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Look for shells of foreign war of civilizations against Russia should everywhere. Not only in the speeches of politicians and information space, but also in everyday reality. Russia will endure, will beat off from seizure attempts, if its citizens will be vigilant.
Today we will talk about kefir.
"Rudeness and arrogance, lying, and cheating, DRINKING, AND DRUG abuse, betrayal, nationalism and hatred of the Nations - all this we will cultivate in people's minds. We will thus to undermine generation after generation, WE will UNDERTAKE PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN AND YOUTH YEARS, we will be always the master must stake on the youth, we will begin to break down, to destroy, to corrupt her". Many of you learned the quote from the Directive former CIA Director and head of the political intelligence of the USA under the name of "the American doctrine of the struggle against the USSR". This document was written, and applied in 1945, the Allocation of large letters made by me.
So, at the end of the Second world war the U.S. is heading for collapse from within its main geopolitical enemy, the USSR. The most important parts of this program are tin Russian people and the involvement of some of its representatives in a variety of defects in childhood (see quote above).
It is in the postwar years, that is, in a few short months after the Directive DULLES, in practice everywhere in the USSR for feeding of young children was introduced kefir. Also it was recommended to consume in large quantities to pregnant mothers. This situation persists to this day. Whatever age we are, no matter in what region of the country nor were growing up, we all remember how the kindergarten teacher praised and encouraged those children who regularly drink kefir. And put them in the example of the majority that this buttermilk could not stand.
We all know that yogurt contains alcohol. Recently Russia adopted new standards of examination of drivers on sobriety, according to which you can lose the rights for the management of the car after taking approximately a liter of this drink. It turns out that adults to drive after drinking kefir, it is impossible. As children and pregnant women to drink it almost a must.
Go ahead and find even more strange fact. Not even strange, but rather explains a lot of things. No country in the world kefir was never as popular as in the USSR and now in Russia. It is almost impossible to find in any European or American supermarket, well, or at least where he is sold, it is very exotic product and the volume of sales does not exceed the demand for papaya or elk. We still liters fed alcoholic kefir for children and future mothers. Yes, abusing on the eve of alcohol guys like to drink a couple of his glasses heavy in the morning, and often continue after seemingly ended the holiday.
This problem requires a scientific approach. Let's get started. There are two kinds of sour-milk fermentation: net fermentation, where there is only a lactic acid, such as yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, and mixed milk fermentation, where is lactic acid and alcohol, such as kefir, koumiss, airan. Now, the West is drinking only the first, non-alcoholic kind of sour-milk products, and Russia is mainly a second. Massively used on the West yogurt is not an analogue of the Russian kefir. And the difference between them may have far more serious consequences than a difference of tastes.
Of course, scientists have drawn attention to this problem before. Here is a lengthy quote from the article "Lomechusa", published in 1991, academician of AMS of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin prize F.G. Corner.
"In cow's milk on the average is 4.7% of milk sugar, about one-third of which is consumed in the process of milk fermentation, and two-thirds remain in the product. If the yogurt yeast in storage there is a gradual increase of alcohol up to full production of sugar. As a result, according to the bed, the percentage of ethanol in kefir ranging from 0.12 in a day, up to 0.88 % in three days.
Special phase is yeast fermentation in the stomach and the intestine after taking kefir, where at a temperature of 36°With it sharply accelerated, and within three hours of digestion whole milk sugar time to change into alcohol. In the production of baby kefir is used conventional technology, and therefore in the children's yogurt is produced alcohol in the same quantities.
Pregnant women doctors recommend daily to drink a glass of kefir, and thus, for the period of pregnancy in a woman's body goes about 1.5 liters of ethanol, mainly accumulate in the placenta. In the period of breastfeeding doctors recommend mother to drink 0.5 liter of yogurt a day that doubling the dose of alcohol, with 20% of the product with the mother's milk enters the body of the child. When feeding children with kefir, which is recommended by doctors give 500-600 grams per day, throughout the year in the child's body can do 1,5-2,0 liters of ethanol, and in the day - from 0.7 to 5.2,
Meanwhile, in our country kefir is widely used and recommended in kindergartens, schools, parents for children, resulting in the body of urban children on average during the year gets about 1 liter of ethanol. This dose is not harmless for adults and for children weighing 8 kg of one liter of ethanol per year means 3 g or 7.5 grams of vodka a day. Given that alcohol on the child's body operates five times stronger per 1 kg of weight, this dose of ethanol child equal to the value of 120 g of alcohol or 300 grams of vodka per day for an adult weighing 64 kg
Taking into consideration the process of formation of alcohol from yogurt with digestion, the real content of alcohol in kefir significantly higher than the nominal level and to be 2.5%. In USSR annually more than 1 million tons of yogurt, and 3/5 of the population by force, without his consent, takes about 1 thousand tons of ethanol.
"Scientists engaged with problems of prevention of alcoholism and alcohol abuse, would have to wonder data Ulicicama and Ncopy on which 32% drunkards and alcoholics began to drink up to 10 years and 64% from 11 years to 15 years. Is it because they are so soon joined the booze that in infancy were alcoholic alcohol contained in kefir, and they already have any predisposition to alcohol dependence?" - sets almost rhetorical question scientist.
Headed a Corner a group of scientists have repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of health of the USSR and other agencies with the requirement to stop immediately the hidden alcoholism Soviet children. However, every time the answer was designed in the spirit of karmanovskoe "panic". So children and alcoholic drink kefir to this day. But adults drivers, again, the government to use already banned.
"When talking about alcohol as a drug that destroys the genetic Fund, you must tell the truth and about kefir taken as baby food and the incoming obligatory diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Because through kefir alcohol contained in it, comes to babies, breastfeeding and pregnant women, it is particularly dangerous in the meaning of its detrimental effects on the genetic Fund of the nation. And in it the forces of evil saw an opportunity to create alcoholic dependence from childhood", writes the academician of the Corners in the article "Lomechusa".