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Загадочный феномен озаренияMankind has more than one Millennium interested in the mysteries of the universe, trying to understand the laws of evolution, to find ways to public and scientific progress, to find out what is the meaning of life. Undoubtedly, people have achieved in this area of great success, but a lot still remains unsolved and unsolved. This can be explained not only by the fact that the answers to these questions are "buried" in too deep, but also the fact that the work of the human brain in the process of cognition has its own characteristics. On learning of his own brain in people took hundreds of years, but people still know about it much less than about Space.

The first real breakthrough in the study of brain, as many neuroscientists, happened a couple of decades ago, when I first applied the method of long-term implantation in the human brain electrodes. In the second half of the 80-ies of Natalia Bekhtereva - renowned neuroscientist - began to work in conditions of direct contact with the brain. More than half a century she had been "storming" of the brain and knew more about him than any other scientist in the world. It Bekhterev seriously began studying such a phenomenon as the inspiration, when the idea appears as if from nowhere. According to her, about this phenomenon all know who is somehow associated with creativity. This ability of the human brain is still poorly understood, but it is known that she often plays a decisive role perfectly in any case.

Bekhterev on this proposed two hypotheses. According to the first, the brain itself creates ideal conditions and "illuminated". The second hypothesis is that the brain at the moment of illumination works as a perfectly tuned receiver. But in this case, we must admit that all this information comes from outside, from some other dimension. However, it is impossible to prove. Anyway, according to Bechtereva, insight is the pearl of consciousness, priceless gift. The most famous example of insights have long become the symbol of scientific discoveries, is the cry of Archimedes: "Eureka!" Then he could solve the problem of the king of Syracuse, which was to determine the number of gold Imperial crown. He has experienced enlightenment, like Bertrand Russell, who described his experience of "revelation", dazzling moment of truth. The same was experienced and Natalia Bekhtereva formula theories twice in her life came to her that way.

She claims that it is never a genius without insight. Not once scientists have tried to explain the phenomenon of genius. Even wanted to create a research Institute for studies of the brain genius people in their lives. However, they did not find any differences ordinary person from genius. There are many cases when in sleep to person a flash of inspiration, he creates a work of art or creates a scientific discovery. The most prominent example is Mendeleyev, who discovered the periodic system of elements in a dream. A German chemist F. the von stradonitz in a dream saw the structural formula of benzene, a known all benzilovomu ring. Mathematician Poincare from France argued that many of the ideas came from him just during sleep. In 1845 American Elias Howe designed sewing machine, but he couldn't help it. The hole in the machine needle for he did on a thick end - where conventional needles. The thread because it was constantly torn. How could not understand the reason, until one day he was not a strange dream. In a dream he saw the Indians, who tied him to some kind of post and began to jump around, shaking with their spears. The tips of them were cut in some strange way. Waking up, Elias was a needle hole at the tip and thus became the founder of the machine, recognized around the world. In 1938 journalist Laszlo Biro Hungary similarly, in a dream, had the idea of creating the world's first ballpoint pen.

Another striking example of illumination is the case with the future famous electrical Tesla. Once he slowly walked together with her friend. They went in the direction of the sunset, and Tesla, excited like the beauty of nature, began to read the poems. At this moment his mind like a flash of lightning lit up unexpected thought. As the revelation came to him the idea to create the electric motor of alternating current, thereby deciding the basic scientific and technical problem. Tesla stood for some time, fully immersed in a trance, then tried to explain this vision to a friend. Before his mental eyes were clear and tangible samples as stone or metal. The principle of the rotating magnetic field became absolutely clear. This marked the beginning of a revolution in the world electrical engineering.

Erwin Schroedinger also by illumination wrote his famous wave equation without conclusion. Not an exception and Louis de Broglie, who introduced into physics the two-faced nature of microparticles. They manifest their properties the wave, particles, thinking thus, many problems in quantum mechanics.

Many scientific results were achieved not by revaluations and long debates, and by illumination. There was even conducted a poll in which participated 232 scientists. The results showed that 33% of survey participants find solutions to problems by sudden guesses, almost the same number, namely in 31% of scientists, there are occasional flashes of insight. Others admitted that they don't even know what to call it.

But great ideas in the dream was over not only inventors and scientists. It is in sleep composer Giuseppe Tartini from Italy heard the melody of his best-known work "Sonata of the devil." The story of the famous novel "Woe from wit" dreamed Griboedova during sleep. His best poems Victor Hugo wrote at night. From his bed he always kept a pencil and paper so, waking up, just to record all.

Once Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the famous English poet of the 18th century, saw in a dream that he wrote the poem. Waking up, he still remembered her from line to line and immediately sat down to write. Words though have fled across the paper, the poet was ecstatic, because the poem was brilliant. However, when it was just a couple of pages, someone knocked sharply on the door. Into the room came a stranger, and began to ask some strange and obscure questions. Coleridge could not understand what this stranger, but when he was gone from his memory completely disappeared rest of the text. So, famous poem called "Kubla Khan" remained unfinished.

The ability to sense, instant comprehension of truth, bypassing logical thinking learn today in many scientific centers of the world. However, so far there are more questions than answers. Soon science will be able to unravel the mysteries of the human brain? When she learns occurs creativity produces thoughts, like a flash of inspiration? The answers to these questions are not able to give even the most prominent scientists. One thing is clear - in the dynamic principle of creativity role insights extremely high. Creativity without insight unthinkable. Great ideas, great scientific theory, the immortal works of art - all this cannot be without insight. In all phases of the creative process genius present insights.
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