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Предсказания контактов: без двух минут эпоха великого кольцаWill there be a GREAT CONTACT with other civilizations? - the issue is more than interesting and exciting even many more pressing issues.

To dream about friendship with the more advanced civilizations are not harmful not harmful to dream!
No scientific predictions and accurate predictions here yet. But the promises are dealt out thresholds academic institutions, and then, as a rule, the response in clairvoyants, contactors, among aliens (through contactees) and all other sometimes only positive. It is clear that some such haste in giving promises seems too unsubstantiated and even funny. Especially funny to hear an indication of the date of the future of the Contact, which reported trustful contactants themselves aliens... during contacts!!!

In March 1991, a contactee mark Avraamovich MILHIKER, President of the "Scientific and engineering center astrologically objects", sent in "the highest instance of" the letter in which has informed, that according to 3 of the Petersburg women contactando remnants "distress alien civilization" asking our consent landing to the North from the Baikonur cosmodrome in June 1991.

This consent may be expressed in specifying the means of air defense does not apply against aliens attacking funds will be informed of the exact time and coordinates of the landing point. The Deputy Chairman of the scientific-technical Committee of the air defense forces Colonel Nazarenko was to examine the testimony of Milhiker.

To this end Nazarenko, Colonel Kolganov and the representative of the General staff met with these women ContactName and talked with them.
Soon Milhiker said that according to contactando, planting alien ship allegedly happens 1.10 at night on July 28, 1991 in the area of 320 km North-West of Tashkent. The crew consists of 3 men and 2 women.
Aliens guarantee the absence of onboard weapons and non-aggressive behavior. To verify this story Colonel Nazarenko with Milhiker and a group of eight people flew by helicopter to the place of intended landing. However, no alien ship at the appointed time has not appeared, and in the morning the group of Colonel Nazarenko left. {"Red star" 1991, may 12}...

"In 1997 will be an alien invasion that will be on Earth 2 weeks and will get us oil" so thought clairvoyant Clarisse BARNHART. {newspaper "Neyshenal inquirer" 1992, June}...
1998 also kept gullible ufologists in some tension. Odessa contactera TARANOV Lyudmila Vasilyevna in February 1998 predicted landing alien ships in the night of March 21, 1998 near the train station in Moskovska square (Kyiv), after some time, this UFO was supposed to visit the Red square in Moscow. However, to see "materially" these ships, as warned contactati, it is simply impossible - and it happened so... 7 may 1998 just had to justify the contactee from Yoshkar-Ola Andrei Ernstovich SIBERT when not arrived promised "huge ship"...
20 February 1999 in Turkey as well would have to be massive arrival of aliens. As stated in the month before the proposed visit local ufologist Fakten OCTAGON, he, using the data obtained using "some devices", it is authentically established, that the ships will arrive to opening these days UFO conference...

On the morning of December 31, 1999, at 10.00-10.20 MSC, under the assumptions of the famous astronomer Carl SAGAN, might be able to get in touch with CC. Some interpret the words Sagan as saying that this night would take place tests "huge installation torsion installation, break the communication channel". The parapsychologist Konstantin I. IVANENKO called this morning to spend the collective meditation, and as "torsion installation" to use the hard drives of computers that should have been directed to North star...
In August 2000, according to the exhortations of channel Vladimir RASPUTIN, ufologists and other scientists of Russia will meet with alien spaceship from the planet of Organ and they will tell about the civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis, the Mayans and the destruction of the city of Machu Picchu (city of the Incas)... We learn about people from Atlantis, headed to Brazil, past her and caught in Peru on the Pacific ocean, where they created the first dolmens and stone town. Will tell the guests Organa and about the space station, died in the Tunguska river, they will explain how to find a ship covered with earth.

But Russia will have no long money for organization of the expedition, and the search for extraterrestrial space station will continue until 2023. 8 June 2023 in the impact area of the station will be planted expedition of 82 people from Russia, 5 French, and 13 people from India. This expedition will be able to come to the funnel. on September 28, will be discontinued operation until the next 2024, but a quarter of the station will be released from the soil and the expedition will be able to enter the station. There you will find the remains of 127 alien beings.

This station will be for scientists aid for the construction of high-tech interplanetary stations. Russia will create a similar, but much worse for technological characteristics, interplanetary space station on 36 places. And only in 2945 year Russia will reach the same technical and spiritual level which was of the inhabitants of the planet Argon at the time of the Tunguska catastrophe." {"Terra Incognita" 1999, N 39 }...
By 2001, promised contact with CC Japanese journalist-ufologist Juniti AOI. More precisely, in the early 1990-ies, he kept a categorical opinion that ' contact with extraterrestrial civilizations will be held in the next 10 years or not will never". About it he, in particular, has told during his visit to Russia in the newspaper "Evening Moscow".

Between 2000 and 2035, according to supporters of the Raelian movement, will take place in contact with the civilization of Elohim. on December 13, 1973 in the desert region in the South of France racing driver Claude VORILHON witnessed the planting of the ship, from which came a humanoid growth of 1.2 m Humanoid gave Claude new name Rael (messenger") and read him a lecture on the origin of Mankind (cloned children). The envoys of the Elohim of the planet live in 9000 mlrwm from the Ground and fly it within 2 months, moving "with the speed of radiation".
But will fly why 10 July 2001 a group of Japanese TV crew said that they have "irrefutable proof of the existence of the UFO". They argue that in the near future the aliens landed on the territory of Scotland. The camera installed on the roof of the Scottish hotel "Shelter Templar", captured a strange shape objects that radiate light. According to experts, this material once and for all will convince skeptics in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. All that remains is to prepare the solemn meeting. {source: News.Battery.Ru - Accumulator of News, 11.07.2001}.

But back to the fortune-tellers. They almost with the same lust for her as we awaited the arrival of communism, informed about the approaching era of Great Contacts. Moreover, predictors dismiss only about contact with aliens, but not with the residents to the example of other dimensions or with inurement. Could it be because clairvoyants not know the latest trends in the science of UFOlogy or all processes and deceiving the same center (civilization, org.), in any case, they have a full match!

By the way, no one (or none) of the predictors not speaking about the war with the aliens, for some reason about it interpret only science fiction writers, "normal" futurologists know only war of people with people...
Anyway, with dates of mass invasion of aliens (or alien), again a hitch.

Predictions (and disagreements in the ranks of the predictors) weight:
in 1917;
- 1930s;
- 1940s;
- 1953;
- 1958;
- June 1965;
- 1986;
- may and July 1990;
- after 22.00 PM October 12, 1990, and then in the late 1990 and early 1991 (a contactee Vershinin) {"Earth-Man-UFO-the universe" 1995, N 3, 4};
- 1.10 in the night of 28 July 1991 (Mmelikyan);
- 17 October 1991;
- October 18, 1991 UFO landing in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov {Ukrainian press in the fall of 1991};
- 15 may 1992 {"KP" in October 1991};
- 17 June 1992; in the spring of 1993;
- on 14 may 1993 at 15.00 {astronomer Mstech, newspaper "Scandals"};
- October 6, 1993;
- 1994;
- 1996;
- 1997 (Carrhart);
- 1998;
- 21 March 1998 (Taranova);
- may 7, 1998 (Azibert);
- summer 1998;
- 7 December 1998 (Nabbatean in November 1998);
- 20 February 1999 (Octagon);
- August 11, 1999 (Vnaa);
- August 18, 1999 {"Pacific watch" 19.11.1994};
- on the morning of December 31, 1999 (Kagan);
- 2000;
- 2000-2035 (Raelian movement);
- August 2000 (Vasutin);
- in the evening of 1 January 2001;
- 2001 (Renman);
- July 2001;
- 21 February 2002 (arrival of aliens on the Olympic games in American salt lake city);
- on 9 July 2002;
- 2004-05 (in 1998 M.Bulgakov through Veldemanovo);
- 2017;
- summer 2023 (Vasutin);
- 2180 (Wang);
- 2280 {"Anomaly" 1999, N 1, p.5};
- after 2450 year. etc.

Chernobrov Century "predicting the future" [M, Grand, 2001]
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