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ИмплантантыAbout the alien implants talked for a long time. It is believed that this tiny, apparently, the control device that can be injected into the body, most often through the nasal cavity or through other subtle holes on the body of the victim. It happens that suddenly x-ray detects a person, he said, had been in the hands of aliens, foreign body implant. Sometimes the doctors had to remove the implants.

One of these stories began in 1995, the year when hypnologist Derrel Sims showed surgeons x-ray of the foot of man, once taken aboard UFOs. At first glance it seemed that the leg was carried out surgery, as seen in the pictures of a foreign body is something like a traditional steel brackets. But it turned out that this woman had never operated leg. It was decided by surgery to remove the mysterious objects from the bodies of victims. The second candidate for the surgery was a man, and implant it was introduced in hand... that's what tells the surgeon Bert Clemens. "I have decided that it will be both in the same day. on August 19, 1995 in the clinic to receive patients was prepared by a team of about ten people - I'm like a surgeon, an anaesthetist, a psychologist, a nurse, representatives of local UFO center, cameraman, two Secretary.

Before the operation, each patient was followed up some blood. The thing is that in the literature is full of stories about what extracted in the light of God implants in the air disappear, evaporate or crumble to dust. I decided that the best place to store them - fluid from the body of the victim of abductee. Taken blood, in my opinion, was an ideal environment in order to preserve the mysterious implants. Finally, the first patient, Patricia, lay on the operating table. I spent a long incision in search of unknown foreign body. Suddenly leg of the patient twitched, even though she was under the double epidural! We continued opening in the place that has caused this reaction, and no mistake: the scalpel revealed a small grayish subject. He was neatly captured and lessons, and at this moment the patient twitched again from obvious pain. In my experience it happens only when the tumor was removed directly from the nerve. The subject was triangular in shape, about 0.5 0.5 cm And covered with very thick membrane. Implants, apparently, magnetized - stick to the scalpel blade. We played a second implant Patricia. Retrieve it was equally painful. The implant N 2 was rounded, the size of a melon seed, and covered the same membrane.

During the operation, conducted the second patient, while removing the implant was observed the same painful reaction, and he was exactly the same as the implant N 2 from the body Patricia. But they lived in different parts of Texas and was first introduced just before departure to me". In Houstone chemist Glenn Manuel first subjected these objects UV radiation: all three under fluorescently bright green color. The same color can be seen under ultraviolet light, and in some areas of the skin stolen. He managed to remove from the investigated objects of the membrane. Naked black, shiny metal surface. The study of membrane showed that it consists of a protein keratin - specific solids, part of the hair and nails.

Tissue samples, adjacent to the extracted implants were thoroughly analyzed. And he never showed the slightest signs of inflammation and infiltrates, that is all that accompanies the normal reaction to a foreign body.

"They put me in the nose long tube and squeezed something deep in my head. I don't know what it was, but then over the years I suffered from headaches". With such complaint addressed to dozens of doctors of the 30-year-old cashier Astrid Ramos, which, according to her in the night of 18 may 1993 some beings took it right out of bed on your spaceship. "When I talked about his alien abduction, all thought I was crazy. However, now they have to believe me, because there is a direct proof of".

The proof of the existence of implants got famous Portuguese surgeon Antoniou of Borj. In June 1994, in the Portuguese city of Braga he performed a unique operation - discovered and removed from the head of the patient miniature device that, according to its scientists investigating, most likely, is the transmitter of radio signals, which controlled all of movement of women. "I understand why other doctors could not determine the cause of migraines, - says the doctor. - The matter is that us extracted mechanism made of unusual material, not visible on x-ray. Only a thorough scan revealed the presence of any foreign object in the right temporal lobe of the brain. No one living on Earth could not make such implantation, because the modern surgery is not yet reached such a level".

Richard price of new York state during abduction in 1955 aliens introduced into the body "something", coming out through the skin only 34 years. This "something" was cylinder thick one and a length of four millimeters. The analysis was conducted on the physical faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of technology, led by Dr. David., Pritchard, and showed that the implant shell consisted of 90 percent of carbon three percent oxygen and seven percent of tantalum.

In may 2000, in the American journal "MUFON Upozornil" published an article by an American surgeon Roger K. Lara, personally otvlekavshie implants have stolen. The last operation on removing the implant was performed by a group of surgeons under the guidance of doctor of Lara 5 February 2000. From August 1995 to February 5, 2000 he directed nine such operations. About the experience of the previous eight operations doctor told in his book "Space aliens and scalpel", published under the auspices of the U.S. National Institute of scientific discoveries.

In the eight operations in patients was extracted nine implants. Only one of them was a splinter of medical tubes, it is unclear how it got under the skin, and the rest showed very intriguing physical properties. Three implants were classified as non-metal objects and five - to the category of metal.

Non-metallic implants looked like a gray-white pea, metal were covered with a very strange shining shell dark gray color, which was so strong that it did not take even a surgical scalpel.

According to the doctors, nothing like they never removed from the organism of patients. Metal objects struck researchers in its composition: they contained more than twenty of chemical elements in a completely unthinkable for terrestrial technology combination! They also marked by abnormally high carbon content, which possibly indicates usage of data implantantov as molecular computers (nanocomputers).

Dr. leur reports have generally incredible thing: implants showed a rather strange "behavior". They were hard as a rock, then turned into a jelly-like mass, again later "Kameneva"! Five metal implants three had an oval shape, a T-shaped and one triangle. All of them, as mentioned above, were covered with a very hard shell, which succumbed to the surgical scalpel only after a 24-hour drying of the samples. This has made it possible to carry out a chemical analysis of the shell.

It turned out that it consists of organic tissues, protein, keratin (Horny substance) and metal. The study of literature data has not revealed anything like it in all the history of medicine. Metal shell components were studied in the most prestigious laboratories of the world, including Los Alamos, the University of California, Santa Barbara and El Segundo (USA)and the University of Toronto (Canada).

According to the data obtained by these laboratories, metal components of membranes of non-metallic implants contained 11 chemical elements! In the centre of the implant discovered the nucleus, consisting of magnetic (?) iron or magneto-conductive carbon. Interestingly, two of the eight implants to extract from the skin radiated electromagnetic field about three milligauss, and after removing - did not show this property! According to Dr. Laura, with a scanning electron microscope revealed a peculiarity: the shell was attached to the implant through the tiny holes in the metal! This technology is not yet available in our civilization.

5 February 2000 operations on removing the implant has been a middle-aged man by the name of Tim Cullen. He is 22 years kept the secret of his contact with the unknown strangers in town Yuma, Colorado. 30 may 1978 Tim Cullen and his wife drove home home from Denver. Around 23.00 on HWY 59 near the junction of the Faithful road travelers saw a bright object crossing the highway.

First, the witnesses thought that the object is discoid shape, but when he turned around, they saw a cigar 30 m long, 6 metres wide and 3 meters in height. Immediately the object landed himself on the side of the highway. Tim got out of the car, and then he had a lapse of memory. The next point that I remembered then Tim, was the fact that he sits behind the wheel and said to his wife: "It would be better if we go..." Developments in "missing" period of time left for spouses unknown.

Anyway, Tim Cullen found on his left wrist x-ray examination of a minor subject. He found Dr. Lara via the Internet and sent him an x-ray of the hand. Roengenology confirmed the presence of a metal object Tim. Dr. leur applied for financial assistance necessary for the operation, to ufologists. And not miscalculated: assistance provided by the prominent American ufologist Michael Lindemann and a contactee Wheatley of striber (author of the acclaimed book about his contacts with aliens "Talk").

The operation took place, as mentioned, February 5, 2000. Surgeons were able to remove explicit implant oval form with already known Dr. Leur metal sheath. Before the surgery, the experts measured the magnetic field in place of the "depth" implant and got a level similar to the previously registered about three milligauss. Shell looked and gleaming like polished. When the implant brought magnet, sample "jumped" and "cling" to it. Moreover, when a magnet began to move back and forth over the implant shell suddenly he thrust two "legs" and began to swing behind the magnet!

According to Dr. Roger K. Lara implant Tim Cullen "gave Sciences more than anything available today implants". The work on its investigation continues.

After the message Dr. Lara some people said that I agree to undergo surgery to remove a strange objects found in their body during various medical research. "We must find out what the real purpose of these implants and how they were placed in the body of the inhabitants of the Earth", said Pat Parinello of Western Colombia, which will soon become a patient of Roger Lara.

The following story is related, don't be surprised with Napoleonom startling discovery was made by the French Explorer Antoine Lefebvre he found in the skull of Napoleon Bonaparte tiny metal plate with a diameter slightly more centimeters, very similar to the item of electronic mechanism. This "part"says Lefebvre, dramatically increased the intellectual abilities of the Emperor.

Metal object with a sharp teeth was discovered by accident. Lefebvre was researching exhumed skeleton of Napoleon, trying to establish physiological causes stunting rate (growth of the Emperor did not reach 160 cm). Researcher poluchit for the work of the special grant of the government of 90 thousand dollars.

Drawing his hand on the inside of the skull, Lefevre found a small bulge. Trying to see it better, the scientist took a strong magnifying glass and saw a half-covered bone metallic something... It was like a microchip that are used in electronic devices.

A comprehensive study foreign object has shown that he is nothing but a miniature transmitter electrical impulses to the brain and heart. Such impulses, Lefebvre points, dramatically increase the ability of the brain to solve difficult intellectual challenges.

The layer of a bone fabric, which have grown up around a piece of iron, was quite noticeable. This means, according to the scientist that the device is implanted, when Napoleon was young. And did it, possibly, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, landed on Earth, and entered in the grip of revolution France. "This was done with the purpose to influence the development of mankind, emphasizes Lefebvre. According to the scientist's calculations, the stimulator of intelligence was implanted future genius in July 1794. Napoleon had disappeared at that time for a few days sight of all who knew him. He later claimed that he was arrested, held these days in prison and released.

- However, there is no documentary evidence of arrest, emphasizes the scientist who learned from the skull of Napoleon stimulator. - I believe that he was kidnapped at the time the aliens who did it implantation of the device.

One indication of this operation is a well-known habit of Bonaparte periodically to lend a hand to the heart, although no heart diseases he had Suffered, having good health and exceptional physical stamina. Led, from time to time of the Emperor there was a slight increase of heart due send stimulator electric signals.

Other, more obvious confirmation should be considered a sudden sharp increase in military capabilities Bonaparte, rightly earned him the reputation of genius. Before his disappearance of such abilities Napoleon did not show. However, it successfully conducted a military operation to release in 1793 port Tula, captured by the British, for which he was promoted to Brigadier General. However, its implementation was not required any exceptional military talents.

But that Napoleon was demonstrated on the battlefield after 1794, many contemporaries and military experts considered almost miraculous. During the Italian campaign in 1796-1799, he was in command of a small army of half-naked and hungry soldiers, conceding to protivniku largest and artillery armament. And this is the host of beggars have scored one triumph after another. Crucial here had suddenly discovered at Napoleon's ability to calculate all the possible actions on the field of battle with your opponent is about twenty moves ahead.

About 1810 military-strategic ability of Napoleon began to wane; most Likely, this is because the microchip in his skull gradually began to fail. It is also possible that aliens who sent in this device electromagnetic or any inu impulses, decided that Bonaparte had fulfilled its mission. Having lost supernatural abilities. Napoleon began to fail.

Antoine Lefebvre believes indisputable that aliens throughout the history of mankind had different ways of influence on its development. Continue to do so today.

Source: "UFO", Alexander Bogatikov

Fancy a sample of the biological implants came to light when a guy from Brooklyn came to me and asked to scan yourself in the presence of implants. Just at that time I used the spectrum analyzers, generators, grid frequency (this is a device for finding resonance networks) and other equipment in order to find implants with radiotherapy in them. When I drove by the sensor of radio frequency (RF) over his body, I noticed a signal that occurred when I put the sensor close to his stomach. If I cleaned the sensor from his stomach, the signal is decreased, and almost disappeared on the spectrum analyzer. Of course, anyone who works with electronics, knows that spectrum analyzers are not so accurate, so I used a signal "zero beating". This means that I gave the signal into the analyzer so that it can be combined with a signal that is passed through the body of the boy, and to identify. I wanted to discover the actual carrier frequency, on which she worked, and I found it. Lie down and behold: it was the same as the 25-th TV channel in Brooklyn!

It was quite amazing and incredible discovery. I then converted the signal so that it can be read on a TV screen. With confidence we can say that it was the same Channel 25, and I could see it on the screen. This guy really was intercepted Channel 25 from Brooklyn and retransmitted. His implant was working exactly on the same frequency, but it was surprising and strange. This implant transceiver worked in a mode that is known as simplex repeater. This device, which has a receiver signal. The signal is delayed is passed. This is called a repeater because repeats the signal. This implant was more difficult as the transmitter and receiver worked simultaneously. It doesn't sound like something unusual for the average reader, but as an expert in electronics, I was amazed. I have never seen such a device, I don't even know how to construct.

After I've been thinking about it, I realized that someone has established a good system. They actually masked their transfer implant infused" signal on the 25th TV-channel. If someone approached him with radio"nualnoi" and catching the signal, it automatically considered him a 25 signal channel and nothing could have suspected, while the guy was in the area. The video is distributed with what is called synchronized pulse. More accurately, she travels above pulse frequency. Successful aspect of the transmission of specific implant was that he spoke in the opposite direction of lower frequencies. They "masked" transmission using another aspect of frequency and giving them information on it. This secret broadcast at its best.

After this guy realized that he has something of a transceiver-implant in his body, he agreed to an x-ray examination. Although it was made very different fluorography, the implant was not found. When he underwent MRI (magnetic resonance examination?), discovered a lump of tissue, which existed where it was not to be. It was just fat deposition. That's all the doctor had to say about it. Fatty Deposit directly connected with blood vessels. Knowing that the blood is saline solution, which acts as a good guide, the model was very clear. Blood vessels passed right through his crotch area and played the role of the antenna for the implant. He was fed biologically and for all practical purposes was alive. <br />
There is another class of implants, part of which acts as a portable computer and sits under breast bone in the center of the chest. Over the heart on the left side, right behind the breast bone, can sometimes detect chip". It acts as the CPU, or Central processing unit of the implant. It keeps the memory and programs that can be activated. At the bottom of the chest is biological implant, which is the transceiver. It receives signals and sends them to chip" the CPU under the ribs. All this is connected incredibly thin wire to another "chip" at the base of the neck. This is nervous interface that connects to the spine and brain.

This implant is organized into groups of five electrodes on every nerve. Because the nerve impulse travels down from neuron, one electrode detects it. Another disables momentum. Third inserts previous nerve impulse or creates a new one. The other two electrodes, which I referred to, is just the reverse direction, designed to cancel already described impulses. Thus, a "neural network" may be available and the implant has full access to the motor functions of the human individual. It's all very clever.

Additional research has shown that transmission in the high frequency range (HF) lead to the identification of pulsation with fuzzy transformations, which have similarities to the examples mentioned above, as neurological information. It may be a signal that is used to pass this particular class of implants, but I'm not completely sure of this.

The reason this implant was not previously discovered, was that he was cut down, if you tried to study the neural network in an attempt to find it. Fortunately, I came across a young man, when the implant, obviously, failed and she had passed out. I immediately scanned it and found a group of implants.

There are other implants besides those that I have already described. For example, there is a whole class of implants on the capture signals from outside and meet them. These implants can be detected throughout the body, but most of them are behind the left ear. This type looks like a shard of crystal or black stone with lines on it. This is a very advanced technology and is used by newcomers to find their "abductees". These implants are not necessarily affect the thinking process. They are the defendants to queries when the signal is emitted from the location of the entity. The implant recognizes and sends a signal back. With the appropriate equipment location "of abductee" can be installed.

Sometimes these implants transponder (request-responders) are rejected by the body of the subject and find your way to the surface. One person who has suffered abductee, reported the crystal, coming out of his forehead, while another saw the implant out of the head of the penis. Where these implants are in the body, depends on what is being monitored, or in which nerve patterns implant intends to intervene.

These devices usually look like a pebble, and mostly resemble a tear. Hand straight, with a rounded front and rear. They are usually placed in the tissues of the body and leave it there. Sometimes you can detect wires from the implants, which are usually attached to the ends of the nerve nodes.
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