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In 1987, the Management of sanitary inspection of the USA has approved the first anti-viral treatment for AIDS - azidothymidine. But this and other types of drugs designed diminish doctors later, only slow down the development of HIV infection. Drugs that would be completely cured, are not found till now.
Means for reduction of the population
The participants of the joint United Nations programme on HIV-AIDS declare that from 1981 to 2006 from AIDS has killed 25 million people! The world health organization declared that only in 2007 were registered 33.2 million people living with HIV and 2.1 million people died. Leading by the number of infected and dead part of the African continent, located South of the Sahara (Black Africa). The region is home to only 10% of the world population, but 70% of them have AIDS! In Eastern Europe and Central Asia the number of people living with HIV has increased over the last few years, more than 150%. In Vietnam during the same period, the number of patients has doubled. Among Asian countries, the first place takes Indonesia. In the post-AIDS is spreading at a catastrophic pace.
The exact origin of HIV until the end and not clear. According to one of the accepted scientific theories, the disease has arisen among African green monkeys and in some strange way was passed on to the people. Perhaps because they hunted monkeys: bushmeat is a traditional meal in the backward countries of Africa.
However, not all scientists agree with this explanation. Experts attribute the high rate of HIV in Africa and in risk groups developed countries with something more sinister than the passion for exotic cuisine. Researchers conspiracies refer to two documents proving the existence of a cruel plan. In July 1968 in the Senate has received a request from the Ministry of defense: to Finance in the amount of 10 million dollars in the development of biological weapons. Dr. Donald, mark Arthur, expert on biological weapons, U.S. army, told the Senate (literally): "In the next 5-10 years we will create a new microorganism, which will kill the immune system".
The second document - the Memorandum of national security №200 dated 10 December 1974 "Implications of the growth of the world population for U.S. security and external interests declassified in 1989. In it the national security Advisor Henry Kissinger says: "population Decline should be a top priority of the development of American foreign policy at the third world". In what way will have to reduce the population, the document was not specified.
Fatal acceptance
In 1986 Dr. Robert Strecker said that the US military has extended its biological weapons using the who "Vaccination against smallpox". In the 1970-ies of the tens of millions of Africans were infected with AIDS during the smallpox vaccination. American gay and bisexual men have suffered the same fate when the U.S. public health program was carried out "Vaccination against hepatitis b". "Vaccinations" was held in 1978-81, in new York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Denver and Chicago. It is in these six cities in the future, a huge number of AIDS patients. Although the government officially refute the theory Rstrainer, it actively supported Alan Cantwell, author of "Doctor death", and Robert Gallo, one of the first researchers of HIV. In 1987, P. Haplo showed that between HIV and smallpox there is a very interesting, direct communication. Although the who strongly denies these allegations, we face new evidence.
The American team of doctors led by Dr. Michael Adler wrote in "the International journal of AIDS"that until 1988 in Africa among all HIV cases only 30%instead of 90%, as previously believed, were charged in a sexual way. 60% of infections occurred because of contaminated needles! The newspaper "Time" hastened to declare statement of Professor M. Adler doubtful, saying that non-sterile needles could not cause such damage. Yes, and who estimates that non-sterile injections cause only 5% of HIV-infected. But the debate continues, and the AIDS increasingly spreads around the world, taking more lives.
Who benefits from this?
Here is another opinion. Specialist conspiracies Boyd graves claims that AIDS is the result of the us-Soviet conspiracy to kill blacks and homosexuals. The agreement, known as the "Special virus program", was secretly prepared in 1960. But only in 1972 Treaty between the USSR and the USA was signed.
B. graves also links "syndrome Gulf war" AIDS, indicating that the disease was spread by "vaccination" for soldiers. He says that he contracted AIDS, but (!) recovered using colloidal silver. Harry Glam in the book Final exposing" writes that liquorice extract - of olive leaves and tea "Essiac" are an effective tool in the fight against AIDS. These preparations are completely ignored by the pharmaceutical companies. It is easy to guess why...
So who is beneficial to the spreading of the virus of death? Dr. Leonardo of Gorevic argues that the development of AIDS involved the national cancer Institute and the Institute of medical research named Rockefeller. Using "health protection" actively destroyed Jews, blacks, Hispanics and gay. The US seriously undertook the devastation of the third world. On the AIDS they stopped developing Ebola and drugs that cause cancer.
A similar view is held not only scientists, but also by politicians, and even heads of state. The President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki stated that the CIA is part of a plot to spread HIV. This allows pharmacists America to sell very expensive and totally useless drugs to treat AIDS. The African national Congress in 2003 authorised the distribution of AIDS drugs, but still accuses the US of using Africans as Guinea pigs.
In the same year, President Dzh. Bush has allocated $ 15 billion over a five-year aid package "AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean".
However Oxford charitable organization criticized the Bush administration's exclusion of import in poor countries cheap generic drugs. Assistance program, she said, is a pure lie because disadvantageous for the American farm enterprises. Large pharmaceutical companies of America prohibit any attempts to import cheap generic drugs.
Its contribution to the spread of this terrible disease makes the Catholic Church, like back in the middle Ages. She called on believers not to use protective equipment: "Condoms can protect against HIV infection!". The head of the Pontifical Council of the Vatican for family Affairs cardinal Alfonso said: "the AIDS Virus 450 times smaller than the sperm cell... And through the condom easily passes even the sperm of a man". Apparently, the Church is also concerned about the increasing population, if ignores statistics according to which the use of condoms reduces the risk of HIV infection by 90%!
Seems to have no end...
Probably we will never be able to prove the true origin of HIV. All the hypotheses are possible. The virus could be created in a lab and you let in the light, he could get out of there by accident... What is AIDS. Terrible destructive force, the threat to the whole mankind? The disease? Or biological weapons are used effectively to reduce the population of the Earth? And can be, a political conspiracy aimed at the incitement of hatred between people of different race, religion and sexual orientation?
Public opinion in America clearly does not believe in the APE" the origin of AIDS. According to the survey Newspapers "Washington Post", more than half of Americans believe that the HIV virus was created by man, more than a quarter say that it was developed in government labs in the United States and accused the CIA in the spread of the virus. Most people think of quality drugs to treat HIV / AIDS are not available to the poor and middle strata of the population, and those who accept new drugs just Guinea pigs. Many also believe that the genocide against blacks.
Argument continues, and a deadly virus continues to mow people left and right. Account long ago in the millions, and the income of American pharmaceutical companies are in the billions.
Author: Malicki "Interesting newspaper.