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Summer of 1904 in Toulon was hot and stuffy. The four cadets of the military school was considered a great boon move to cool the barracks of the fourth Marines village of Morillon where they had to live during the field exercises. Teaching was not too exhausting, suggesting the afternoon relaxing, after which the young people were left to themselves.
This leisure, when the barracks were forbidden to leave, and has caused problems associated lazy sloth. In the future officers, not even books and chess, in order to give us something to occupy themselves, sank as they called their new-fangled hobby, in grievous sins of tolowercase, that is, in a seance. And, admittedly, the first such experience hit them. Round oak table, around which they sat on the cover of which was placed the palm of the hand, immediately, leaning in different directions, began to rotate slowly and make a loud, sharp ear membrane, clicks.
Because the room was brightly lit several gas horns, joking about the external influences on the Desk of any of the four can not speak. The leader of the four, twenty-year-old de La Fontaine, proposed to shift combinations of clicks in the letters of the alphabet.
Friends, asking questions aloud, instantly transformed clicks in the answers. Asked them their first questions first, on their expression, the spirit of the abstract. So learned that one lies in their pockets. And with a more complex task - reading the records in closed notebooks invisible coped brilliantly. De La Fontaine asked about who was invisible in life. The spirit said, "I Baudelaire, the author of your favorite book "Flowers of evil". Friends, refusing to believe in such a stunning contact, demanded evidence.
From emptiness appeared pocket chronometer, smoothly across the palm of the de La Fontaine. Chronometer just showed time.
On the inside of his Golden cap was engraved the inscription "Charles Baudelaire".
Until the morning friends hotly discussed the events of the evening to the next day read in the newspaper about the mysterious disappearance of memorabilia from the private Secretary Guillaume, nephew of the famous poet Baudelaire, who wanted immediately without publicity to buy the thing everyone who produces it. Of course, Guillaume, in order to prove the ownership, intended to check the number engraving things with license plate engraving things bearer. Friends decided immediately after exercise to visit the nephew of the poet.
For a start, not even after unpacking suitcases, officers left the old mansion on the streets of Paris Republic and, having overcome the short way to the house on the same street where he lived nephew of the poet, stood before him. Greeting and offering tea, Mr. Guillaume said he can't wait to look at the chronometer and check number engraving.
Friends, presenting a clock, began to see the reaction. The reaction was going to pass out, what happened when Mr. Guillaume learned how chronometer found myself in the barracks, separated tens of miles from the capital. They handed de La Fontaine empty case from under the disappeared chronometer, on a gilded substrate which were engraved figures 56478. The nephew of the poet asked whether they coincide with the numbers on the cover. Hearing the answer, Mr. Guillaume, like a true Frenchman, though a poor but noble, he called the cook and booked for the evening dinner entirely of exquisite dishes and wines. The feast, fun, full of jokes and chatter, ended that pretty drunken master invited the guests for coffee and cake to try to call Matsuura soul uncle, in life, as we know, it is not a moralist.
The proposal was accepted. Round card table in the light of a dozen pretty burning candles behaved like mad stallion. Rode. Escaped from the hands trying to calm his officers. When for a long time and has firmly stuck to the ceiling, a familiar, clear clicks, gross somewhere in the air above the centre of the floor carpet.
De La Fontaine, without losing self-control, brought Monsieur Guillaume the message of his relative. Baudelaire or a substance acting on his behalf, stunned: "Let nephew drop skepticism, believe that at the end of physical life awaits life more perfect and spiritual. So he had no doubt, had to play tricks with the clock. Thank you young gentlemen, because they helped me." Then the spirit said that a seance should continue. And always with the participation nephew, for all without exception are waiting for the words of prophetic truth.
Mansion on Republic street, on the second floor, officers and nephew Baudelaire practiced spiritual sessions to our days has bad reputation among Parisians. Not surprising. Only in the XIX and XX centuries there took his own life twelve of its owners and guests.
Without dwelling on the peculiarities of the techniques that are common to all Ouija, let us dwell on the details, without exaggeration, crucial information transmitted mysterious invisible to participants. So, "the spirit of Baudelaire called took all his courage, to come to terms with the irreparable losses, which, alas, have already taken place. Officers and Mr. Guillaume demanded clarification. And what? The "spirit" of typed information about the deaths as the result of malice Lieutenant Macarie and Sergeant Revan. To quickly verify this information was not possible, as Macarie and Revan served in Indochina, dislocation parts of them was unknown.
Participants seance, half in jest said the invisible man, that he stopped talking about sad. And if he wants to sadden, let it go to the last time. Invisible, put out the lamp and blowing out the candles, informed about the date of leaving the mortal world each. With time it turned out that mortals watch is coming very, very soon. Officers and Mr. Guillaume, sending a servant for champagne, on four sheets of paper signalled the allotted time of life, sealed in four tight package and poured glue wax with a nominal signet collection Butlerov. In the morning packages were handed over to the notary with the condition to open in a hundred years. The court then stood 1905. In 2005, the packages were opened. Their contents left no doubt that the man did not lie. There is no doubt that for the miracles that took place in Morillon and Paris, lurked a poltergeist.
In the last Chapter of the book de La Fontaine "Dialogues with the spirit" writes that he learned of the tragic death of Sergeant Revan and Lieutenant Macarie when in Indochina, in Saigon, met one of his friends, Lieutenant Jaco, reported that during the RAID in the village of aboriginal weapons were found Sergeant and Lieutenant. After the leader of the tribe who profit cannibalism were "used inhuman methods", he was forced to admit that the French simply eaten. Thus, with step by step, was confirmed prophecy for the invisible man, who called himself the spirit of the poet Baudelaire.