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About the nature of man, his intellect, emotion you can learn a lot, even if you never seen this man in the face. And allows you to do graphology - the study of the handwriting. But it is not the science that underpins the criminologists, esoteric graphology is akin astrology and is associated with it about the same as astrology and astronomy.
Is it really handwriting reflects the inner state of a person and his character? In the 90-ies of the XIX century, several major European scientists have proven the validity of this conjecture, going to the graphological test data from experimental psychopathology. They held a series of interesting experiments on the change of identity, and in this regard, and handwriting, under the influence of hypnotic suggestion. In these experiments have been checked many laws of graphology. For example, the test resulted in a hypnotic state, warned him that he was crafty and secretive, etc. at the same time forcing write from dictation. In each case, the handwriting was different, not like the handwriting of this subject in its normal state. For example, signs of determination, initiative and enterprise appeared, if a person were told that he is Napoleon.
One of the researchers leads interesting example: "on my Desk child scribble my patient. She is now 25 years. Make a suggestion: "You are now only six years. What's your name?" Her face instantly changed, you receive a childlike expression, naive-friendly smile, rounded eyes. She looks at me questioningly and says, "Anya". I ask to write this name. It takes a pencil, long dribbling him and turns, putting in hand, and, slowly taking the stick for a stick, draws letters. All in all it takes ten minutes. She was very tired, but at the same time satisfied and claps her hands. I take her sheet and compare two handwriting - they are identical".
Using established by graphologists esoteric communication between handwriting and inner world of a human, and you can peculiarities wrote the address on the envelope, capital letters, location of the fields, etc. to identify those or other hidden properties of the individual. It is enough to take the letter, manuscript, a document with a signature and to look in the appropriate section of this article.
• If the name is situated closer to the left side of the envelope, then the person that sent you a letter, differs caution, caution, shrewdness and cunning.
• If the name and surname are located in the right side of the envelope, your subscriber, most likely, characterless, sloppy and not inclined to thrift.
• When the last letter of the patronymic compressed and down, it says that a person has a weak character, he was also dissolved.
• You receive a message, the address on which it is written in the middle of the beautiful and confident handwriting? This means that the letter was written by people, characterized by elegance, coquetry and panache.
• You are studying the text. See: large capital letters, written calligraphic handwriting. This means that the author of the text is lack of character, independence, persistence.
• If the letters are narrow and ornate, it tends to show restraint, moderation, vanity, elegance and fantasy.
Narrow left: author lean and petty.
Wide left: active, generous nature.
Very wide field from any direction talk about generosity and castlepaste.
If the fields on the left and right of unequal width, then this person is careless and wasteful.
It happens so that the left edge gradually narrowing or expanding. In the first case it is a sign of selfishness, thrift, niggardly. In the second, generosity and extravagance.
He who tries to fill stitches the whole sheet and does not leave fields, usually does not leave in your life for other people.
All write differently: some build-line exactly, others pick them up, others lower down. What does this mean?
Direct line: calm, confidence, commitment, judgment, gullibility.
High up: ambition, will power, courage, honesty, sincerity, confidence, optimism.
Going down: apathy, lack of confidence, sentimentality, melancholic.
If wavy line - this shows cunning, cunning and even a lack of conscience of the author of the letter.
Some people have to start every next word above or below the previous one. And the text becomes like a very long staircase. The experience of studying the relationship of handwritings and characters shows that the first type of authors characterized the activity, uncertainty, highly developed sense of duty, the second caution, ambition, endurance, confidence, good judgment.
When the intervals between words about the same and you seem to be normal (not small and not too large), it means that the author is all right in life.
If the distance between words is too large, most likely wrote a letter to the person experiences difficulties in communication. He wants to take all possible space pressing the other.
Some people write letters like strive to lie on the line. Such can be said that they are unrestrained, passionate, sensitive and sentimental.
The other, on the contrary, the letters stand upright, as soldiers in the ranks. Thinking over the answer to the letter or preparing for a meeting with its author, please note: he has a strong will, he is self-control, restraint, coldness, morality.
For most people, at least writing in the Russian language, characteristic slope of the letters to the right. However, there are the originals that have the letter "look" to the left. They usually inherent stubbornness, restraint, deceit, stealth, distrust.
Some of the authors of the letter in the string, just drunk, tilted to the left and right. This indicates uncertain, uncertainty, indecision, a developed sense of humor.
If the slope of letters insignificant (no more than 30 degrees)about the author written lines one can say that by nature he is a warm-hearted, sympathetic, different logical thinking.
Found this style, which is characterized by normal slope to the right, but one or more of the last letters in the word written vertically, as if cut off it from the other or put a barrier. People with such peculiar feature of caution, restraint, moodiness, and a critical attitude towards our actions.
And if the handwriting slash and the end of the words of the letter "lie on the line and, in addition, they are all different sizes, then the owner of the handwriting has a developed and a strong will, sense of duty, very active, but at the same time nervous and experiencing constant feeling of anxiety.
It also can tell a lot about the nature of your correspondent.
Small letters: observation, cool, calm, secrecy, witty, caring attitude, ambition.
Round: pride, vanity, enterprise, activity, determination.
Wide: intelligence, energy, carelessness.
Narrow: restraint, secrecy, meanness, greed, diligence, pedantry.
Rapid and round: easy and sociable character.
All the letters in words are connected among themselves as if in one continuous line: well-developed logical thinking.
If the author of the letter strong pressure, it is likely that this man is perseverance, strong Outlook on life, diligence, clumsiness.
If weak, he is spineless, half-hearted, sensual and tolerant.
Ornate handwriting says vanity, frustration, love to external luster.
Slow and calm of tranquility, balance, moderation of your correspondent.
Trembling, angular - about nervousness, cowardice, uncertainty and indecision.
Beautiful calligraphic is a sign of being spineless, lack of independence.
A quick and sweeping indicates the initiative, activity, curiosity, agility, a cheerful disposition.
If letters in words are separated from one another, the author lying before you text inherent developed intuition, daydreaming, confusion.
"fat - earthiness, sensuality, developed an animal beginning
"unobtrusive - shy, tender, timidity
"like a comma - curiosity
no point - humility, lack of character.
A comma:
"short and thick - willpower, careful
"the long and thin - daydreaming, weakness nature
far removed from the word, cowardice, lack of character.
Just look at standing at the bottom of the document "the hook", that is to say something about the person.
"So, flowery signature speaks folly and vehemence