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About what exactly will be December 21, 2012, we learn only on December 21. But the Maya priests were not only by the prophets, but good astronomers: at the dawn of history at the beginning of the first Millennium, they managed to foresee the parade of planets, which will take place in our Millennium.
We decided to compare views on the phenomenon of Maya astronomers and scientists studying modern space. To this end, the correspondent of "the Courier-Mediary" addressed at the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory.
Despite the modest forecasts Ministers of science, many of the media continue to excite the imagination of the gullible and the nervous scenarios of the end of the world.
In particular, they associate it with great parade of planets, which happens just on 21 December 2012. At Pulkovo Observatory confirmed that in the history of mankind was already a case when on the day of small parade of planets (and on December 21, 2012 is it is small and not large parade Ground in literally shaking. The parade was the place to be in 1306. But it can only be called semiticism coincidence.
The views of the staff of the Pulkovo Observatory on end of the world and the upcoming parade of planets
Very often in the media it is possible to meet such an apocalyptic description of the parade: the planets of our Solar system and the planets of other systems will line up in a row, thus, there is the line of the planets, which will start from the center of the galaxy - all this can lead to the transition of the Universe from one system to another, which will cause the end of the world. However, the scientific staff of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory any physical foundations of global catastrophic phenomena do not detect. Day 21 of December, according to scientists, will be no more abnormal than the end of the previous month.
After hearing about the transition of the universe from one system to another, employee Observatory laughed, and then said:
- We are located closest to the edge of the galaxy. When you look at its center, you can see the constellation Sagittarius and Scorpio. on December 21, on the day of the solstice, the Sun will go through these constellations. We do not know how to line up the planet of other systems. It is wrong to make such forecasts.
So instead of fear approaching the infamous date December 21, better looking forward to this day - it is only at that time can be seen, as the Sun, mercury, Venus, Saturn's brightest stars will line up in a row on familiar to us from the sky.