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Тайна, открытая всемTravel, roads, trains - I'm happy that so many of them in my life. When day and night of my nose to nose with a random companion, look it's best him in the eyes, Yes, from time to time at the pathetic ravaged landscapes of our country, compassion, which makes it easier to understand... Felt my professional ability to listen, people begin to confess.

Boys talk about crazy love, and all the rest - Oh! - they talk about a strange, inexplicable that, however, happened to them: "Yes! You represent?" Waving to me from the platform somewhere in the MHA, they will go in my life and no one else will say that told random people on the train. And if the other in their presence will lapnet something like this, they would laugh and will play a finger to his temple. But I'll reveal their secret:

To her husband to the grave food! - with a strange joy said the old woman. But all was explained. At forty - third reported that he went missing.
Can you imagine what it is for so many years to live and not know where he was, that with him? And just last week, I see a dream. Vanya my - just as the war was going, looks at me and smiles: "Come with me to the grave, it is near Leningrad" - and told in detail how to find...

- We watched with her husband TV, with perplexity says neighbor in the coupe, still not believing that she could this happen, and suddenly in the corner there was a woman, a very beautiful, in a white dress. She gave us her scarf, and I am terrified cried, because I understood: on whomsoever it shall fall, he will die. Scarf covered husband. He never did see, and three days later he died of a heart attack.

- Something I was feeling bad. Heart, guess what? And here I had the dream. See your body from the inside, and a woman pointer shows at the heart of the circle, chalk outlined: "It's you, says, suffered mikroinfarkt on his feet. But it's more important to pay attention to the stomach." He checked, and the truth, ulcer opened...

So I often tell stories like that, I am convinced: the door into the unknown world opened from time to time for ninety percent of the population.

"I was lucky - I lived in prison."

Prokopia is the ability of people to identify past and to predict future events. Are there many people who have this gift is well developed, and they carry him all his life? As a heavy cross. "After all, clairvoyants, however, as witnesses, in all ages burned people at the stake", - also because the prophet was, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Predictions of Abelev 1785 on Valaam became a monk peasant Vasily Vasilyev and was named Abel. The year he fasted, and opened him the gift of foresight. For the gift he suffered persecution, interrogations and twenty years of imprisonment. In prison he was sent to Catherine II for what he foretold the day and the hour of her death. When these things were literally fulfilled, Abel freed Emperor Paul. Monarch spoke with the monk who called many names and dates, spoke about the tragic death of the last Russian Tsar, and that then will come the guy with the axe. After that conversation, Paul left the envelope with the inscription: "to be opened by our descendant in 1901". The letter printed suffering, Nicholas II, already heard plenty of religious prophecies. Then he often said close to "Calm down, Lord, until the 18th, I fear nothing."

By the way, Abel predicted that THEN the great Russia will be that she will suffer, to be cleansed and re-ignite the light of the world. It is a pity that he was not informed more specific, when they come, it was too hard to wait, Lord!

Experts say that the Outlook for the very distant future may not be accurate because the future of multi-variant: what option we have to play, depends on our actions, because free will we still no one has taken away, although many have tried. Probably, for this reason is so vague predictions of Nostradamus. Most of them can substitute any time, any country and many events. The same happened with a terrible vision of the Apocalypse prophet John. Almost before the beginning of each century people are preparing for the end of the world. Daniel Andreevna my opinion, all these human passions and mass immolation among might have been avoided, if he had dealt with their visions as well as Daniel Andreev, the great, the Petersburg mystic, the son of the classics of Russian literature Leonid Andreev. At fifteen, Daniel was given two Grand vision, scale is not inferior to the vision of John. Opened shocked teenager, and then, as he writes, all my life(!) he devoted to interpreting these images. "I was lucky, " he writes, " for many years to be held in solitary confinement (Daniel Andreev was arrested in 1937). Nothing to distract me from thinking about my book, it is a pity that writing was forbidden, had to do this in mind." After leaving prison, he wrote his book.
And died. But now we have "the rose of the world" - a visual guide to parallel worlds, though card draw, and, moreover, easy to understand tutorial that explains the balance of good and evil forces in the universe, the laws of the global historical processes, the appearance, the fall and the posthumous fate of tyrants.... the Most meticulous may be advisable to compare the description of the "upper" and "lower" worlds Andreeva and Dante are the same!

Professionals and Amateurs.

Morgan the Robertson clairvoyant work harder than the other prophets. "My voice was..." - heard, recorded and ready. Clairvoyant first should be able to see some images, and then to understand what they mean. And no one else for him to do it can't, because each person has their own system images. Not accidentally psychoanalysts, discussing with patients, their dreams, they ask what you mean, well, let's say, mushrooms? It turns out that the patient loves them, and it means that everything will be good, although downers warn that the mushrooms to the disease.

However, professional forecasters cope well with their duties, as evidenced by numerous historical examples. So, the famous Petersburg fortuneteller Alexander Kirchhoff predicted Pushkin two links and a mortal danger from high blond, at the 37th year of life. She predicted the death of Lermontov and Baratynsky. In 1918 in Berlin the palmist predicted Nicholas Bukharin that he will be executed in their country. "What, the Soviet power will die?" "he asked. "I do not know, will be shot in the neck and death by hanging." By the way, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky predicted the approximate number of victims of the revolution (100 million) in his diary of a writer", and in "Demons" - terms: "...in 50 years... will start at the carnival (February)and will end after the Intercession (November)".

The death of Titanicapital, as a rule, people delicate and sensitive, sometimes visit vision. But they may find prophecies just their creative fantasy. In 1896 in America was published novel Morgan Robertson "Futility". For 16 years before the tragedy of the "Titanic" Robertson tells the story of a ship named "Titan". This is the biggest ever built and luxury liner has released its first flight from Southampton in new York, in April night ran into an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank with the terrible casualties due to the lack of lifeboats. It's amazing how accurately Robertson described the Titanic! The length of his ship was 800 feet, real Titanic - 882,5 feet. Both vessels had three propeller and can develop a speed of 23 to 25 knots. Each was designed for three thousand people...

Even earlier - in the 20 years prior to the disaster - English journalist William T. stead wrote a story on its vision(!). The mighty ship sinks in Northern waters, and hundreds of people are killed in the icy waves... And in 1912 he went on "Titanic" in the USA. When the ship began to sink, the 64-year-old skeptic not believed not only to their visions, but also obvious disaster. He didn't want to wear a life vest and grumbled that all this is nonsense.

Ears - the mirror of the soul.

Artist Boris zhutovsky was described as in a Tibetan monastery he talked with the local Oracle. "You don't believe me? - asked the monk, " well, look: between 25 and 30 years you had trouble with your Emperor." I sat: indeed, I came across a hot hand Khrushchev during the scandal at the Manege. I was 29 years. Monk much told the artist about his fate. "How do you know?" "the man asked. "Ears," replied the Oracle.

vanhojen much you can tell about a person by the arms, the eyes, the biofield, by the stars, under which he was born, in subjects with which they come in contact (Wang, for example, asked to bring a slice of sugar). They say that DNA carries the information about us. It seems that it carries every part of our body, both physical and ephemeral essential that many people do not believe. But how can a stranger living in another city, can tell about my health's all it will ask on the phone my friend? The only thing you need to seer, is familiar to mentally introduced me. Now such a gift has ceased to be a rarity, his courses.

But one day I was faced with really rare gift. High school friend introduced me to his son and said, "He will answer any of your questions." A guy called all names, dates, events of my life and even explained the hidden motives of actions of my friends. "Don't you worry, " said he, " that an outsider knows about you the lowdown. I know nothing about you. But Koogwhy, you ask, why do I know the answer." Such a gift is called Snezana.

prismacolored more prevalent clairvoyance and maybe even wider - clairaudience. "Since my childhood, - wrote the Socrates - follow me some voice that gives me a sign to stay... but never what makes me not".
Several years ago a person that he hears voices, was reason enough for his hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Although psychiatrists this attitude has survived so far, the society has become more favorable to analysing. Now it is called the communion of saints. Why with the saints - I can't understand, because, according to the testimony of the fathers of the Church, the devils also have the tendency to whisper in our ear. And if we talk seriously about the existence of the invisible world, who only disembodied over us does dream!

Petersburg clairvoyant Tatiana Rubinau, for example, hears the voice of the spirit who was a doctor. She sees the internal organs.
Education Tatiana physicist, but thanks to these abilities she advises doctors where especially wanawanawana spirits rapid communication with the other world: on the operations in intensive care. How important are her tips are convinced of the brain Institute, the scientific research Institute of neurosurgery named. Burdenko. Bodiless adviser Tatyana than once predicted, who of patients will survive and who will die. He says that survival in the intensive care unit is the work of God, here is useless doctors, although it is difficult for them to accept. During our joint work with the spirit Tatiana came to the conviction that nothing can be changed. To ask about his death, it is not advised: there is nothing interesting and scary to live.

Karmazinov Vitaly Efimenko, Director of St. Petersburg Institute of karma, sees signs of death in the biofield of their patients. He says that most people do not pay attention to warnings. May be because a few days before his death, when the "Annushka has already spilt oil"indeed you can not change anything.

How is this done?

Let's take the book "the Russian people, its customs, ceremonies, traditions, superstitions and poetry", published in 1880, and see how wondered Russian peasants at Christmas. Using wax, mirrors, luchiny, spindles, eggs, beans, Shoe, ax, pans, cowhide, straw, key rings, bread and hook, comb, playing cards, dreams, chickens, horses, passers-by...
Where they received mystical revelation? At the Church-door, bath, shed, at the gate, under the window, at the crossroads, near the bridge... the Idea is clear? For divination fit virtually any object and any place. The main thing is the right interpretation. What's the secret?

Hildegard XII century in Germany there lived the most famous prophetess of the middle ages - the Prelate of the Benedictine monastery Hildegard. She predicted the Napoleonic era and the reformation in England, and in the year 2062, promised to mankind second deluge. Our scientists say that at this time with the Earth will come together Halley's comet. Makes you think and how it seems Hildegard described modern America, which is, in her words, "ravaged by earthquakes, storms and huge waves".
But posledstvii over the Americans nobody will: ocean flood and other countries. Not only the prophetess, but the healer Hildegard is considered highly authoritative scientists. Her works are still cited by theologians, doctors, musicians. I also have the temptation to refer to it, because paranormal abilities of Abbesses were recognized by the Christian Church, and therefore, they are "from God". Because of psychics and healers, didn't go to the monks, we consider the "demon seed" and fear as well as in the middle ages. Now, Hildegard explained the ability of a person to foresee the fact that "all life on Earth is inextricably linked". Maybe in a wealthy monastery library were the works of the great Hermes Trismegistus, who even before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids wrote: "all in All, as above, so below." Now ask an explanation from the modern scientist, physicist Boris Goldovsky:

Hildegard - If Hermes was living today, he would have probably said, "the World of holografice". Imagine that you are holding a glass of holographic picture. If you'll tear it to pieces in each, even the smallest fragment will see the whole picture: "all in all".
In 1990 in Leningrad published a book by Ilya Lvovich Gerlovina "Fundamentals of the unified theory of all interactions with matter" - the fruit of 50 years of professional work. This theory has passed a major test for the scientific character. By the way, on the General theory of fields worked even albert Einstein, but did not manage to get through to completion. Both physics argued that all of interaction in the matter subject to universal laws. This means that in any subject (as a fraction of the hologram), you can get information about another subject, because both are part of a whole. How to do it? What is the mechanism of divination, clairvoyance, prediction? It is quite simple. As we tune the receiver to the desired wavelength range forecaster configures your brain on a certain frequency on the information you want to receive. This is the same as in animals, when they have the feeling of a natural disaster. For example, when people learned to measure super long waves, it became clear why jellyfish always know about the storm in advance: Yes they have the body configured for these frequencies! And yet he knew, now, thought, mystery! Though on the fire burn these jellyfish for witchcraft.

Of course, not everyone can tune in and get information directly from the air. Clairvoyants is information and gifted people. There are also gifted athletes or musicians? And there are people thick-skinned. Even on the maps guess not everyone is produced. Cards, magic balls, the system to read the lines of the hand, and many other methods of divination is easy configuration methods that help people with no special information endowments, to tune in the desired range and to know the future.
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