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ФРС или как ограбить весь мирHistory founded in 1913 after a secret session of the richest people of America, held on the island Jekyll so-called "Federal Reserve" deserves a separate discussion. All its centuries-old history of this structure, which has an exclusive right to print U.S. dollars (and also create them on the hard drives of a Bank of computers, that is, even without spending of funds for printing!) escaped the attention of the public. That means it was a sacred place. This is the "Holy of holies" of the capitalist world.

Not supposed to pry into what is happening in the fed

Only with the beginning of the 2008 global crisis, the situation began to gradually change. On the financial mechanics of the fed began to make films. Let's specify some of them - "the spirit of the times", "Prosperity"and the cartoon "the American dream". If to speak very briefly, the Federal reserve is not Federal (this is a private entity and is not accountable to the state)or reserve (no financial "reserves" the question is not, the money just created, when it is above the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgana). The most piquant in the fed is its ability to print world money on the background of absolute irresponsibility. Neither Congress nor the President nor the Pope should not pry into what is happening in the fed.

Prohibited by law.

Vote Ron Paul was heard
How so - in the most democratic country in the world has some strange people print money, and much as we want, and we even know how long they are printed? - resented Ron Paul.
The reason for his interest is understandable - military gynecologist and obstetrician, he used to before it opened any doors. Vote Ron Paul was heard and financially supported by the American Internet community. Anyway, at the moment, he managed to collect $ 10.4 million for campaigning.
the decision to hold, albeit incomplete, audit the fed
Of course, this is several times less than that of Obama or the other Republican candidate MITT Romney, but it's still the policy of "mainstream", and not madmen who want to overthrow a world government. Without going into details, I would say the main thing - after all the trouble, Ron Paul and his supporters managed to push through the Congress the decision to hold, albeit incomplete, audit the fed.

The results of the audit the fed

The results of the audit the fed, completed in June last year, became one of the most carefully ignored world events. In fact, the world's media refused to report it, despite the sensational events. Information about it can be found only in very few sources (on the website of Senator Sanders, on the website, Ron Paul, as well as on the website of the institution, directly checking is GAO). As he wrote one American bloggers, Russel Blake, "such withholding information would have done honor and Stalin's Russia".

The result is striking: in just three years from 2007 to 2010, the fed has issued the largest financial structures of the $ 16 trillion - and secretly, virtually free of charge and at zero cost!
If you distribute the money equally to the entire population of the Earth, but it would be 2300 dollars on each person, including infants and preschoolers. But as would be happy pensioners! However, these fantastic funds, exceeding even the US GDP (14 trillion), the external debt of America and nearly five times that of the us budget, went into the pockets are not poor people. They appeared on the computer hard drives (even print that much money is nearly unthinkable) a number of organizations, whose names sound like the song. Let us name the top of the list.

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)

Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)

Merrill Lynch: $1.949 billion ($1,949,000,000,000)

Bank of America: $1.344 billion ($1,344,000,000,000)

Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)

Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)

Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)

Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)

JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)

Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)

UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)

Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)

Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)

Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)

BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

The fed is a Moroccan rogue

That near this famous robbery mail trains 1963 with its mere two million stolen pounds? The dust. And what about the government? And what about the media? They were silent and quiet. As written above blogger, "I live in Mexico, where big problems with corruption, which had rooted and so simple you can't get rid of. But if to compare with the fed, Mexico is - Swiss Bank in terms of accuracy, and the fed is a Moroccan crook, in terms of lack of conscience. Without any exaggeration. I just told you the story of the worst and biggest robbery in your life that concerns you and your future children. Then you may do as you wish. Can pretend that nothing happens, and nothing bad will happen. The Romans also hoped. But they did do it".

The beginning of the end of the Federal Reserve?

However, we cannot say that no one noticed. Please note that the page with the report on the audit the fed has been 125 thousand people. That is, those who want to know this.
And yet, much more so the uncompromising positions of Ron Paul on the issue of the fed. As stated on its official website, "Imagine parents owe a lot of money and delaying the payment of invoices for months that send their wasteful teenage children every weekend for a walk in the city overnight, providing them with credit cards and clean forms of checkbook. You will not be surprised that the family's financial Affairs are bad? But the government, indebted 15 trillion, behaves exactly... the fed is pumping into the money economy, where she pleases, concluded a secret deal with top executives of wall Street, the foreign Central banks and other politically-aligned players without any oversight by Congress... the fed creates money out of thin air, manipulates interest rates and interferes with the free market".

The fed manipulates interest rates and securities

In addition to the issue of "inflated" money with no economic support, instead of healthy money that were circulated in the days of the gold standard, the fed manipulates interest rates and securities, and operates in secret and is not accountable that threatens the interests of the citizens of the country. To improve the situation, Ron Paul demands to put the fed is under the control of the Congress and to hold a full system audit. On elections of this year, libertarians goes under the slogan "End the FED" (to end the fed).

To say that Ron Paul many opponents - means to say nothing. Including the current U.S. President Obama, and M.romni, the most likely Republican opponent Obama in the upcoming elections.
the true masters of everything

Democracy, elections, laws and courts, all this is only the surface, thin rainbow film, deceptive appearance. The creators of the fed - the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Morgana, the Vanderbilts, Warburg and others, there is the genuine masters of all that is and that moves on Capitol hill, and throughout America. All attempts to push through changes to the legislation, allowing to spend at least an extensive audit of the fed, and even more to put the system under the control of Congress, are stopped. Just burn and the bills on introduction of the tax on financial transactions (i.e. speculation), or FTT, the idea of introducing supported by Angela Merkel and Sarkozy, and, by the way, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (that was one reason why he lost the post of the head of the IMF).

In the building of the fed created more money than the entire world economy
However, dear Illuminati (they are increasingly being called that way), it seems that you cannot win the battle for the souls of men. One indication of this last year has been the emergence of Occupy wall street", and this is the weakness of the participants of the Davos gathering, unsuccessful propaganda voyage fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, who tried to prove "the blessing" the fed to American students. According to the observers, the head of the all-powerful System actually moved to defense, and his position noticeably shifted to the left.
And in fact - if the system supports socialism for the rich, why it proposes draconian austerity measures for the poor?

the idea of the wide audit the fed supported by 80% of respondents

As shown by the data of public opinion poll, conducted by "Rasmussen Reports", the idea of the wide audit the fed supported by 80% of respondents. As written Grotowski (30.3.2012, dailycaller.com), when in June of last year, in the midst of the crisis, suddenly opened, the fed secretly issued corporations and banks $ 16 trillion, which is 113% of US GDP, it happened without the approval of Congress. "Nobody elected bureaucrats in the fed tooth and nail fought to hide the money from the Americans, but in the end, we lost."

Russian economist Mikhail Delyagin, with all its and caution, SCAZAL so "unfortunately, now the fed is a global business. Most likely, in conditions of the global crisis, which leads inexorably world into an abyss of depression, to balance the interests of this business, even if based in the U.S. with their national interests, most likely, will not succeed."

Today we do not yet know about the true scale "robbery of the century". Apparently, 16 trillion dollars, it is only a small part of the amounts, born in the depths of the fed, were aimed at achieving world domination of its creators.
More importantly, several years ago we were not even aware of the scale of what is happening, but now, more than increasing our knowledge about the fed, the less shagreen global financial mafia. And the more will be devalued American dollar or Euro, the stronger the economic downturn, the less of idiots who believe in profound spells global financial guru or meaningless chatter of our homegrown leaders.
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