there is a series of UPS creative imagination thinkers, which today we are not called neither by prophets, nor clairvoyants". One such creative UPS became the concept of the "white hole", or quasars, which are in the flow of primary matter "spit" of the entire galaxy. Another discussed in cosmology hypothesis - the idea of the so-called space-time tunnels, the so-called "space-TV". This idea was first expressed in 1962 physicist John Wheeler in the book "Geometrodynamics", in which the researcher has formulated the opportunity razprostranen remarkably fast intergalactic travel that traveling at the speed of light would have taken millions of years. Some versions of the concept "razprostranen channels" consider the possibility of moving through them in the past and the future, as well as in other universes and dimensions.
As we see, the big Bang theory" is under attack from all sides, that is a legitimate dissatisfaction among scientists, standing on the Orthodox positions. At the same time in scientific publications more often you can run into indirect or direct recognition of existence between the supernatural forces beyond science. A growing number of scientists, including major mathematicians and theoretical physicists who believe in the existence of God or of the Supreme Mind. Among these scientists belong, for example, Nobel laureates George Wald and William Makri.
The known Soviet scientist, PhD, physicist and mathematician O.V. Tupitsyn the first Russian scientists managed to prove mathematically that the universe, and with it the man created by the Mind, infinitely more powerful than ours - that is, God.
You cannot argue, writes in his "Notebooks" O.V. Tupitsyn that life, including reasonable, is always strictly regulated process. The basis of life is the order, the system of laws that moves the matter. Death is, on the contrary, disorder, chaos and as a result, the destruction of matter. No outside influence, and impact intelligent and purposeful, no order is impossible - then starts the process of destruction, which means death. Without understanding this, and therefore, without recognition of the idea of God science will never discover the root cause of the Universe arising from the matriarchs in the strictly ordered processes or, as he calls them, physics, fundamental laws. Fundamental means of fixed and unchangeable, without which the world would be impossible.
However, modern man, especially reared on atheisme, it is very difficult to include God in the system of his worldview - due to undeveloped intuition and complete lack of concepts about God. Well, then we have to believe in the "big Bang"...