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In the Gomel region epidemiologists have tested different kinds of fish caught in the river Pripyat and Sozh, and concluded that more than 20% of the fish potentially dangerous for human health. Thus, every fifth fish were zarazena larvae parasitic worms - opistorhoz, flat worm.
Over the last five years were registered in Belarus only 180 cases opisthorchiasis.
In the human or animal parasite gets along with food - and there he becomes adult. Parasitizing in the liver or pancreas, the worm can live in man up to 40 years.
The consequences of such cohabitation most deplorable. First of all this is fraught with diseases of a pancreas, stomach, liver.
Deputy chief sanitary physician of the Gomel region Rostislav Zinovich told that the most likely source of the disease is pohoronena taranco, and unchecked fresh fish purchased outside outlets.
Note that you can protect yourself from opisthorchiasis is quite simple: the parasite larvae are killed by heat treatment, with fried or boiled fish should not be less than half an hour.
Also he dies and in a freezer for 15 days in a complete freeze makes even infected fish safe, said on the TV channel CTV.