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For what Moses-Egyptian, conductor plans priesthood, the "Teacher" was adopted for "their" among the Jews, was developed "the legend cover". He allegedly was born at a certain time, Amram and Yocheved of the tribe of Levi, and when the next "Herod" in Egypt-Kemi conducted a genocide going to kill all the infants of "male", he was put in a basket, and it was hid in the reeds of the Nile. It certainly found the daughter of Pharaoh, and Moses was educated at the Royal court, so he supposedly knew no Privata. In addition, he had direct contact with God, which he commanded his people to go to Canaan. The legend was perfect. And apparently, protoirey to believe it.
The government and army have unhindered care, having strengthened the authority of Moses and God. But before entry into Canaan it was necessary to consolidate the new morality: "thou shalt not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery," and so on, it is for nomads Semites was a real breakthrough in the world. These commandments can be mounted only out of fear of a terrible car and the torments of hell, that is why the "Lord" of the old Testament , when analyzing just a terrible demon and not a merciful God. He is very different from Sunny and bright deities Slavs and ruses, Sunny, filled with good mythology.
Moses was to ensure the consolidation of useful properties, finally convince protoirey in their "election", along the way to "clean" the doubters, dissatisfied. Therefore he was their Messiah - Mesiacom. According to the opinion of the historians biblical scholars in Exodus participated half a million people, no evidence for this in the Egyptian sources, nor archaeological data. It is clear that the maximum in Exodus involved no more than 50-60 thousand people, and most likely even less.
The main goals of the operation of the priesthood Kemi:
- To create passionate (active) the core of the hybrid Semites (Semites with a large admixture of Indo-European "blood"), which was intended to stop a wave of destruction of wild Semites. For this they were inculcated skills of creative activity, they become sedentary, received the religion of monotheism, with the main commandments. Protoirey were to be "teachers" if the acquired skills are still wild Semites, "people die."
- By their actions they had to create a new population of the Middle East, to replace the destroyed civilization of Indo-Europeans and his FILIAL ethnic groups (the Babylonians, Assyrians and others). This population was to save at least a part of the heritage of the great Indo-European civilization of the Middle East. To change their dominant from destruction to creation.
- Egyptian priesthood, through his battle mechanism - Jewry, was able to expand its sphere of influence, while globalization method cultural cooperation.
So Moses brought protoirey from Egypt-Kemi took them to mount Sinai (she was called mount Horeb, that sounds absolutely in Slavonic, if you remember the legend of Kyi. Cheek and Horeb). In the Bible the Jews rejoiced and noting their flight from the "totalitarian regime" have arranged a holiday Pesach (Orthodox Easter). Although it is known that the Sinai Peninsula was part of the Egyptian Empire, there was located the Egyptian copper mines. Moses led the "chosen" people from source to source, from oasis to oasis, but there had to stand posts, units of the Egyptians, it is clear that he had a pass. The Jews thus received another proof of the "chosen people," and believe in faithfulness to the word of Moses, which helps them God himself. And the myth of the "manna of heaven" shows that the "elected" continued centrally to provide the Egyptians. This was done also through Moses and his people, that his authority even more entrenched.
It is clear that even a "zombie" hybrid Semites was very difficult to control, so-mentioned case of creating them, "the Golden calf when Moses was in the "business trip". Under the "Taurus" apparently admittedly, some of the tribal God of the pagan past. Helped in this by several factors: "programming" the Egyptian priesthood, through which went through several generations of protoirey; absolute install on "chosenness"; absolute obedience to "Lord", who leads his people, helps him, to be prosperous, but requires full subordination, otherwise strictly and even zhestochayshee punishes, and in this light and on this (the idea of "hell") - and Moses were conducted "sweep operation" fixing this idea; the total submission to the messenger of God to Moses. Besides, the relations with the Lord bonded commandments tablets.
It was a very important step is to get the material for Covenant with God. He received them, he humbled resistance. Mount Sinai was not chosen by accident, the priests of Egypt had knowledge about the "places of power", it was one of those places. Interestingly, I.e. Caslaru ("the ABC of Russian-European dictionary"), and the tables were written "proto-Slavic alphabet", in the language of the ruses. Now there was no way back - forward-only, or the terrible judgments of the Lord, painful death, the curse and death. From the time of receipt of the Covenant, and you can talk about the origin is actually biblical Jews, as an integral part of superethnos Indo-Europeans (Rus). Because they have created the priests of the Indo-Europeans, mixing them with Indo-Europeans. Therefore, many Jews of that time do not look like a typical Semites - bright eyes, light brown, red hair.
Moreover, they were not the people that left a certain commonality - fighting mechanism. They had their homeland-the land, because the Arabian desert ceased to be their homeland, Canaan was the land of the Canaanites-Indo-Europeans, did not have a single culture and traditions. At the turn of the 2-1 BC have left behind archaeological monuments, did not have a single language. So AK Hebrew was restored little by little only in the last century, and the Aramaic language belonged to the Arameans, and the scattering of the Jews spoke dialects of German, Yiddish, Russian and other languages. They did not have its statehood, all the legends about Solomon and their kingdoms, there is a reflection of the real history of the type of Assyrian rulers of Shomansurov-Salmanasar I-V, the real kings of Assyria-Ashur. For them just wrote "ancient history", using fragments of the real history of the kingdoms of Nations of the Middle East.
For the Jews receive the knowledge of the one God, of whom he knew all ordained, the priests Kemi-Egypt, Sumer, Syria, Surya, Assyria-the Assyrians Aratta and other lands throughout the middle East civilization, was a huge step on the path to Higher Mind Mirozzdaniya.
The sorcerer Mesh-Moses put all my life on this important Matter. He led his team to Canaan, and went up unto mount nebo (in modern Russian lands have analogues - lake Nevo-Ladoga, the Neva river, at the place of the modern Petersburg was krepostta Nevograd), immediately across the river Ardon (Jordan) stood the city of Arica (Jericho). But he did not live to see entry into the "promised land", his death covered by mist may have been resolved "competitors", representatives of the Set, with the aim of "hijacking".
The Jews have not done my job, lost the "chosenness"Prichem processes was not simultaneous, gradual - it all started with the death of Moses, when the Jews remained under the leadership of Joshua. Date of entry into Canaan - around 1240 B.C. of course very conditional. The Jews themselves did not possess neither writing nor the skills of history to record his coming to these lands, but for the local Indo-Europeans, who were on an incomparably higher level of cultural development, the arrival of another kind-of Tabor Semites meant nothing to fix. Yes and bind this event by the time any of the Pharaoh or the Assyrian king impossible, because the date of their rule, and the individual also very conditional. This could happen at any time in the period from 1200 to 8 or 7 th century BC
According to the plan of the Egyptian priests of the Jews were about to enter the land of Canaan peacefully, to stay there in the new "pale of settlement", so they have the opportunity to " grow" in Hanano-philistimlyans-Hittite culture. Joshua, a former rosevere-hybrid-Semitic, was not ready for independent activities, or has revised its plans. It is possible that he wanted to strengthen its authority - the "combat operation". Three tribes of Revina, Gad, Menasha (names Slavic root - Rhubarb, Gad, Menas, confirm the fact that hybrid Jew in that period was speaking the language dialect Russes-Indo-European) have already crossed the river safe Houses and peacefully settled in the lands of Gilad.
In this period, these lands were inhabited by Indo-Europeans - the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Philistines, Jebusite etc. Although such as the Canaanites and Jebusite had small admixture Khamitov - Negrobov, but has kept the cultural traditions of their ancestors. Lived in cities principalities, agricultural communities, the main industry was agriculture, in addition, bred cattle, pigs. Built cities, worshipped one God in the way different guises - the main cults were the Ox-White-Baal-Veles, Lada-Kind-of Astarta-Astarte. The Hittites settled in these lands of Asia Minor and were FILIAL ethnos superethnos Indo-Russes. The Philistines (pelishtim), as well as other "peoples of the sea", were from the Union of the tribes of the Pelasgians ("white" -Pelasgians-balaski). They were known through the lands of the so-called "Ancient Greece" - Pelopones, part of Attica, the Cyclades, the Troas. A considerable part of the white Russes-Pelasgians settled in Canaan-Palestine in areas of Gaza, and Ascalon, ACOTA, Ekron, of Gath, Lachish, to the North, on the East coast of the Mediterranean sea.
All these branches of Indo-Europeans were United by a common origin, dialects of one language Russes, producing a way of farming - giving considerable surplus product, towhich can flourish, not fighting with each other. They had developed an urban culture, written language, armies, the Philistines of the Pelasgians was the fleet. It was high at that time, civilization is able to reflect external, open aggression, but not creeping penetration of migrants.
For them the camps-birth Semites and hybrid Semites were not dangerous savages, bearing no threat to their lives. So, all the chasm between these worlds can be understood just by their weapons: sticks, stones, slingshot against the iron and bronze weapons, stone fortifications cities, chariots. But the Canaanites, and the Hittites already degenerated, weakened they have for centuries had been a demoralizing influence of migrants from Arabia. Pelasgians Philistines were tougher, stronger, people-warrior, therefore aroused the hatred of the aliens.
However, the new aliens was a strong trump - they earnestly, firmly believed in his "election", they were programmed to win - even though originally they were supposed to win nomadic Semites. But the program is passed the crash, Joshua and his entourage decided that a peace settlement is small, it is necessary to strengthen the effect of "military operation". In the end, this resulted in a huge problem of all humanity - the so-called "Jewish question"when Jews were the tool for destruction of all Indo-European world.