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Vampirism in mythological occult understanding supposedly gives immortality, but it robs or takes the life of another. Remember, as in fairy tales beautiful Princess turned into a frog and a boy into a lamb. This Koschey the Immortal or Baba Yaga received additional power for their crimes. So in fairy tales described vampirism, and it says its long-standing and deep roots. The same thing we sometimes see in a real relationship between people.
"In modern medicine, writes specialist karmic medicine Astragal, - there is no such direction, which would describe "vampirism" as a social phenomenon, as a disease. There are no methods of determination of people-vampires, protection, means and methods of treatment as vampires and their victims. Karmic medicine studies hidden and apparent energy of interaction between all biological systems. But in this version we more attention to the consideration of the energy relationship between biologically minded systems - man?people"... the Energy vampirism is such a relationship between people, at which there is a forcible seizure of the life force. The Chinese have this force is called "qi", Japanese "Ki", the Indian yogi - "prana". Energofinprom born at the tender age from birth until the end of the school - born of energofinprom. From ancient treatises know that in this phase of development is held every person. However, it cannot be called a disease. The child is clean, it's an angel sent to us by God, and only we are responsible for what may be a terrible affliction."
As there energotamir
While a child is small and helpless, he just needs that we have paid attention to him: played and walked with him, telling stories and singing songs, taught to draw, build, tinkering.
The sacred duty of parents, especially mothers, to devote herself to raising her child, to give him warmth of the soul, to teach them to be joyful. But it can be done only by loving their child, and it is parental love often and not enough children. Very often we see the indifference of the mother, irritation of the father. It is in this situation and emerging vampirism.
Baby energofinprom - punishment parents. Child - indicator soul family, "litmus test" of the quality of the energies that surround it, with whom he comes into contact. It is known that the baby is always attracted to the clean, bright and cheerful person, and starts to act up in the presence of the person ill with a serious character. If we do not give baby our love, joy and knowledge, if we say: "leave me alone, I'm sick, you go play", - he is naughty, and when growing up - starts to shout to be rude. And then we end up on spilled on the shore of the child, his irritation, instead of pure energies discharged at him accumulated filth of the soul.
So live a little man, charging at home, at school and in the street of energy garbage adults and peers. He should tear down, to swear and to be rude, drinking and Smoking, and it's all for show, to cause overt or covert irritation of others to get. Well, if on his way to meet a teacher, a friend or girlfriend, which will show what the joy of life, love of neighbor and to knowledge, if it will open the spiritual world, then he will be saved. But if this will happen?
For 12 years the child is free to argue, defend their interests and views. It should see its natural interest in life: sport, technology, art, nature, books and so on, But here we see that there is not interested, don't care, he's not willing to make efforts for their spiritual and intellectual development. His desires are placed only in two terms: "give" and "want". All your attempts to inspire teenagers to the world of spiritual joy divided into carnal, "what's in it for me?" Now that's formed energotamir.
In the end, to 14 years, many children have chronic energominimum. And a great life ahead. But what kind?
But the question is not only in this, but in how all of us with this creature to live? Therefore, in addition to well-drawn Estrogenom paintings, everyone naturally want to know how to know whether a person is energofinprom and how to protect yourself from it.
How to calculate energotamir
There is a simple method that invented the great mathematician and mystic Pythagoras. It turns out that on the basis of the analysis of numbers that are present at birth date, you can determine a person's susceptibility to a particular type of activity and sickness. Of course, predisposition this does not necessarily lead to the emergence of the disease, but increases the probability of its occurrence. So, no number 2 in the date of birth (for example - 18.07.1983) indicates a predisposition to energolinija! These people, according to the American researchers, there are now more than 80%. However, active vampires, according to statistics of academician Chernozubov, thank God, is not so much something about 10 percent.
To protect themselves from energotamir
Now - protection, both General and specific. Especially it is necessary to look at the baby, if he's in infancy very tearful, and growing up, never stops going for one of the parents just on the heels tends even sleep in the parent's bed. Here it's urgent!
First of all, in no case, do not blame it vampirism: most of these genuine "piglets" at all do not know about their pathology and act on instinct, as a hungry child stealing a loaf of bread, not thinking that to do so badly. And, first of all, you need to get the tree-donor every sign of the Zodiac - the. List them. For Capricorn is a pine or decorative thuja, for Aquarius - figs or lemongrass, for Fish - elm, for Aries - drain, for Taurus - Myrtle, for Twins - Laurel, for Cancer - Yves, for Lion - oak, for Virgo - Apple, Libra - beech, for Scorpio - rowanberry, for Sagittarius Palma. There are other trees, look for them in the horoscope of druids or other hitogoroshi, books dendrarii. It will be necessary to find substitutes, for example, Fig, lemon grass or trees. Although nowadays it's not that important, you can get that anywhere. But if you trust more tree species from the middle Bollinger band, have some work to do. But a vampire in the family, it is no small thing, isn't it?
"By the way, in the vegetable world there are plants varies affecting the human biofield. So, lively: birch, Valerian, Heather, oak, ginseng, chestnut, cedar, maple. Take her, willow, alder, mistletoe, aspen, plantain, wormwood, poplar, cherry. Yes, and the earth itself is also divided into vampire - geopathogenic
Now about what it means to "get"? Of course, figs, like a palm tree, the pot will not plant and the room will not put. But you can put in a decorative vase, preferably in the bedroom, the branch of the required tree ornaments, cut out of the respective wood (lacquer not cover!). Finally, will do just a piece of wood the size not less than three centimeters. Also good to know that vampires all signs donor is an ordinary ficus. The second necessary measure is not simply a protective, or (eventually!) fully vylizyvaya from vampirism, - pyramid. No need to be surprised, because the miraculous properties of pyramids is a topic for a separate discussion. Just need to make any material from a paper to plastic - pyramid size of meter to meter and adjust it over the headboard of the bed sleeps your home a vampire. If you sleep next, very soon, make sure that your dream has become extremely strong, dream about happy and bright, and the time needed for a good rest, suddenly dropped sharply, the performance suddenly grew, etc., etc., Where such effect is modern science can never be explained, but parapsychologists all over the world know about the "phenomenon of the pyramid" and often use it in practice with their clients and patients. As for the "sucker"... in About a month and a half pyramid rebuilds its power and will create a channel through which it will be fueled energy, like normal people, from Space.
Finally, if the vampire is constantly intersect with you at work, folk wisdom suggests a conspiracy-ward, say you want every morning before leaving the house, facing to the East. Especially in the days when you know exactly what will communicate with this person.
"The power of the sky, give me protection, lay down, charm, in my threshold, on my next - from the vain tears from misfortunes. From enemies, whom I know and those I don't know from falsehood, of water, of fire, of wounds, from the word, and from the sword, from the younger and older, from the first and the last. As the power from heaven and help from God. Amen."
The moral is: don't bring in the family of a vampire.