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"Under us someone is",-this emotional exclamation belonged American ufologist Alan Polanski, with a small group of researchers, two years ago, went to an abandoned in the mountains of South American lake, from which, according to stories accidentally wandered there travellers, heard strange sounds. After almost a week of waiting researchers, who was in an inflatable boat, too, they heard and recorded using a hydrophone. "These sounds cannot belong to any creatures biological nature and are clearly man-made origin", - summarized in the report of the head of the expedition.
Two St. Petersburg engineers, headed deep into the Meshchera, they just wanted to relax on the nature, fishing. Says one of them, Vitaly Sychev:
- In modern times to find nezarazene vacationers lake is the problem. Last year we only chosen similar to the lake, directly from the forest was rolled out of the jeep, three tough guys took off from the trailer watercraft and with the roar and thunder began to drive on the lake and scared all the fish. We made off rods and moved further into the forest, where in almost inaccessible place has a small lake Specific. It is small, but according to rumors, its depth is more than 20 meters. With them, we had a light single aviation "nadobnosti". One of us was fishing from a boat, the other shore. And here I am, having reached to the middle of the lake, suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from somewhere in the depths. In my youth I was working at the factory, and this sound to me most of all reminded of the shock and the hiss of steam hammer. But around for miles there was no production.
Then these sounds had died down and there was other - as if someone repeatedly beaten in the rail. My friend on the shore no sound is not heard, but when after lunch it was his turn to fish from a boat, heard them too. A night in a tent on the Bank, after sunset, we heard the steady sound, as if someone beat the large bell. They lasted about fifteen minutes. The legend of the sunken city of Kitezh, bells which still can be heard on the Svetloyar, well known to our readers, and we will not dwell on it. However, the legend of the sunken cities and churches, the sound of bells can be heard up to now, there are many countries on all continents.
For example, in England, on the territory Snowbondage national Park in the County of Wales is a large lake - Llyn-Ball, a kind of Celtic similar Svetloyar. According to local legend, at the bottom it is sunken city. In calm weather, you can see houses and fortifications and hear the bells of the churches. Once this city was ruled by the king of Tegid Fuel with Queen Ceridwen, reputed to be a magician. According to the same legend, she was the mother and father of the great Merlin.
Ruled in England in 1066-1087 years William the Conqueror was such a lover of hunting that was erased from the face of the whole earth settlements and towns to grow in their place in the forest. Only in the Royal Park in Hampshire was destroyed about 30 cemeteries and churches, and in their place were planted forest. One of the churches located on the hill near small lakes, roads in those days (except Roman) practically was not, and was carrying out the will of the king "brigade", destroying the Church, threw stones directly into the lake together with the bell. And now some tourists say that I hear coming from the lake bell ringing, and especially impressionable and Church hymns.
But underwater bells are just some of the observed in places of strange sounds. In the Nizhniy Novgorod region, in Vorotynsk area, there is a Small forest lake Platovo using still bad reputation among local residents. In these archives was discovered memo" the clerk, addressed to the Stolnik Golovin: "Fish in the lake is shallow, and the reason is: increased Sered lake island fathoms semnadcati in the cross, now the fish and left. And on the island is obscene is happening: heard barking so stingy that in my ears ringing, Yes lights Gorna burn, Yes the land of howling howling".
In General, not on Vysotsky: "it is Terrible, all the way scary."
Unfortunately, any special scientific research "howling" and "ringing" lakes were not conducted. The letters of local residents Hydrogeologists usually used only the standard references to certain karst processes, even in places where no karst was not. And only in the late 80-ies of the last century occurred in many cities Association enthusiasts animalscom began to go to such places, unfortunately, with a minimum of self-made equipment.
For example, in the village of Tishkovo near Vitebsk in the place called "bolotenko", revealed his Svetloyar - there is, however, not of water depths, and from under the earth hear a sound like bells. 6 July 2004 came from a group of researchers from the Belarusian UFO Committee. Unfortunately, during their stay underground bells were silent, but the locals told the researchers on the other strange anomalies. In 2002 in the night sky appeared a strange song, composed of a luminous cross and outgoing light path, passing in the light cone. It reminded Church domes. In the morning a strange heaven figure inexplicably imprinted on the ground under the place where he was observed. The locals just in case dug this plot of land.
A few more fortunate group of Association "Kosmopoisk", went on an exploration of the artificial lakes located in 50 kilometers from Kazan. Near the lake and its surroundings things go pear-shaped: heard an unusual sound like the creaking doors, twisted metal, and even machine-gun fire and human groans. Local ufologists, describing this as "an area of acoustic hronomirazhey"why not tried it in detail, while the details were not included in the archive "Kosmopoisk". A group of four people under the direction of Maria Petrova during the day explored the area surrounding the lake. Gun them to hear failed, only creaks and the clapping of unknown origin.
As for the nature of anomalous sounds and voices observed in such places, by karst "theory" has added even more vague explanation. Some experts on bioenergy argue that certain natural processes can cause strong emission energy which could altered state of consciousness, including auditory hallucinations. But what about those cases where these "hallucinations" managed to record on a tape recorder?
Finally, in an environment of ufologists popular hypothesis that the water lens of the lake is a kind of acoustic lens, amplifying the sounds from below those mazes "underground civilization" or underground same database of the aliens.