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Viewings: 6713
2012: начало конца или почему конца света не будетRemember fear of 2000? He passed without any consequences of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. As far as we know, leaving aside the impressive special effects in the movie, December 21 2012 the world will not end. However, this day will come next winter solstice.
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Viewings: 4031
Вся грязь — от мегаполисовToday, there are 23 cities giant with a population of over 10 million people. In all probability, their number will grow. Meanwhile, urbanization poses a threat to our health. It is reported by the report prepared by the world meteorological organization (WMO) and the International project to study the chemistry of the atmosphere (IGAC).
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Viewings: 4974
Кончилось ли глобальное потепление?The claim that global warming stopped 15 years ago, based on a selective approach to data and are not considered with the natural variability of climate.
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Viewings: 5089
Совсем недавно магнитное поле Земли, возможно, было в 20 раз слабееOnly 41 thousand years ago compass needle on our planet would show to the South - how on Mars now. Scientists from Gelmgolts Association of German research centres (more precisely, of its Center of Sciences about the Earth) made this conclusion after studying the samples of bottom sediments of the Black sea.
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Viewings: 3561
Глобальное потепление закончилось 15 лет назадGlobal warming stopped 15 years ago - then stopped the growth of average annual temperature, says the report, prepared by the UK Meteorological Agency.
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Viewings: 5279
Города-гиганты угрожают нашему здоровьюRapid urbanization will inflict heavy damage to public health, if the officials responsible for planning and urban development, will not take into account measures to combat air pollution.
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Viewings: 4275
Жизнь на Землю занесена из космоса. Новые доказательстваExperts of the Japanese National Observatory have found new evidence that life could be brought to Earth from space. The study of the Central part of the constellation Orion range of 1.5 thousand light years from our planet they found a vast area of special ultraviolet radiation, which twists exclusively in the left side of the amino acid molecules.
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Viewings: 4815
В Южной Атлантике обнаружили гигантские айсбергиExtremely clean sky observed above the South Atlantic region on September 29, 2012, has enabled NASA satellite photograph two large iceberg near the island of South Georgia.
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Viewings: 3992
Люди влияют на климат уже более двух тысяч летNew data extracted from the glaciers of Greenland, suggest that the concentration of methane in the atmosphere follows the rise and decline of civilizations.
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Viewings: 5571
Земля погружается во тьмуThe confidence of older people is that even before the Sun shone brighter than now, as it turned out, has more than good reason. British scientist Dr. Gerry Stanhill (Gerry Stanhill) on the basis of data analysis of long-term observations have established that the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, continuously and rapidly declining. According to the BBC, Dr Stanhill, working now in Israel, in 2001 named this phenomenon "global dimming" (global dimming).
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Viewings: 5912
Аномальный центр ЗемлиWho would have thought that with a tiny country on the Baltic sea are related to the tragic events in most parts of the planet - riots, war and the devastating earthquake!
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Viewings: 4433
Живая плазма внутри ЗемлиThe crust of the earth is dissected by a dense network of ancient "scars" - faults. On them continuously moving rocks that prevent their "healing". One such break through Zelenograd near Moscow, has long attracted the attention of geophysicists. His behavior seems quite familiar.
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Viewings: 5879
Предсказатели о космической угрозе Земле и землетрясенияхThe probability of falling on us comet or asteroid neskolko small, but the fear of cosmic catastrophe that cannot (yet) to prevent grows in direct proportion to the growth of our knowledge about space. This is exactly the case when, as the ancients said, expertise make us unhappy.
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Viewings: 4316
Цунами: гигантские волны с моряIn one of the paintings of the cycle "36 views of mount Fuji" great Japanese artist katsushika Hokusai depicted a giant tsunami wave. This mountain water is so huge, that it seems that outshines the mountain itself. Of course, we just artistic exaggeration achieved through skillful use the perspective effect. But the tsunami really have a terrible destructive power.
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Viewings: 4673
Мировой океан, в котором заканчивается рыбаHumanity has not live by hunting and gathering as a once - with one important exception. Fish is the only wild animal, which we hunt in large quantities. And yet, we may be the last generation that was engaged in this trade.
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