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Чего же хотят ученые на коллайдере?Recently, even in the brightest minds of the mankind sits firmly to the idea that the cause of death of our planet, which is not speak only the lazy, can become hadron Collider, or rather a black hole.

There are quite logical version, but one of them, perhaps the most alarming, says that another breakdown that will happen with the Collider, will be the beginning of the end of the world.

What is the Collider? Literally it can be translated as the jogger. Actually it - accelerator particle accelerator beams which are dispersed in the Collider to light speed, and then facing. Moreover, the energy of colliding is unprecedented: about 14 teraelectronvolt.

In 1996 was built LHC Large Hadron Collider, which is the largest international scientific project, which is worth $ 10 billion. 40 countries, including Russia, participated in the creation of this project, the European centre for nuclear research. Place of creation of the Collider was quiet village on the border of Switzerland and France.

Installing the Collider is a huge tunnel, located on a hundred-meter depth. His circle comes to 27 kilometers, which mounted the accelerator. With its help it was possible to obtain the highest energies of nuclei and protons, such high that mankind never have.

The particle beams keep 1600 magnets-superconductors that work at the temperature of minus 271°N

From the very first moment, when scientists and policy makers was accepted the decision on creation of the Large Hadron Collider, the world began to shake loud sensation. But in reality everything is much simpler: the scientists wanted to find out who all the same rights: albert Einstein, who created the theory of relativity, or quantum mechanics. Both of these teachings cannot coexist together, because they contradict each other.

Today, the Large Hadron Collider is the largest experimental Playground, ever existed in the world. In construction, and in its further operation involved about ten thousand scientists from almost a hundred countries of the world.

Collider called Great because of the length of the main ring, reaching 27 kilometers. Tunnel accelerator already existed, but with magnets used for focusing beams of protons, had a lot of trouble. This is not a joke: speed beams of protons in a collision reaches the speed of light in vacuum, and the kinetic energy of the particles that weighs even less nanogramme equal to the kinetic energy of the modern jet aircraft. The Collider for each experiment absorbs more than 180 MW of power.

Scientists have finally understand the understanding of what all the same and where did the time and matter. TANK physicists hope with the most sensitive instruments to "catch" and fix it so lacking the main element in the theory of elementary particle called the Higgs boson.

This task, I must say, very difficult. After all, every second in the accelerator happen billions of collisions, giving rise to a myriad of new particles, among which the need to find that one, the Higgs boson.

Frankly, according to the skeptics, compared with this task the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack - a children's game. In principle, catch boson is impossible, because he lightning splits, however, reserves the "circumstantial evidence", for example, in the form of gamma rays generated from its collapse. But the problem is that such quanta work and from numerous other reactions, the number of which exceeds millions of times, than from the collapse of boson. And how can this huge "broth" split "their" gamma-quanta from not his - "strangers".

Of course, scientists have a set of signs boson - his energy, angle, etc., however, time on the selection of too little, it is not even nanoseconds, but about their thousandths of. Therefore it is necessary to divide events, overlapping each other. Scientists the most powerful and fantastic in their capabilities electronics and computing system GRID, uniting thousands of computers.

But the game is worth the candle: the Higgs boson, which predicted by theorists in the Standard model is the most outstanding achievement of science, however, the experimental data it is not found yet.

Actually, it is for the organization of hunting for him and he built Large Hadron Collider, which has raised so much noise.

Today the hysteria around the Collider a little subsided, however, concerns about the destruction of civilization never cease to annoy people.

For example, one vigilant inhabitant of Zurich appealed to the constitutional court of Germany with a request to stop the experiment and to save mankind from the failure of a black hole, but the court rejected her complaint in connection with the fact that it had not provided the court with good arguments, indicating the end of the world. But the woman is not going to calm down, she continues her struggle, directing complaints to higher authorities.

And on the Collider meanwhile, work is in full swing.

According to experts, working on the TANK, the experiments that are completely safe, though some have expressed fears that the collision of particles with such huge energy, in the accelerator may occur black hole that will suck everything around. However, neither physicist who is somehow involved in the development and operation of the Collider, never talked about the possibility of this hole.

Because if you think about it, though Collider and is the most ambitious project, created by mankind, but to the mother-nature for him very far. Scientists who study physics of cosmic rays, meet with a large number of particles that come to our planet with a much higher energies, but humanity is still alive and healthy, especially since no black holes, these particles do not form.

In space, according to some scientists, there are a few black holes. Although their exact number is not known, but one thing scientists do know is this: some of them are pretty impressive diameter and is famous for its all-absorbing properties.

That is why there is the fear that one day one of them will suck our planet.

Scientists believe that black holes distort the light of distant stars, and the mobility space "black holes" is very similar to the mobility of the stars, so there is concern that the approach of these holes, which can be monitored only by changes in the orbits of the other planets in the system, will be possible only with the increase of such changes.

Another unpleasant discovery: "black hole" is not necessarily to come closer to Earth, to devour. The worst end of the script with a "black hole" is the loss of our own planet's orbit, attached to the Sun, and further its weightlessness.

So what I want to know scientists, over which the main problem they suffer, to make it work this powerful accelerator?

Cosmology opened concepts such as "dark energy", which is responsible for the acceleration of our Universe, and "dark matter", which is the hidden mass, which until recently astrophysics never knew existed.

Modern astrophysics believes that "dark matter", consists of not breaking even in billions of years without charge particles that participate only in electroweak and gravitational interactions. They have a lot of rest, amounting to about thousands of masses of the proton.

And if luck will smile, and scientists will discover such particles, mankind will greatly advance in understanding the evolution of our Universe. Although astrophysics in some issues, and present it, but white spots still very much. And that should help to understand the Large Hadron Collider, which will be able to uncover the mystery of the first moments of the Universe immediately after the Big Bang.

It turns out that the launch of the Large Hadron Collider is a huge event for today's science, which is not intended, nor never put before itself utilitarian objectives.

However, it is well known, the world wide web and information technology were created in the internal needs of nuclear physics and high energy physics. It is not necessary to forget and that the modern mobile communication, digital recording of image and sound, and much more, too, was the progress in basic science.

And we, ordinary citizens, who are very far from scientific heights, from scientific experiments to those who work with the Collider, have no choice but to sit and wait, wondering whether something to happen or not. Guessing about what you want to achieve scientists of our planet: to study and submit to his will the Universe or to save planet Earth? And may they, like blind kittens, going where dangerous and dark? Someday we will know, though not soon.

So today we have only one thing: to think, comparing certain and known facts.

Still, our planet, our Solar system and our entire universe is the place where we live. And here we simply have nowhere to go, because this is our home!
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