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![]() Scientists judge the existence of black holes only on the radiation falling into them, and warmed up with this cosmic body. So, for example, supermassive monster the center of our galaxy, the milky way, astronomers were able to detect because in this place every day disappears interstellar matter. And we all will be gone without a trace in the Chinese hole? But scientists calm: before you start to fear the possible consequences, laboratory black hole is not a subject of great gravity, which are located in the centers of galaxies, but the device, consisting of dozens of bands metamaterials, which simulates the curvature of space-time, creating an artificial event horizon - it absorbs electromagnetic radiation, writes Physics sure is an experiment that can truly revolutionize the future of solar energy. By the WAY Eating black holes? "MEALS" - COMETS... In June 2010 the researchers of the European space Agency has enhanced the image with the Japanese orbital telescope Suzuki. And 53 million light-years from Earth have discovered a black hole mass of several million times the mass of the Sun. According to the head of the astronomical Institute of Kharkiv Oleg Sideline, this black hole feeds" comets. One of them, and gave her whereabouts. Ice comet, flying through the Solar system, was part of a comet cloud, which revolves around this hole. - We noticed that they disappear in this place galaxy with a frequency of two years, explains Sidelin. - Cloud gradually reduced, because the gravitation of a black hole is very strong. The force of attraction hole breaks a comet and forms one of the rings of matter around it. When they fall in a hole, we fix large bursts of x-rays. ...STARS on March 28, 2011, scientists were able to observe how the powerful gravity of the space monster tore a star literally in pieces in a matter of minutes. And the dying star has sent into the Universe her last breath - the most powerful flash of radiation. The murders occurred in the constellation of the Dragon. Captured its orbiting gamma-ray telescope "swift". ...AND GAS CLOUDS In December 2011 at the center of our galaxy using located in the Chilean Andes giant telescope (Very Large Telescope, astronomers from the max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial physics in Garching (Germany) has discovered gas cloud, which weight exceeds the mass of the Earth three times. It rotates in a spiral around the black hole, the mass of which exceeds the mass of the Sun is four million times. Speed of rotation of the cloud today - 2350 kilometers per second, and it is constantly increasing as a result of exposure monstrous gravity. While "lunch" holes is from her 40 million kilometers. According to calculations, in the "stomach" holes he will be only towards the end of 2013. According to the assumed scenario of astronomers, during the "meal" black hole can tear gas cloud in "shreds". Then there will be an explosion of x-ray radiation due to the compression and heating of gas. And ground-based and space telescopes can fix the outbreak of radiation. ![]()
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