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Scientists are claiming to have found an area of the brain that teaches people to forget their fears. Researchers from the University of new York believe that the results of their work will enable specialists to deal more effectively with the various kinds of phobias.
For many years scientists have studied the question of how arise fears and how to treat them, but a natural process of getting rid of them remained long in the shadows. For example, children may be afraid of the dark, but when they grow up, completely forget about their past fears.
The area of the brain responsible for fears, called the amygdala has been quite well studied in animals. Now researchers have confirmed that the person amygdala is working on similar with animals scheme.
"Elizabeth Phelps, along with his colleagues used the method of magnetic resonance to understand the processes occurring in the human brain, which cured of their fears. A group of volunteers were subjected to a small electric shock so that the pain was associated with the image of colored squares. As a result, when this figure in people appeared nervous condition, close to phobias."
"The brain scans of the subjects indicated the activity of neurons in the amygdala region, which in fact was known before. However, a surprise was the fact that this area of the brain continued to be active all the time until people forgot about their newly acquired phobias."
"People try to control their emotions. We know how not to be nervous in some circumstances, and nervous at the other. If we see a tiger in a zoo, we know that we must not be afraid. The question is, how we regulate this process. This is what we are trying to understand, " said Phelps."
However, fear can try to disable. At least, brain switch fear physiologists managed to find. And even make the analysis of situations in which it is included.
The staff of the medical center at Columbia University in new York found in the brain, a kind of "relay" switch fear. It helps to control the emotions that might otherwise destroy the brain. As normal physiological switch is "on-off".
According to researchers, the findings help to explain why, for example, if depressed people can't get rid of bad thoughts to prevent the emotions to paint them.
"People in their daily life are a growing number of incentives, " said psychology Professor joy Hirsch, " and not to rush off from each sharp sound or unexpected spectacle, our brain had to create a processing engine, which has experience in mainstreaming and gives the opportunity to make the right decision".
At the same time, American scientists have tried to understand the reasons of the fear that some people feel at the sight of blood. During research it was found out that the roots of this fear - in the distant past.
Until now, scientists explained by the fact that some people might faint at the sight of blood, for two reasons. First - past experiences. That is, those who had once fainted on seeing a live blood, can accustomed to repeat this reaction. The second fear or disgust together with fear.
After the appropriate research, scientists have found that to swoon brings not so much fear, how much disgust. In the basis of disgust, as the scientists, lies mainly rudimentary (residual) fear of loss of or damage to the body, which felt more distant ancestors of man.
According to one of the study's authors Banmi Olatunji, fear of people in the sight of blood can be so strong that they will consciously avoid medical care. Meanwhile phobias (fears) yield of psychotherapy is easier than many other psychological problems.