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Krymsk residents who survived the most powerful flood in the newest history of the city, are convinced that the officials brought their sacrifices to the elements. In the Crimea are sure that the authorities opened the floodgates Neberjaevskoye reservoir to save from flooding Novorossiysk. The correspondent of "", which went to the scene, proved the absurdity of this theory, but found another evidence that the responsible parties knew about a possible disaster in advance.
First of rescue units EMERCOM in Krymsk on Saturday morning, July 7, was the regiment from Rostov-on-don. Themselves rescuers on condition of anonymity told that the order to leave Rostov towards Gelendzhik (he also got in a flood zone, but the scale of destruction there is much less than in Krymsk) came to them for several hours before flooded the streets of Krymsk - about 19:30. This Krymsk, according to witnesses, began to go under water about 1:30 at night. Rescuers first went to the city, but the road was divided - one part continued moving in the direction of the resort, others were ordered to turn in the direction of Krymsk. "Raised the alarm, pre-Rostov regiment, it rained almost a day. But the organization of the rescue operation was terrible. Why Rostov were before local? You see, we just insulting. We only for the first hour of work has saved 650 people, and we lost on the streets shouting that we were killing people, not arriving on time" - was discussed by the staff of the Ministry night events in Krymsk.
The Krymsk really offended by all members of the government. The water at night half an hour swept almost the whole city. A whole remained the only center which is situated on the mountain - characteristically, there are regional and city administration. And the cinema " Rus": now it dealt dry rations to victims. The rest of the city under the hill looks like a battlefield - outlets washed away by the water flow in the streets lie fallen trees. According to the locals, as in the first half of the day on Saturday on the streets sailed cars, refrigerators with univerzalnog market and the coffins of the funeral home. On the streets of Lunacharskogo and the Soviet one-storey house is completely under water.
The citizens are sure that the authorities "have lowered water on them, as in the toilet". In Krymsk, it seems, no one would have questioned already rastirazhirovanny the Internet version of the fact that the flow of water came to the city from Neberjaevskoye reservoir, and not due to left banks of rivers. Allegedly, the water in the reservoir was already brimming over, the authorities decided to sacrifice the Crimean for the sake of Novorossiysk, so I opened the floodgates on the part of the city.
On Saturday morning, when the water subsided spent on the roofs night residents first drank all the alcohol stocks, then took to the streets. Those who were afraid to come down from the attic, beer brought: it was actually the only sealed surviving in the city of liquid. Resident Irina says that beer even washed the dishes. By the evening of Saturday, tired and angry, people began to discuss the cause of his troubles. On the second day, after seeing the city, in the assumptions they only strengthened. "Everything is clear. Rain without a break was only a day. As our small river would do such a thing? We're not at sea live!" - indicates a resident of Victoria on the car at the top of the tree and refuses to believe in the element. Barber shop, where Victoria was working, together with the neighboring trading stalls, the water was leveled to the ground. She was lucky: she lost her only work - a significant number of citizens lost their homes.
Nevertheless, official representative of the Investigative Committee, the senior assistant of the head of the TFR in the Krasnodar region Ivan Sungurov said ""that the main version of the investigation remains a "disaster". Residents because of this even more angry and think that they throw dust in the eyes.
Testimony about local events of the night, when the flood came, differ. According to Natalia, "it was as if the sea from the coast out. "I have a friend called and said that their house was covered with a three-meter wave, it goes on us and we have to flee to the roof, " says Natalia. - I did not believe it, but went to the street behind the stairs. The first thread I was with this staircase and not washed away". The story 27-year-old Alexei less dramatic: according to him, the water rose more or less gradually. "I came from work from Novorossiysk home to watch "House-2". Wife lifted. I went, therefore, where the lightning - the light on and off. It started raining buckets, describes Aleksey that night. - After 20 minutes, the water got already one and a half meters. And we with the child and his wife ran to the roof". From the roof Alexei and his family descended already on a rubber boat, with strong currents: "it Was scary and painful. See, we are sailing on the boat, and the rest of us shout from the rooftops - help, die! Thought MOE. And Natalia and Alexey believe in the version about the descent of water through the gateway, and both are outraged that they were not warned.
The official death toll - 171 (at the time of writing). In Krymsk know that tomorrow morning flood victims will be more. Some of the buildings, the so-called Samana is one-storey house made of hay, dung and mud - flow is almost completely washed away. Killed everyone who was asleep and did not notice, as the water rises, according to eyewitnesses.
Before morgue in Krymsk whole day there were the huge refrigerator trucks known food network, of which continued to unload the corpses. The morgue staff say that mostly elderly people who have not managed to get on the second, third floor, or to break the slate roof. "Only when the water was already up by remaining more or less dry our street drove a police car with flashing lights. What this alert?" - was indignant at the cinema "Rus" one of the local residents.
The authorities are clearly not explain why half an hour before the flood residents turned off the gas and light, and where were Mcsneaky-Saturday morning - and how did it happen that forecasters failed to predict floods. "That's because ten years ago, in 2002 we had a flood. And the water was up 30 inches, and now we have two meters", - informs the owner of the store "Bravo for your favorite", which sells women's clothing. Her family has no more business: water knocked the door open and took all the goods. Retail trade is engaged in a large part of the city. Help from above, no one expects: "Ten years ago had some crumbs, and about the business, no one asked.
Until the promised compensation - from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. They are intended for "necessities". "Forks, spoons, beds. Cars, computers, we do not believe, it is not necessities," says the employee of administration of the volunteers in the cinema "Rus". Volunteers together with the special commissions go home and describe property. "What I buy for this money, sofa?" - asked Irina, standing in the middle of the flooded houses. Room covered with mud; the remaining furniture inverted, with TV sheds the water. The people do not believe that they will help to restore everything, and only strengthened the view that the Krymsk flooded specifically.
Neberjaevskoye reservoir (after heated debates in social networks) examined the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Governor of Krasnodar region Alexander Tkachev, an environmental activist Suren Ghazaryan. The correspondent of "" also toured the area. Contrary to the opinion of residents, from the Krymsk on the reservoir gateway no, the flow of water could get into the city, only if the dam burst. That water was poured, proves the fact that the reservoir is full to the brim. Local tell that on Saturday, the water level was even more, all the roads along the reservoir blurred. "Just people like to think so. Don't believe everything could be due to the nature. Maybe, I hope so they pay attention, give reasonable compensation. The legend of the dam always have in minds of our people", - said the ecologist Ghazaryan.
Today's meeting with the Governor Tkachev held in the same cinema "Rus", local residents were unhappy with. Tkachev promised that new homes for those without shelter will be built before winter. Most of the claims, however, were caused by the alert. "You think you can each be worked around? And you would stand up and left home?" asked in response, the Governor.
Was it possible to warn people about the impending disaster, now the investigation, said the representative of the SC of Senderov. To get comments from the emergencies Ministry of the Rostov region, whose employees learned about the incident a few hours before the outbreak of trouble, so far failed. The legend about the open gateway - an insult thrown population: about their city was forgotten, and as it happened because of the reservoir or delayed evacuation - local anyway.