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It seems that we are moving to a new era of eugenics, and in the near future instead of choosing their partner on the basis of love, we will choose it based on the compatibility of our genes, leading scientists warn.
Professor Armand Leroi from king's College London predicts that steadily declining cost of scanning DNA means that we would move to a society based on genetic superiority.
Leroy said at the Open forum of euroscience" 2012 in Dublin that, in his opinion, in the next five to ten years standard practice for young people will pay to gain access to their full genetic code.
It is quite natural that the desire of future generations to have healthy children will lead them to wish to evaluate genetic scheme of your prospective partner.
Leroy told the researchers gathered at a major conference in Dublin that with the necessary information, future couples will be able to use the technology of artificial fertilization to conceive a child who will not be susceptible to some incurable diseases.
However, he adds, it is unlikely that people will have the "luxury" of using technology to create the children with some intelligence or eye color, but instead rather focus on preventing severe genetic diseases.
Speaking in the section entitled "I am a man: throwing new scientific discoveries of our identity as a human race," Leroy said that the cost of genetic sekvenirovaniya falling so rapidly that "it will be very, very available very, very soon".
As an example, he pointed out that the price of genetic sekvenirovaniya man fell from one million ten years ago to about four thousand dollars.
He noted that in some sense eugenics already with us, as every year thousands of abortions children with down syndrome and other genetic diseases.
"These processes are already quite widely go in most European countries," he said. "Many of the ethical issues that arise when people talk about neohellenic, fall away as soon as you start to offer the choice of genes or the choice of a partner as eugenic tool. We actually come to the genes that create man".
"The search fact it's two thousand years of myth. What we have is a sense of possibility and the role of genes," he adds. "I am sure that sekvenirovanie genome will become available through the national health throughout our lives. It will be very, very available very, very soon".
Dutch neuroscientist Womb Frank predicts that some countries will accept this idea.
"Some cultures will say, "Let's put a lot of genomes on the table and see what will be the best", says Dr. Frank. However, she adds, some others will see this as an attempt to play God.
Philip Taylor of Christian medical fraternity says that society must recognize and resist eugenic way of thinking".
"Growing obsession of our society by celebrity status, physical perfection and high intellect fuels the view that the lives of people with various disabilities, or genetic diseases in some way do not want them to live," said Taylor, one of the British Newspapers.
"We must recognize and resist eugenic way of thinking. Our priority should be the development of drug and supportive measures for those people who suffer from genetic diseases; and not search and destroy these people before they were born," she adds.