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Судьба и будущееHere is one typical case of a large number of media publications, which confirms the idea that the fate, as a phenomenon, is the place to be in life. That is destiny, more often, can't change any of the events.

"A resident of the Polish town of Kalisz Barbara Rola 127 times miraculously escaped death. It all started with the fact that 3-year-old girl fell out of a window of the fifth floor! Parents, in front of whom it happened, were in shock. But after a few minutes the whole and unharmed baby brought passerby man. It turned out that she had fallen into a mountain of empty boxes. In 10 years on Barbara ran hefty cyclist, eventually biker broke 2 ribs and arm. And Barbara without a scratch went to school. In the 12 years old girl appeared before rushing at her car. Death was imminent. But at the last moment the car came off the wheel. The car overturned in a ditch. The driver with severe injuries was taken to hospital.

Barbara had to visit in four crashes, seven accidents, under it 12 times failed floor and steps of the stairs. Once under it fell with a balcony. She had to survive the explosions of gas cylinders, bandit attacks, the collapse of two trains, sinking pleasure boats and even drop multi-ton chandelier in the Warsaw Opera house. Having survived so many deadly adventure Barbara has not received a single serious injury. The most serious injury she received during the second plane crash, when out of 100 people survived 3 people, Two of them ended up in the emergency room and were kept in the hospital with multiple injuries. And Barbara lost one tooth! Barbara stores all the protocols and the testimony of numerous witnesses. All these documents notarized".

As we can see, fate can adequately protect the rights of the most incredible encroachments. If there is a sense that the person was alive, then the destiny prepares a situation in which the person is not physically hurt. In the structure of the noosphere there "program", which forms the control commands and sends them to a specific characteristic structure for the organization of the event.

The event occurs when there is a need to change the state of a material object. The meaning of preparing the situation that this event happened. Since the meaning of - field structure, in the preparation of events sense can influence only on the field structure. And each material object there is a field of information counterpart, changes which lead to changes in this object, improving or worsening its structure.

If to speak about a person, the meaning can affect the unconscious man. If "power" information from the subconscious more than "power" information from the senses, the man's actions are guided by the subconscious. People can resist of the subconscious mind.

But to do this it can "consciously". Despite all "persuasion" subconscious.

In humans there is a saying: - "decided to change his fate". Then the person starts to do certain things or make decisions contrary to common sense, considering that thereby "changes the fate". Not whether he commands management "program" noosphere? It is very difficult for a person to understand - whose idea. Its a thought or from the subconscious. Because the subconscious has access as a man, and the noosphere. Nobody knows who assigns each person a certain destiny.

Fate is an information structure that connects the field twin of a person with the noosphere, in particular with meaning. Field double in the noosphere is not located in any place. People living in certain conditions, selects a job that he likes. Or selects a group of people with whom it is interesting to spend time, or chooses his friends that he "like".

So the fate of the information field structure, which "fits" restricted information structure of the noosphere. It's one of the properties of torsion fields. In other words - field structure "enter" in certain "clubs on interests", And through the subconscious involves a person in the company of people who are carriers of these "interests".

Now back to the information structure, which we called fate. She is constantly present near the person from the moment of his conception and birth. The fate of not only linked with the meaning, but she still managed by them. Strangely enough, but its birth to any person obliged sense. This sense was preparing the appearance of this man, therefore, his fate was predetermined before conception of the child. Because the meaning of controls not only the events in the present, but also creates and prepares future. Meaning through the fate controls all actions, Hobbies and human behavior. All of his acts.

Informational media destiny is the torsion field. As we remember, the properties of these fields are such that the same clusters are attracted to the same clusters. Destiny, before conception that child was already in some information "club". And even before this child the meaning were already known possible Hobbies and acts of this person. Meaning through the fate engaged in the development and activity of this person. Destiny is "guardian angel" person, and sometimes Vice versa,

"It all began in 1942, when the lightning burned toe the American R. of Soplivaya. The incident was forgotten.... but Through 2.7 years lightning burned him, eyebrows, and in 1970 zip stung him in the shoulder. Sullivan stopped to leave home in rainy weather. However, after a couple of years zip scorched his hair, and a year later - legs. Sullivan began to take every precaution, but in 1976 lightning strikes ankles feet. And after lightning stung him in the chest and stomach, the poor man has not sustained and has committed suicide".

And can managing "program" accidentally send the same idea to several people? It also happens. Of course, it is difficult to judge that, how this "program" finds the "recipient address" thoughts. But here is one typical example.

"In Ohio were born two twin brother. After the birth of their adopted by different families from various cities. Brothers accidentally met in 40 years. When they got to talking, it turned out that both name is James. Both have undergone training in law enforcement, Both fond of joiner's works and wood carvings. Each wife's name was Linda. One of the son's name was Alan, and another Allan, Both brothers were divorced and remarried women named Betty. Both got himself dogs and gave them nicknames - The".

In all likelihood field counterparts these people for some parameters were similar. Management "program" identifcare every person around the field to double, and one or more field fragments. Very rarely, but these fragments can be the same. Here in these cases, the same thoughts and can "see" different people.

The sense predetermined field structure a certain destiny. But it turned out that these two structures. At least, these structures are very similar. The noosphere't so something similar to field offices same fate. But it is more likely an exception to the rule of Nature.

In the world around us is changing all the same, this world is, in principle, remains the same as yesterday and the day before. So it will be in the future. The planet will rotate around the Sun. The continents will move to where they moved. The rivers will roll their waters in the same direction. All will be as before. In General, the future will be different from the past as much as events occur. If the event occurred is small, and the state change is hardly noticeable. After a large number of events changes can be quite noticeable.

The future presents both material and the field. Material structure presents the situation in this state.

Field structure presents not only the status and performance, but also formed these two components sense that for any situation creates thought.

Nothing is in a frozen form. Regular events are constantly changing state. The event can be known before it happens. The meaning of this event has already formed in the noosphere and represents a certain reality, which abides in the future. This reality is significantly manifested in the present. What a predefined meaning, will occur because the state has prepared the relevant situation. There may be options. But the main figure of the event will continue.

In the field world that is a copy of the material, the past "written" forever. Recorded all of the States and events. Even when the material objects will cease to exist, information on all the vicissitudes of their existence will remain in memory" noosphere. And as any memory is knowledge and experience. The meaning can schedule" and "project" how close or far future. Gradually implement this future, guided by the analysis of the status and situation after certain events. Because the state is known, the situation in the near future, and quite distant, very predictable. Moreover, a very predictable sense.

For the future can affect only event in the present as accurate a result of events sometimes difficult to predict. Especially if this process is the human factor. But, as a rule, the resultst events is, as expected. The event can be repeated to obtain an appropriate state.

Is it possible to stop the process? In the present, when the process started, it cannot be stopped. But it can be stopped when the event takes place relatively slowly. And to repeat the event or not - it depends on the sense.

The meaning is the most important thing that exists in Nature. Without it hardly would be formed biological life. Without him would not have received the development of this diversity of fauna and flora of the planet Earth. Yes and appearance of the man we are obliged sense. New types of life forms and species in particular planet will be when you receive the sense in the appearance of a particular type or form of living creatures.

Noosphere single planet unable to create a new kind of beings. And therefore, when in the noosphere appears sense in creating a new type, "program" create this type "provides" Supreme Mind, which is linked to the noosphere. But the expediency of diversity creation of species on the planet "directs" noosphere, guided by the sense.

For this reason on Earth, Homo Sapiens arose when there were prepared the conditions for its emergence and existence. The meaning is the structure, which is a carrier of knowledge and experience gathered in the noosphere. People, animals and other beings are the only performers "the ideas of" noosphere.

Subconsciously people can "read" or to understand the meaning based on the specific situation. These are not only physics, but also ordinary people who intuitively take a decision. It often happens that such solutions allow a person to avoid the loss of any accident or disaster. The meaning "knows" that the plane or car, at some point going to wreck as "knows" the condition of the parts and their deterioration. At the level of consciousness of man can also foresee disaster or accident, making a mental analysis of the state of technical means.

However, he is unable to identify the point of failure of the equipment. A person less "" than that of the noosphere. It should be said that the meaning is the analysis of all information and situation. An analysis of all the knowledge and experience accumulated in the Noosphere, and even the Universe. For this reason, we can observe that Nature comes always right, and even wise. In addition, future, especially distant presented in the noosphere exactly sense. So, if we want to visit in the future, we will explore the meaning? But this is at their next meeting.
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