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American astronomers have discovered a process that long ago figured among the possible options for the extinction of life on Earth. The unique opportunity presented by astronomers using the Hubble telescope, which observed the sun in the constellation Fox that 63 light years from us.Flash on the star led to the fact that the surface of the planet literally started to blow off" its atmosphere, reports TSN. The planet, according to scientists, had the blue sky and the Earth. However, it looks more like a gas giant Jupiter, located thirty times closer to its star than our planet to the Sun. The atmosphere of the planet, more precisely, its upper layers at such proximity must be already heated to thousands of degrees Celsius. After the outbreak, according to the astronomers, gases instantly heated to thousands of degrees, and the force of gravity is no longer able to keep them. Planetary air sdavalsa with the intensity of a thousand tons per second. ![]()
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