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A neutron star x-ray pulsar in the constellation Carina, was born in the explosion of a supernova. But she did not remain pulsating "heart" of the center of the nebula, and was "expelled" into space with enormous speed. The age of the pulsar is equal to 10-20 thousand years, and this event occurred at a distance of 8-10 kiloparsecs from the Sun...
Mysterious object was detected and included in the catalogue, compiled and published in October 2009. It was found during the analysis of observations of sources soft gamma radiation, carried out with the help of the device IBIS on Board the INTEGRAL satellite. This strange object, called IGR J11014-6103, identified as the source hard (20-100 Kev) x-ray radiation in the constellation Carina.
Later the same region of space investigated the telescope XMM-Newton and Swift, and an unusual source was registered already in the soft x-ray range. Data processing showed that IGR J11014-6103 has a complex structure: selected point emitter and long x "tail". Today the attention of researchers attract evidence that IGR J11014-6103 - pulsar which is moving with incredible speed.
To verify information about the unique object, the American-French group cosmologists and astrophysicists conducted additional observations using x-ray telescope "Chandra". The report on the results of the latest research space observatories ("Chandra" and radio - Parkes) suggests that the object IGR J11014-6103, in all probability, is a pulsar. Superb angular resolution "Chandra" suggests that part of the pervasive issue may be related to a head shock wave arising from moving pulsar in the interstellar medium with amazingly high speed.
Pulsar, probably, appeared in an explosion of a supernova, also left a trace in the form of a nebula (SNR) 11-61A MSH. Taking this concept and modeling the processes that followed the explosion, scientists have calculated the transverse speed of the pulsar IGR J11014-6103. She was in the range of up to 2400 2900 kilometers per second depending on model development.
The results exceeded all the known speed of shock waves for studied pulsars, and the speed of all compact objects associated with supernova remnants (SNRs). Now it would be very important to confirm that the pulsar is of the nature of the radio source, but radiopulsar far failed to detect.
The almost complete absence of visible light and infrared thermal radiation confirm that this object is exactly the x-ray pulsar, not anything else. Spectral characteristics and the stability of the radiation flux IGR J11014-6103, revealed by a comparison of the current data Observatory "Chandra" with information spacecraft's XMM-Newton eight years ago, also confirms Pulsano nature IGR J11014-6103.
Also managed to photograph x "tail"perpendicular to the basic direction of motion of the pulsar - like already seen when observing objects like IGR J11014-6103. While his main bright x-ray tail on the image obtained by the Observatory "Chandra", directly indicates the direction of the place of birth of the pulsar. And this is really the heart of what is left of a supernova after the explosion.
Unusual rapid pulsar discovered, but which gave him such an impulse during the supernova explosion is still a mystery.