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Revealed data which show that in the experiments at the Large hadron Collider (LHC) physics "broke" two Higgs boson
Found that do not know that
The large hadron Collider (LHC) is stopped, but continues "shocking" fundamentals of the universe. Already, though not in the literal sense, modeling the Big Bang, and portable. Scientists understand the results of experiments and come, to put it mildly, bewilderment.
From the analysis of accumulated data, you: the Higgs boson is not one. At least two of them.
Remember, the Higgs boson, or just the Higgs is the elementary particle. Physics around the world wanted to find her for several decades. Be called a divine particle, the particle of God. Because it is only one - not enough for the final triumph of the Standard model - the theory, which is quite foldable explains the organization of the surrounding world and its matter. After all, according to this theory, a particle of the God bestows mass of matter in the Universe makes "weighty" all other particles.
The Higgs boson was looking for, pushing and breaking up the protons, rushing in the Tank near the speed of light at each other. Thus shook the so-called Higgs field, quanta which are those most Higgs bosons.
To see the fragment of God directly is almost impossible.
Too insignificant time of her life. Fitrahsuci boson immediately breaks into other particles. But they are already perceptible.
Having estimated the likely path of the collapse of the Higgs boson in theory, physicists sought them in the experiments. And allegedly found: 4 July 2012 scientists of the European organization for nuclear research (CERN) announced sensational opening. And invited the Higgs - Peter Higgs, who in 1964 predicted the existence of boson, named after him. Now this British scientist 83 year. He is honorary Professor at Edinburgh University.
The Higgs two of you, not priapism
Data that has allowed to make a statement about the discovery of the Higgs boson, were obtained in experiments conducted in 2011 and 2012. Then in July - analysis of their continued. And now, as he neared the end, he brought another sensation.
The results testified, was registered not one peak decay generated by the Higgs boson, but two. Two clear peaks. And such a mistake could happen, if the experimenters "emptied" God just two of its particles. And not one by one, but two at a time. And different. One decay - Z-bosons corresponded to the God particle with mass 123,5 GeV (GeV), the other on gamma photons gave to understand that there is one divine particle with a mass 126,6 GeV. Statistically significant signals given the ATLAS and CMS detectors for the Large hadron Collider.
What to do now with two Higgs bosons, while nobody knows. After all, the Standard model was one. The existence of several allow competing models of the universe. For example, the theory of supersymmetry is SUSY, as it is called, where each particle have twins. And not one by one. However, the data obtained in other experiments at the LHC, testify that this very SUSY should not be taken into account. The surrounding world is not matched (
Perhaps, the scientists still have to invent a new
physics, which would fit all detected oddities. Who knows, may be the presence of several divine particle that gives mass to other particles, will be able to explain the nature of the mysterious dark matter - that which is not seen, but which in the Universe supposedly much more than visible.
Or scientists are wrong. They could, for example, make a mess in the data, allowing to declare the existence of two Higgs bosons.
This is what, for example, wrote in his blog physicist Tommaso Dorigo (Tommaso Dorigo), took part in the experiments on the CMS detector. His two Higgs boson has not bothered. He considers them a kind of glitch:
"Normal case " if we were excited about each case of slight discrepancy between the results with expected, you would get sick priapism" ('This is normal business - if we had to get excited at every slight disagreement between our measurements and our expectations, we'd be sick with Priapism). (Priapism - a painful penis enhancement, for example, as a result of swelling - approx. auth.)
Indeed, some physicists are expressed not lyrically. And something they have in mind...
An amazing mechanism in
How to imagine the work of the Higgs field and bosons, says the Director of the Institute for nuclear research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Matveev:
- Take a piece of foam and we shall crumble it on the table. Will come little foam beads - analogues of elementary particles, which will be very easy. If we poduim on them, they will break. Now carefully put on the table water, we shall crumble on top of the foam and again slightly poduim. We will see that the balls run, but reluctantly. If we have not seen the water, we'd thought they were kinda dull or heavy. This passivity is due to the fact that the particles in the movement have to Wade through water, which in this analogy plays the role of the Higgs vacuum of the field. If we poduim on the water without the foam balls, then the surface will run "ripples" - this will be similar highglossy bosons.
Of the damned - divine
The name "God particle" (God Particle) for the Higgs boson is credited with Nobel laureate Leon Lederman. Allegedly the author he was in 1993, when he published the book "God Particle: if the universe is the answer, then what is the question? (The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?). But it turns out that the Lederman actually called the Higgs boson "cursed particle" (goddamn particle), IKEA in mind unsuccessful search of her. And the title of his book was relevant: "The goddamn Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?" The editor of the publishing house he did not like. He removed "Damn", leaving only "God". The Lederman liked. So boson Higgs ceased to be cursed, and became God Particle is a particle of God. Or even, in some interpretations, the God particle.
For the Higgs boson - awards
European physical society has awarded heads of CERN for the discovery of the Higgs boson. More precisely, candidate for his role as modestly until called allegedly discovered a fragment of God.
The award Edison-volts received: Rolf Dieter, Director General of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, Director of research and calculations and Stephen Myers, Director for accelerators and technology Each, in addition to the commemorative medals will be awarded on 10 thousand Euro.
As the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner was awarded the Prize for Fundamental Physics (Fundamental Physics Prize seven scientists from CERN related to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Three million dollars will share the Lyn Evans (Lyn Evans) from Imperial College London, who led the construction of the Collider, Fabiola Gianotti (Fabiola Gianotti) -speaker of the staff of the ATLAS detector, Joseph Incandela (Joseph Incandela) from University of California, Santa Barbara, representing the CMS detector, Peter Jenny (Peter Jenni), Guido Tonelli (Guido Tonelli, Tejinder Virdee (Tejinder Virdee) and Michel Della Negra (Michel Della Negra).
Candidates for the award for the second Higgs boson yet. Maybe they are waiting for a Nobel prize?
By the way, Peter Higgs still got nothing.
Vladimir ?agowskie