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About plasmoids write and speak mnogiego another version and give links to your photo, where,presumably, fixed plasmoids.
The crust of the earth is dissected by a dense network of ancient "scars" - faults. On them continuously moving rocks that prevent their "healing". One such break through Zelenograd near Moscow, has long attracted the attention of geophysicists. And ufologists believe this place is one of the largest in Russia anomalous zones, which are hovering ball lightning and teeming with UFOs.
- Moscow faults are active lifestyle and is rather unstable, says the chief researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, doctor of physical-mathematical Sciences Valeriy Rudakov. - Width during the day several times changing. The basis of the capital - the so-called Moscow aulacogen geological structure, is lowered on the fault lines on depth about one and a half-two kilometers. It looks as filled sedimentary rocks huge failure, stretching across the center of the white stone and a large part of Moscow region. Sedimentary rocks as if floating in the water, like icebergs in the Arctic ocean.
But the behavior of Zelenograd fault, according to the scientist, not go into any gate. At certain times of day - usually in the evening of the fault is allocated so-called cold plasma, which gradually fills a significant underground area, and after about an hour and a half slowly retreat. What it is not quite clear.
While scientists scratching their heads over this question, UFOlogy already found it. Head of the club "UFO-Zelenograd Egor Usachev, who devoted many years to the study of abnormal fault of Moscow region, said: plasma is a special form of life, perhaps more ancient than humanity itself. Similar conclusions are known UFO researcher Henry Silanov many years watching the life Khopersky fault. In his opinion, everything here is infested mysterious minded beings energy of nature. What is this creature?
Thus spoke Zarathustra
The idea of this kind were made in the religious-mythological form Zarathustra, later the same was said by the old Testament prophet Isaiah. And finally, John the Theologian in his "revelation" drew a magnificent picture of a fiery transformation of the Earth and the birth of the Heavenly Jerusalem, in which life on earth will exist in the bosom of the ultra slim and svezhenanesennoj environment of the Cosmic Mind.
It would seem, at what here myths? But such ideas were developed, for example, the great Russian scientist and philosopher KE
Tsiolkovsky, who wrote about the future "essential" forms of life, its cosmic expansion. "Probably the discharged energy life is older than the protein, " he wrote. - The matter is not immediately appeared this density, as it is now.
Were the stage much more rarefied matter. She could create creatures us now not available, invisible". And further, the founder of cosmonautics says: in the vast future the mankind will acquire a new form of existence, becoming a part of the universal energy of life in the Universe. Now imagine this, of course, difficult. However, for the drawings of the future space launch in those years Tsiolkovsky was called, to put it mildly, a nut and a dreamer. After some half a century - and his dreams became a reality.
Children Of The Sun
- Plasmoid is a plasma system, structured own magnetic field, - says Valeriy Rudakov. Plasma is a hot, ionized gas. An example of a plasma - ordinary fire. Magneto-plasma structures, indeed, widely distributed, for example, in the Sun. The most important processes on the sun's surface (flares, sunspots, flares) are magnetic plasma nature. The same nature and have all sorts of structures in the solar corona - hot (millions of degrees) "aura", environmental relatively cold (just 60000) solar surface. When the Sun outbreaks occur, from him in all directions with a speed of several hundred kilometres per second fly streams of plasma and magnetic plasma formations - plasmoids. Reaching the Earth, they cause changes in the ionosphere, magnetic storms, which has a significant impact on biological, geological, mental and even historical processes. About the latest in the beginning of XX century, wrote of the great Russian scientist, the founder of heliobiology Alexander Chizhevsky.
In the middle of the last century, scientists have discovered that magnetic plasma structures, or plasmoids, "live" not only in the Sun. They are common on Earth. Main place of their habitat - ionosphere - hot discharged plasma layer, located at an altitude of about 50 km above the Earth. However, apparently, they are present under our feet - deep under the ground. In certain cases they may break out, and to stand before us in all, so to say, its glory. Many researchers (Jorgina, Ganster and Bocconi) reported the presence near the Earth's surface invisible entities plasma nature. They called them critterati, or "creatures". Kittery fixed sensitive modern scientific equipment.
One of the most respected researchers plasma, Italian Professor of Geophysics Leo Bocconi who discovered one of the most active anomalous zones along the Genoese fault, comes to the conclusion about the existence of close to us the whole complex of essential world where all forms - from unicellular" architectonic to "quasi-human". Near us "live" plasmoids not only of simple geometric shapes, but... humanoids from plasma. According to the researcher, and they can change its density, the degree of visibility in different areas of the spectrum, and therefore may look. Because of the mystical ability to emerge from under the ground, in ancient times, these entities were known as "demons", "spirits", "ghosts", "the shining", "dev". Casually whether their appearance has always been associated with some negative events?
According Boccone, randomness is not here: education in the form of drops, dolphins, "griffins" move at speeds up to 1500 kilometers per hour at different altitudes, and generally hang over large fires, large industrial complexes, followed by air liners. They seem to gravitate to areas with radioactive or magnetic anomalies. What if they just want it causes all these phenomena, puzzled scientists?
Underground Wanderers
- Sources of the earth plasmoids can be not only the Sun and interstellar medium, but the energy of the Earth, often escaping to the surface through geological faults, - considers a well-known researcher of the abnormal phenomena Ilya Ivanov. - They may have a high degree of organization, to show signs of life and intelligence.
In his opinion, highly organized solar and terrestrial plasmoids could play a key role in the origin of life and mind on the young Earth. In the early stages of evolution, they could become a kind of active "crystallization nuclei" for more dense and cold molecular structures of the early Earth, to guide the evolution to more complicated molecules and education complex molecular complexes, and then and simple organisms. So could appear life in the form in which we see it now.
Although this hypothesis, but rather convincing, says the researcher. It is hard to imagine, as the result of a random, chaotic processes on the blue planet formed such a complex and highly protein life. And in plasmoides hypothesis everything immediately falls into place: these processes went highly organized plazmidnami designers of evolution.
But if all this is true, why do they keep coming closer to natural disasters, catastrophes and large crowds of people? I do not have deliberately to harm us?
He flew away, but promised to return
Plasmoids are not evil, but just curious creatures, believes the head of the far Eastern branch of the Public-scientific Association "Kosmopoisk"
(g Dalnegorsk) Valery Whipcord. Here is how he describes his first encounter with the miraculous phenomenon: "the Ball hung at the entrance to the supermarket motionless seven seconds. Its diameter is not more than one meter, with a clear outline of the ball, translucent, through him was visible part of the road and the curb. On the surface of the interference pattern, reminiscent of a soap bubble. In the lower part of the large dark spot".
Interestingly, except for Valery, plasmoid was watching through the camera guard store. He is the first, and went outside to see what was going on. But saw nothing. "Naughty" was noticeable only in the camcorder. On the recordings remains clearly visible: guardian of order quizzical looks, and near to it a couple of meters, as if mocking, rolled invisible to the naked eye plasma ball.
The guard called my boss, and he, knowing Valeria and the range of his interests, informed him about the antics of the intruder. Valery came running in a few minutes. And plasmoid was not long in coming. "He appeared again in a few minutes, " he continues. - First appeared in the upper part of the balloon, and it was strange processes: surface as would be spinning down. The surface was heterogeneous, distinct bright and dark patterns. Materialized only half of the ball: here again jumped out the guard, and the Orb, as if fearing, again disappeared".
Then Valery had a chance to witness the appearance of strange glowing balls. Several times he filmed them on tape. "In many stills well seen them quite reasonable behavior - curiosity in relation to the person and-operated equipment, the fear of being caught by surprise, " says Whipcord. - We shot them in apartments, office space. A large number of plasmoids can be seen on the holidays, the town: in the town Day, February 17, 2007 in the frame of their entire 562!"
One of the photos in the cave Garden allowed to determine the trajectory and speed mysterious balls. "The picture shows two Schoolgirls, - says Valeriy. - The right of them one can see a long glowing zigzag trail departing the plasmoid from the corner of the cave. Knowing the length of the arm of the girl and the shutter speed of the camera, it is easy to calculate the speed of the ball. It is equal to at least 16 meters per second. The human eye can not see a subject that flashed before his eyes with such speed. In fact, this instantaneous movement".
Soul on fire
What is it? Some researchers have come to a surprising conclusion: most of the plasma balls is... the souls of the dead. No wonder they can often be found in cemeteries, they easily pass through walls and other barriers. In fact, for them there is no material obstacles. Bright traces they leave behind remind vision of men in a state of clinical death. What if after death we are moving exactly in this state - "fourth state of matter", as in school physics called plasma?
- It is obvious that about Zelenograd Khopersky and faults, near Dalnegorsk in Russia, along the Gulf of Genoa in Italy and in several other places to happen the same phenomenon - claim our interlocutors. - We are faced with the unknown life forms existing on the Earth. It forms the matter being in extremely discharged state. Beings, consisting of such substance, capable of changing its density and shape, change from an invisible zone spectrum in the visible and moved with incredible speed. And, quite possibly, these life forms - a huge set.
Cannot be
Such conclusion is pure fiction, believes Valeriy Rudakov. - There is no reason to assume underground plasma intelligent life form, and even more, the soul of the deceased. If people can get closer to the interpretation of this phenomenon, the next step will be trying to "tame" the energy of plasma and ball lightning. Now in several countries, including Russia conducted breakthrough experiments on creation of ball lightning under laboratory conditions, and cold plasma already received and is even used in medicine for sterilization and production of antibiotics. The possibility of using this kind of energy in the future will give to mankind, are on the verge of a global energy crisis, inexhaustible possibilities. And Zelenograd, city of science, can play here a major role.