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Experts NASA and the McDonald Observatory (USA) believe that the system of double stars Kepler-47, located in 5 thousand light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, may be mnogoletnei. It means that you can talk about the potential habitability of such star systems. The more planets, the more chances for the existence of life on them.
Space telescope "Kepler" managed to find out for about 2 330 candidates for exoplanets. From one third to half of them belong to the class of so-called supersell, the weight of which exceeds the mass of the Earth, but significantly less than the mass of the gas giants such as Jupiter or Neptune. So, in January of last year, the telescope has found Kepler planet-10b. Its radius is 1.4 times higher than the earth, and weight - 4.5 times higher than that of the Earth. Kepler-10b was the first stone of the planet, the composition of which were confirmed.
In September 2011 near stars Kepler-18 were found three supersell. The system, developed around Kepler-18, interesting first of all because it is very compact: its dimensions are such that she could fit in, say, within the orbit of mercury. Second, there is the orbital resonance between the outer planets of the system, Kepler-18d and Kepler-18c: the ratio of their orbital periods of approximately 1:2.
In the same last July in 33 light years from the Sun has been found another "earth" planet orbiting a red dwarf GJ 436. Still the majority of detected "mini-Lands" was the last of the gas giants, that is due to the expansion of the parent star has lost its atmosphere. But in contrast, the newly found planet is indeed similar to Earth. However, the presence of life, of course, is premature. If to consider, that it is rotating in orbit, remote from the star just 2.8 million kilometres, and on the basis of albedo black body, its temperature can be 600-730 degrees Celsius. If its albedo is approximately equal to the earth or Mercurian, these figures may be somewhat lower. Anyway, the planet can be covered by oceans glowing magma, say astrophysics.
The main star of the newly discovered systems Kepler-47 mass almost equal to our Sun. However, its luminosity is only 84 percent from the sun. Younger companion is a red dwarf M-class, which is three times inferior to the senior by mass and whose luminosity is only 1 percent from the sun.
The nearest to the center of the planet system, Kepler-47b, on radius nearly three times higher than the Earth, but it is hardly possible there life, as it turns around a binary star for 49.5 day, and the distance to the stars is about 0.3 astronomical units. The radius of the second planet, Kepler-47s, 4.6 times greater than earth's. Year it lasts 303,2 earth day, and the distance to the center is about 0,99 astronomical units. According to astronomers, theoretically, there may be liquid water, and thus life.
But we should not forget that the earth is a giant (its size can reach 28 Jupiter masses). Therefore, it is not too suitable for life in our understanding of this word. However, this does not exclude the existence of her massive satellites, where the probability of occurrence of life is much higher.
Previously, astronomers assumed that planetary systems, grouped around these double stars, may not be sustainable. All existing theories of planetary formation of gas-dust disk deny the possibility of occurrence of these objects in those systems, and if they still were formed, could not have permanent orbit - so recently claimed scientists. The system Kepler-47 proves that it is not. In theory, at least in such systems can be located planet with stable orbits, which fall within the zone of habitability.
This inspires the hope that one day we will have brothers in mind. Because 70 percent of the stars in our Galaxy are double, and even triple that until recently assumed the absence in these systems, not only of life but also of the planets at all.
"The presence in Kepler-47 fully formed planetary systems with multiple orbits is excellent, " says Professor of astrophysics and planetology from the University of California at Santa Cruz Greg Laughlin. - These planets is very difficult to form, using the now generally accepted paradigm. I believe that theorists will be forced from scratch to create a new theory, to improve our understanding of how planets gather" in the red dust disc around binary stars".