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Any global strikes the observer who first saw this dark hole, gaping at the starry brocade of the firmament. These heavenly bodies dark not externally - they keep a lot of secrets and mysteries. So, astrophysicists believe that there may be a birth of new stars. And two next to us globules, it seems that in the near future will be able to light a star.
Astronomers call the globules gas-dust nebulae, so unusual darkening on the background of distant bright nebulae and stars. Their appearance tells us also that they are quite close to us in a cosmic sense, not between us, no stars, no glowing nebulae.
In the beginning of XX century by Edward Emerson Barnard, American astronomer, joined in directory 349 dark nebulae, among which the majority are globules. A typical example is a molecular cloud Barnard 68, of a weight of one to three solar. It was formed only 300-500 light years from the Sun, and the linear size of the globule Barnard 68 - just about half a light-year. What is global: ozvezdie state of matter or the inability to form stars?
Looking at the constellation Ophiuchus and seeing coal-black hole molecular clouds Barnard 68, we understand that between us stars have, and the stars background well closes opaque to light matter globule. It absorbs all of the incident light, not missing and not reflecting it. I believe that inside these dark molecular clouds may have reduced temperature. Their evolutionary processes represent a puzzle, since observation of molecular clouds started only in the twentieth century.
But also it is quite possible that the protein can be a very likely sites for the formation of new stars in the Universe. In molecular clouds globules has a high concentration of dust and molecular gas, because they are entirely absorbed all visible light coming from the outside are emitted around globulo stars. Temporary processes of star formation last for billions of years, as is occurring simultaneously with the formation of the Central body of the star, who made his way into the processes of formation of planets and their satellites.
Astronomer Bouckaert assumes that due to the relative proximity of the object Barnard 68 to Earth observation are of particular value. It is possible that this close and well studied a sample of the protein will help to understand how the star of molecular dust clouds. The more that is known very heterogeneous structure globule Barnard 68. But new observations made by Marcus Nalbaka of the astronomy Institute of max Plank Society (Germany), revealed the existence of two clouds, the clash of which may contribute to the appearance of the star.
A detailed analysis of the data space telescope "Herschel" showed that the temperature of the various parts of the cloud changes sharply, decreasing from 16,7 To the periphery to 8.2 in the centre of the cloud. The most intriguing, however, is found in the South-Eastern part of the cloud seal, the speed of which is significantly different from the speed of the clouds. A more thorough analysis of the speed of individual regions have led astronomers to conclude that all the cloud Barnard 68 is a group of globules Side, more small-scale formations in different spatial vzaimoponimanie and velocity in space clouds.
In the past, apparently, there was a disturbance broke the structure of the group globules, and they began to move towards each other. The main clouds had two, one of them now moved to the center of the South-Eastern sector. Most likely, it provoked the seal material of the current single molecular clouds.
Potentially in the future estimated clash of the Central and peripheral parts of the globule will lead to the collapse of matter, the researchers suggest clouds Barnard 68. The author of the original study by Barnard 68 Andreas Bouckaert suggests that the impact of peripheral clouds have not in the center and slightly to the side of him (as found group Mr. Nalbaka).
This means almost inevitable tightening part of the substance of the molecular cloud type whirlpool. In this case, probably the emergence of the protoplanetary cloud impressive sizes around rising from the gravitational collapse of a young star.