Viewings: 3212
Space telescope "Hubble" fixed a rare sight: a pair of overlapping galaxies NGC 3314.
The object looks like galaxies collide, but in reality they are separated by tens of millions of light years, which is about ten times larger than the distance between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.
Angle gives the opportunity to examine the silhouette of the spiral arms of the closest to us galaxy NGC 3314A.
The nature of the motion of galaxies suggests that in them is relatively easy. They fly in different directions and are not going to meet. Deformirovannogo NGC 3314A, most likely, is the result of a collision with another object - perhaps a large spiral galaxy NGC 3312.
From our point of view band dust matter NGC 3314B seem lighter than NGC 3314A. This is not due to the fact that in the galaxy little dust, and the fact that the band lit bright starry haze in the foreground. Dust NGC 3314A contrast, backlit by the stars of NGC 3314B, causing her to strip look more clear.
Color of the image is the result of exposure in blue and red light. The picture obtained Enhanced observation camera. Galaxies are about 140 million light years from Earth in the direction of the constellation of the southern hemisphere Hydra.
Prepared according to NASA.