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Inevitably comes nearer "X"day on which the ancient Mayan outlined the end of the world: it will happen on December 21, 2012, when the Sun crosses the plane of our galaxy. Speak and write about it a lot, often obsessive, but the result is no such a person who has not heard about the Mayan prophecy and not thinking about it. His "reflections on the end of the world before the "end of the world" sent to the editorial office of "Steps" one of our readers - Vladimir SNOW. And his point of view seemed to us so curious and at the same time, controversial, that we dare to offer you to familiarize with it.
Ridiculous efforts
That humanity is doomed, scientists say a long time ago. But the cause of death of all things they see in unreasonable human activity on Zemleotvody consciousness of the modern person does not allow him to understand that the changes they are making to the nature of the planet -- a dynamic, living on his own, largely still unknown to us laws -- ridiculous. If humanity will cease to burn hydrocarbons, and at the same time -- to breathe and pukat', the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will decrease no more than on the tenth shares of percent. After all, only insects produce greenhouse gases in several times more than the whole industry, and the worst of volcanoes -- dozens of times. Oceans and seas in the depths of whom are vast amounts of methane and other greenhouse gases, its "breath" of the supply, then remove them from the atmosphere. Industry compared to this - smoke cigarettes on the background smoky steam pipes.
In the "Moscow news" in 1877 one forerunner of the current ecologists vigilantly warned their citizens, and enlighten their environmentally: if no urgent measures to limit horse Park in large cities, by 1937 all the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg will be covered with a half-meter layer of manure. Although the specified year is a long time passed and cleanliness of the streets of these cities is far from perfect, horse manure on them is uncommon.
Through years the Earth four times changed almost all of its animal and plant markimisvaarne forests, juvenile sea, giant dinosaurs, mammoths - gone. When the North-Western region came first settlers (VI - VIII centuries), the river Neva did not exist, and the Ladoga lake was a Gulf of the Baltic sea. Then the water began to recede, there emerged a channel of Neva. On the dried up wetlands Peter I founded the capital of Russia. What the industry could cause first centuries of flooding basin, which stands Petersburg, and then - on the contrary, lead to the maintenance of water? Of course, no. We are dealing with natural process may be cyclical, to influence which we may not: if the water comes back, no dam Petersburg will not protect. So nature is completing his experiments with the inhabitants of the Earth. Causes of death of the dinosaurs, mammoths unknown. Say, now is the turn for humanity.
Who we are?
There is an opinion that the current population of people were dead-end branch of intelligent life, as the laws in the world of animals is more fair than in human obshestvada no limits (in our understanding) between the territories of habitation of different flocks, populations. Enough to leave a special fragrant (and others) marks around the "home"to ensure its integrity. They have no guards, saboteurs, terrorists, they don't happen battles between flocks, finally, they have no money. Because in the animal world, the laws of nature. If the laws of the people would be the same as in the wild, then it would not be necessary in the armies, military budgets, and the level of development of civilization would surpass the imagination of the writers.
However, it is possible that in relation to human nature was conceived just as there is now. If we imagine that our universe is a living, growing Organism (the expanding universe), and the Big Bang -- it's her birth, that much is clear. Food for the growing of the Universe, which includes our milky way galaxy, is the psychic energy that is generated, radiated into Space by the inhabitants of the planets as a result of stress. It can be assumed that the Earth was the selection of populations - suppliers and generators of psychic energy.
Option "in a large mass of more mental energy" has disappeared, as in the time when dinosaurs grazing, his carcass was eating, from tail, another dinosaur that herbivores not aroused any emotions. Finally, the turn before the creation of the nature of Homo sapiens -- Homo sapiens. However, the existence of 2-2,5 million years ago the Earth warm climate the human brain could easily overheat and heatstroke, which seriously limits his activity.
So nature has reduced the temperature of the planet. Came the ice age, and nature turned person skilful, Homo habilis (volume brain 600 CC) -- the Homo erectus -- Homo erectus (volume brain 1000 CC). Nature has increased the human brain, so he could cope with the complexities of life, which arose from the cold: the people can learn to build a warm home, use the fire, make clothes. Could invent and develop new ways of hunting and gathering food. In addition, with the increase of brain complicated relationships in the population, formed a society that benefited all. And the main thing - the nature gave him the mind still and that he was able to emotionally react to internal and external stimuli, and to create a situation, visualsciences.
External stimuli - weapons (sticks and stones to nuclear, biological, geological, climatic and cybernetic), floods, earthquakes, fires, industrial disasters, including air and road accidents, etc.
Internal stimuli - disease (treatable up incurable). Therefore, we can conclude that the Earth - human farm, and the clergy - pastors, shepherds, preaching humility and patience ("God suffered and we were told"). The soul is the bearer of psychic energy, as the hemoglobin - media oxygen, supplier him to the cells of the body.
By "going green food" souls are divided into right and wrong. The souls of the righteous fall directly into the Body of our Universe without pre-treatment is Paradise. The souls of sinners are heat-treated - Ad (so refineries receive gas from oil).
Who is to blame?
Now the technical progress is observed only there, where you can quickly get Pribylina, on the memory of one generation computer engineering has passed a way from mechanical calculating machine "Felix", and the slide rule to a computer. And road transport, which is little more than a century, marking time, for all the improvements relate to the comfort and automation. Moreover, avalanche motorization of mankind has already passed the stage of a pandemic - motoring. The logic of nature, which made people do motorization, is quite clear: the car -- the source of increased danger for people who are in him, and for pedestrians, causing stress. People sat in the car, immediately under stress (though which they have become accustomed) from ignorance results for them this trip. Especially in the city and its surroundings. After landing the man in the car body receives a signal of danger starts the generation and emission of psychic energy. Thus, a car with people - mobile unit
production of psychic energy, the generator of which is the people in it, and the car itself serves as a catalyst. Although there are inventions which could lead to the creation of a principally new type of transport.
This situation is in many areas of science and technology. The reason is controlling action of a nature causing thirst of fast money from businessmen, conservatism and self-interest - officials.
Perhaps the most harmful to human progress inventions -- money and the wheel. Because the first people all the time fighting. But "thanks" to the second people do not fly, salkovskis on the invention and improvement of devices for the flight, and not on the search for the laws of nature, by giving people the opportunity individually move in the air without the use of technical devices. It seems that the money and the wheel was prompted by nature man deliberately, in order to explain away the progressive development path and put on the road leading to a deadlock, where it is waiting for a war, terrorist attacks, technological hazards, transport accidents and car accident, wittingly or unwittingly created by its activities and provoking (at best) stresses. This provides our Universe uninterrupted flow "on the table" food in sufficient quantity for its functioning.
Based on the above, it is logical to assume that humanity will continue to evolve in the direction of the nature, the permanent leading local and large-scale war, committing terrorist acts, using more sophisticated methods and destructive ways of influencing the people's mind. Therefore, our Universe there is no sense to destroy the modern population of people until she instinctively obey the instructions of nature and thereby generates mental energy and emits it into Space.
So the basic law of the Universe for the planet Earth and humanity can be formulated as follows: the worse for us, the better It.
What to do?
The deadlock (farm) is seen as such. In a small country where the scientific and technical p.potential is at a high level, it is necessary to create a generator of psychic energy to radiation it into Space. Moreover, in the process of the generator should not be involved people. Then you need to place these generators all over the planet (especially in "hot" and potentially "hot" points). Nature will be forced to switch to them the control action.
"We cannot wait for favors from nature. To take them from it - our goal", said I. Vmichelin. In this case, the grace -- no impact. In the absence of control humanity, improving, will have the opportunity to build a fair society, in which man is a friend, comrade, brother, sister, and work according to their abilities for the benefit of society will become a natural need. And the universe is full up, and the whole people. But...
What will be?
But, unfortunately, nature, probably realizing the danger of such scenario of the development of mankind, has already taken countermeasures - started the process of the next global warming, with a simultaneous reduction and smoothing the convolutions of the brain and the regressive mutation of Homo sapiens: we gradually turn into a Homo abdocefalis - man puhahahaha. Mutation is already underway - it draws the attention of the Nobel prize winner academician Zh. I. Alferov: "... for the last 10...15 years has worsened the quality of relationships and the quality of the population" in a broad sense".
So, the process has started". And nature will spare no one... But the fate of the dinosaurs does not threaten us. And thanks for that.