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Kyiv, August 14 - AIF Ukraine. Fishermen, ubivshii at Dobrotvorskaya reservoir, caught three ten-piranhas. The catch is they took to the experts Louderringtones. It was piranhas, but they are found only in fresh waters of South America.
"We have a lot of hobbyists who raise exotic species. I am convinced that some of them, or curiosity, or not wanting to care for these fish, released them in the reservoir, " commented chief specialist of Louderringtones Ivan Kosach. The expert noted that the release of fish - violation of environmental legislation.
However, in the opinion of Kosach, threats caught piranhas are not, they will not survive the winter and will not be able to reproduce in our conditions.
Synopsis: there are about 50 species of piranha. About half of them eat vegetable food, others - a typical predator, flock for a few minutes can eat 50-pound animal.
What kind of caught in Dobrotvorskaya reservoir unknown.