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Under water there is civilization young revoluta, and people sometimes do. Anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when it started to get cold, the ancestors of the people led a semi-aquatic way of life at the coast of the Indian ocean. Long swimming gradually led to the disappearance of hair, the formation of subcutaneous fat, and diving to the development of gills.
As you know, life originated in water. Therefore, if in the depths of the world ocean home to some form of mind, he must be over the age of man is not less than 1.5 million years. And it's not just unfounded reasoning. Researchers believe that under water there... a whole civilization "young revoluta". And from time to time we are confronted with them!
However fantastic it may seem assumption, facts are stubborn. So, the presence of high mental abilities of dolphins has been proven in the 60-ies of the last century. Their brain size is comparable to a human, but the number of brains - twice. Now it is proved that the dolphins have and collective memory. They are inherent in the identification of himself with the reflection in the mirror, abstract thinking and transmitting acquired skills from generation to generation.
Scientists have long found that the whistling through which the dolphins communicate with each other, contains sounds that can be considered as the names of animals, but the new study found that the information refers to the Dolphin as the word, not just the familiar signal from a neighbor. Moreover, two dolphins can talk about the third, calling him by name!
Where did such an amazing dolphins abilities? It is possible that these animals were once... people! And that representatives of a strange race "young revoluta" still live on the ocean floor!
Most anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when it started to get cold, the ancestors of the people led a semi-aquatic way of life at the coast of the Indian ocean. Long swimming gradually led to the disappearance of the fur and the formation of subcutaneous fat to prevent hypothermia. And Snorkelling for shells and other marine life in the coastal part of the sea contributed to the development of the people of new respiratory organs - the gills...
And Herodotus, Plato believed people initially "amphibiorum" and did not rule out the possibility of founding them scuba state. Ancient Indian texts tell us about the underwater nation of danavas. According to philosopher Kazini, off the coast of Spain has found an animal whose face is similar to a human, it grows white beard, and in appearance it looks like a frog. According chronicle of the FOURTEENTH and FIFTEENTH centuries, the same creature can be found on the banks of the Armenian lake van. And another "sea people" in the XVIII century, ostensibly over a year lived in Oxford castle...
Meetings take place with the "sea people" in our time. In 1961-moving creature with a human head was found Saldanha Bay. In 1979 incredible monster with a long tail and body, covered with black hair, discovered on the banks of the river Wires. In some Caspian littoral cities people say that personally witnessed the man-amphibian, managing huge shoals of fish.
Description marine humanoid in all cases identical: below average growth (165-168 cm), dense Constitution, with convex, comb-shaped abdomen, pinnipeds feet, hands - four fingers, United membranes. Leather lunar color, hard black and green hair, hands and legs are a bit shorter and thicker than a normal person, nails grow not only on the fingers, but at the tip gorbulenko nose, forming something Dolphin bill. The ears are not visible, the eyes are large, round, mouth too big, with serving the upper jaw, gradually turning in the neck, without the chin, upper lip - reduced the likeness of a shark's mouth.
In Iran amphibian man called Ronan Shah, considered him to be the Lord of waters and rivers. The fishermen who saw "sea Lord" coming up out of the abyss, I assure that the other inhabitants of the sea seemed to feel it coming. For two or three minutes until the monster fish begin to be active, becoming almost on the tips of the tails and that is unnatural for them, making barely audible gulping. And Ronan Shah meets them in a loud gurgling gurgling...
Anyway, if u race exists, it remains for humanity alien and largely hostile. Maybe someday we learn more about our "brothers in mind" and will even be able to enter into contact with them. But for this, you may need to centuries and even millennia...