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Autumn - annual time colds and rhinitis. And although we all know about the natural means which help to cope with a cold (for example, garlic, ginger, excessive drinking, and so on), also nice to know which products should be avoided during the struggle with the disease. Eliminating these foods from the menu, at the same time consuming strengthens immunity food, you will be able to recover much faster, and reduce the severity of symptoms.
1. Alcohol
Alcohol weakens the immune system and causes dehydration. Both of these factors can make a more severe cold. If you are sick - avoid drinking alcohol, your body supported optimal water balance, and your immune system to work at its full capacity.
2. Dairy products
Dairy products can be quite acceptable in small quantities, because their consumption is cause such severe consequences, as in the case with other types of food. Dairy products can increase the production of mucus, and that's the one thing you would not like to have more. If ice cream helps you sore throat, try to replace it with other frozen desserts - for example frozen fruit bars. They can numb sore throat and deliver to the body needs vitamin C.
3. Juices
If you love juices and prepare your own fresh fresh - drink them! But abstain during illness from the use of conventional stores juices. The usual juices filled with sugar, but it can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight cancer. Any use of vitamin C is cancelled inside of this product is sugar.
4. Fried food
Avoid excessive fat intake during illness. This applies first of all to processed snacks and grilled food. Fat-rich foods contribute to inflammation and inflammation leads to a decrease in the activity of the immune system.
5. Fast food and processed foods
Surprise, surprise - when you are sick, you should stay away from junk food. Fast food and a large part of processed products have zero nutritional value; that is, they do not give you almost anything that could strengthen your immune system and improve your health. Most of these products are not only made from genetically modified ingredients, but they also contain some amount of suppressing the immune system ingredients - such as fructose corn syrup, aspartame, the artificial dyes, dimethylpolysiloxane, and many others.
So, here is what you must do if you get sick with cold: avoid foods that aggravate the course of your illness, and consume food that strengthens your immune system. When you are ill stick to whole fresh foods and consume plenty of fluids. Drink tea, eat soup, use these spices like turmeric, ginger, and garlic, eat honey, and your health will return to normal in a natural way. In General, the worst of the cold symptoms last only a few days, if you have a highly effective immune system. In other words, treat your body healthy food and not only sick nose ready pharmacy medicines.