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Beautiful (we believe) the galaxy NGC 7090, photographed space telescope "Hubble", looks at us askance, not allowing to see her spiral arm, filled with young, hot stars.
And yet we can enjoy the disk of the galaxy and the Central Balcem, that is relatively compact cluster of cold old stars. There are other points worth mentioning.
First, you can select an intricate network pink-red areas surrounding the entire galaxy. It points to the hydrogen clouds and, accordingly, the regions of star formation. Thus photography recent research confirms that placed NGC 7090 in a number of galaxies, actively generating light.
Secondly, we see dark stripes dust matter. Here they are mostly located in the lower half of the galaxy. As we look from the outside through the thickness of the disk, the light of the galactic centre does not come to us absorbed by dust, but he emphasizes the silhouettes of the dark filamentary structures.
Dust in our galaxy the milky Way has always been the main enemy of astronomers. And only recently, with the advent of telescopes in the near-infrared part of the spectrum, these clouds ceased to be blind spots. On a more long waves, where the Kingdom of radio astronomy, you can see the dust itself, revealing its properties and its role in the formation of stars.
NGC 7090 lies in the direction of the southern constellation Indian. To it about 30 million light-years. Opened the galaxy 4 October 1834, John Herschel.
Picture processed: orange light shown here in blue, infrared radiation and radiance of the hydrogen gas in red.
Prepared according to NASA.